Sunday, August 30, 2009


Why? i really dunno what i did wrong except from coming home late. This afternoon i went to spa because my friend gave me a gift certificate.  I invited him to come with me but he rejected so i decided to go myself.  The spa treatment took around 2 hours and i added an additional body massage.  Well, i did call him during my spa and i told him i was enjoying it.  I told him i would call him when i was done.  when i was done, he got mad at me because he didn't think the spa could take so long and ignoring me.  What else can i do? body scrub, body wrap, steam room, took around 2 hours to finish the spa treatment.  The only decision i made wrong was to add the body massage.  I thought it wasn't that long but it ended up i finished @ around 7.  sigh.. now he's mad and i m upset. What's the point?  if he doesn't believe me, then fine....what do u want me to prove? receipt? witness?  then that's no point to live together if he doesn't trust me.  I am really upset.  I trust him totally but he just doesn't believe i went to spa????? excuse me...... my heart is down down down down down.....


Why? i really dunno what i did wrong except from coming home late. This afternoon i went to spa because my friend gave me a gift certificate.  I invited him to come with me but he rejected so i decided to go myself.  The spa treatment took around 2 hours and i added an additional body massage.  Well, i did call him during my spa and i told him i was enjoying it.  I told him i would call him when i was done.  when i was done, he got mad at me because he didn't think the spa could take so long and ignoring me.  What else can i do? body scrub, body wrap, steam room, took around 2 hours to finish the spa treatment.  The only decision i made wrong was to add the body massage.  I thought it wasn't that long but it ended up i finished @ around 7.  sigh.. now he's mad and i m upset. What's the point?  if he doesn't believe me, then fine....what do u want me to prove? receipt? witness?  then that's no point to live together if he doesn't trust me.  I am really upset.  I trust him totally but he just doesn't believe i went to spa????? excuse me...... my heart is down down down down down.....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Vera Wang sample sale

琴日一收到個email之後﹐ 簡直就開心到暈﹐ 因為我實在等呢個機會好耐啦!! 雖然係sample sale, 但我相信D quality一樣好﹐ 只係可能要改size!!!但真係好開心呀!! 哈哈~~~~ 希望揾到一件我好中意又平啦!! 不過係星期一﹐ 都好煩! 個個朋友都唔得閒﹐ 我都明﹐ 因為要返工呀~~ 唯有揾D無野做0既人啦!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009


想當年我都以為係﹐ 但逐漸覺得原來除左佢﹐ 我仲有好多人! 屋企人﹐ 朋友﹐ 等等! 以前
0既我愛得轟烈﹐ 但而家會慢慢覺得我應該同唔同0既人相處同接受。 雖然我依然係我﹐ 但起碼我唔會再抗拒其他人! 遲就遲D﹐ 但遲好過無啦~ 真係希望可以揾到D真係對朋友好0既人。 我唔想再比人hurt呀!!


感覺好奇怪﹐ 唔知點解? 我個朋友0既男友有時會係MSN 同我講野﹐ 但講講下會講起我個朋友。 呢個唔係問題﹐ 重要係我覺得佢講D野怪怪地﹐ 好掛住佢呀﹐ 好想見佢。。得啦﹐ 唔駛同我講! 我唔想知!!! 講真﹐我對佢係有保留﹐ 見左幾次面﹐ 無咩特別﹐ 但一定唔係可以做到好朋友0個隻。 我覺得佢有時都假假地﹐ 成日都有意無意好似想話我知我個朋友係佢女朋友﹐ 我識佢多過你! 係﹐ 你係佢男友﹐ 我又唔係日日見到我個朋友﹐ 你地緊有共同話題先一齊到啦﹐ 你想認叻咪認LOR﹐ 我唔介意﹐ 但有必要咩? 我又唔係同你搶﹐ 做咩WOR! 好唔中意0個個感覺~~ 我有時講錯左我個朋友一D INFO﹐ 佢會好似好識我個朋友咁即刻糾正我﹐ 得啦﹐ 你叻哂啦!!好咪~~~白痴!!!!

好彩唔係成日見﹐ 哈哈哈!!!!!!


感覺好奇怪﹐ 唔知點解? 我個朋友0既男友有時會係MSN 同我講野﹐ 但講講下會講起我個朋友。 呢個唔係問題﹐ 重要係我覺得佢講D野怪怪地﹐ 好掛住佢呀﹐ 好想見佢。。得啦﹐ 唔駛同我講! 我唔想知!!! 講真﹐我對佢係有保留﹐ 見左幾次面﹐ 無咩特別﹐ 但一定唔係可以做到好朋友0個隻。 我覺得佢有時都假假地﹐ 成日都有意無意好似想話我知我個朋友係佢女朋友﹐ 我識佢多過你! 係﹐ 你係佢男友﹐ 我又唔係日日見到我個朋友﹐ 你地緊有共同話題先一齊到啦﹐ 你想認叻咪認LOR﹐ 我唔介意﹐ 但有必要咩? 我又唔係同你搶﹐ 做咩WOR! 好唔中意0個個感覺~~ 我有時講錯左我個朋友一D INFO﹐ 佢會好似好識我個朋友咁即刻糾正我﹐ 得啦﹐ 你叻哂啦!!好咪~~~白痴!!!!

