Monday, January 3, 2011


2010年終於完結﹐ 但都是2011年開始。 其實除左近期0既野之外﹐ 其他都唔係好記得發生了什麼事。 7月31日係我同老公的大日子﹐ 呢個一定記得﹐ 而其他小事真係無咩印象了。雖然是一個完結﹐ 但都有好多值得回味0既事﹐ 今年雖然只去了一次旅行﹐ 不過有得同家人一齊過都是一件開心事。2011年0既來臨﹐ 都要努力讀書! 今年應該好忙碌﹐ 不過為了大家0既將來﹐ 都沒有辦法! 大家一齊比心機﹐ 有個開開心心充實0既2011年啦!! happy new year! 
:) :( ;) :D :-/ :x :P :-* =(( :-O X( :7 B-) #:-S :(( :)) =)) :-B :-c :)] ~X( :-h I-) =D7 @-) :-w 7:P 2):) :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^


  1. 2011係新的好開始
    [版主回覆01/04/2011 22:22:00]yes!! wish everyone the best 

  2. 努力讀書!..............Good Idea 去了一次旅行......... You can do more! For example, you can drive down to Key West, FL. You and your husband can stay at small hotel there and enjoy the beautiful ocean and landscape! Or, you can have a boat ride at Miami. There is a famous Chinese restaurant at Miami, the food is great. Unfortunately, I forgot the name of that Chinese restaurant. If you don't like to drive that much, you can spend a few days at Orlando or Clearwater. A city close to Clearwater is built in Greece style. I visited there once long time ago, I love the food and scenic landscape there! Happy New Year!
    [版主回覆01/05/2011 23:39:00]I don't want to go FL again....i've been there almost every year and i get bored.. Next trip will be Hawaii, hehehe, but thanks for the info 

  3. What I mean is a road trip. How are about The Yellow Stone Park? I think, it is a driving-distance from your place.
    [版主回覆01/06/2011 00:56:00]yellowstone park??? isn't it in west coast?? It's not driving distance ar....too far!!  i don't think he likes road trip, coz he hates driving (he has to drive everyday to work lol) 

  4. It locates at WY and here is the direction: Yeah... It is probably too far to drive from your place. I went there once, and I took a flight there.from West Coast. I hate driving too..
    [版主回覆01/06/2011 01:36:00]i always wanted to go but no chance yet... it's a beautiful place to visit and i love volcano! 

  5. Do you need OB/GYN info in Chinatown? My friend said Dr. Betty Nyien ( 68 Bayard Street) is OK
    [版主回覆01/06/2011 22:24:00]I used to see her but i don't like their nurses....i am going to try my friend's one in blyn.... but thx anyway 

  6. I know the gender
    [版主回覆01/07/2011 00:05:00]oh cool...when is the due date? 

  7. It will be your turn soon.
    [版主回覆01/07/2011 03:11:00]yeah...but probably not fast enough for rabbit baby...perhaps a dragon baby    Have you decided the name for ur baby yet? 

  8. 2011...All the BEST ar!!!!
    努力讀書...去多d旅行...enjoy ur life ar~
    [版主回覆01/08/2011 00:28:00]thank you, same to you!! 

  9. Happy New Year!
    忙都好既, 生活先充實 :D
    [版主回覆01/10/2011 23:33:00]happy new year  係呀﹐ 無咁悶 

  10. 11年一齊忙碌啦
    [版主回覆01/17/2011 00:37:00]係呀, 忙到死   