好彩唔係成日見﹐ 哈哈哈!!!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009


愛是什麼? 曾幾何時真係唔知點答? 有一段時間覺得好辛苦﹐ 覺得佢唔了解我﹐ 唔岩我。 但時間證明原來我地係可以天長地久。 雖然日日都見到佢﹐ 但都係覺得唔夠﹐ 想要多D多D﹐ 人真係貪心!! 而我都只係一個普通0既人類!哈哈~~

唔經唔覺同佢一齊就快7年!!! 真係我都覺得有D耐﹐ 哈哈~~~ 7年0既經歷真係好多! 不過更希望同佢一齊開開心心地過之後0既10年﹐ 20年﹐ 30年.................

下年就結婚﹐ 感覺真係好唔同! 我知多數都係bride計劃同籌備婚禮﹐ 但自問係一個唔中意煩0既人﹐ 所以好感激佢可以幫手做D野!!!! 因我近日好忙0既關係﹐ 所以有好多事都未能辦得好﹐ 開心佢會同我一齊分擔! 雖然總括黎講都係懶﹐ 但都好過無啦!! 男人始終係男人﹐ 憜性係唔會話變就變.....算啦! 哈哈~~~


愛是什麼? 曾幾何時真係唔知點答? 有一段時間覺得好辛苦﹐ 覺得佢唔了解我﹐ 唔岩我。 但時間證明原來我地係可以天長地久。 雖然日日都見到佢﹐ 但都係覺得唔夠﹐ 想要多D多D﹐ 人真係貪心!! 而我都只係一個普通0既人類!哈哈~~

唔經唔覺同佢一齊就快7年!!! 真係我都覺得有D耐﹐ 哈哈~~~ 7年0既經歷真係好多! 不過更希望同佢一齊開開心心地過之後0既10年﹐ 20年﹐ 30年.................

下年就結婚﹐ 感覺真係好唔同! 我知多數都係bride計劃同籌備婚禮﹐ 但自問係一個唔中意煩0既人﹐ 所以好感激佢可以幫手做D野!!!! 因我近日好忙0既關係﹐ 所以有好多事都未能辦得好﹐ 開心佢會同我一齊分擔! 雖然總括黎講都係懶﹐ 但都好過無啦!! 男人始終係男人﹐ 憜性係唔會話變就變.....算啦! 哈哈~~~

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


雖然唔算得上係深交﹐ 但都唔希望有D咩hard feeling﹐

我有個同事﹐ 成日都遲到﹐ 唔係遲10-20 分鐘﹐ 係成個幾2個鐘。 開始我以為
佢同我老細0既arrangement係咁﹐ 我都無野講﹐ 但之後先發覺其實係佢自己起唔到身﹐ 講真﹐ 佢係細﹐ 但一齊做野都成2年﹐ 無一日係唔遲到﹐ 我地個個隻眼隻眼閉﹐ 但而家可以有時成12點先返﹐ 我覺得好唔公平﹐ 對我地同老細都係! 講左唔只一次﹐ 但都係無反應﹐ 有日我就自己問佢做咩成日遲到﹐ 因為老細己經唔耐煩﹐ 佢就話而家做野好悶﹐ 做來做去都係0個D野﹐ 又話唔知自己將來想做咩﹐ 而家係想讀書﹐ 個問題係。。。呢D唔可以成理由﹐ support唔到遲到0既原因。 我可以講我地公司己經對佢好好﹐  我地唔係成日都好忙﹐ 有時可以自己讀書﹐ 我覺得唔係個個都可以咁做﹐ 好有彈性。 如果要請假唔會話扣人工﹐ 又有人情味﹐ 仲想點?  可能佢覺得自己仲細﹐想explore下﹐ 好﹐ 你可以explore, 但唔好take advantage lor....做人要知足同醒目﹐ 如果想唔做咪唔好做﹐ 唔好浪費我地D時間。

唉﹐ 我地都係為
佢好﹐ 可能佢唔明卦﹐ 我地要做都做哂﹐ 遲D係點無人知! good luck!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


又有一個人病啦!!! 點解呢?? 唔係我屋企人﹐ 係我同事個媽媽。 又係cancer, 好似呢樣野無處不在﹐ 真慘!! 希望快些好番啦!!!!! god bless!!!


又有一個人病啦!!! 點解呢?? 唔係我屋企人﹐ 係我同事個媽媽。 又係cancer, 好似呢樣野無處不在﹐ 真慘!! 希望快些好番啦!!!!! god bless!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

piss off

what do i suppose to do now????? cont or stop???? Please call me asap!!!!!!!!!!!!
i need to verify i m still ok for tmr......PLSPLSPLS!!!!!!!!!

piss off

what do i suppose to do now????? cont or stop???? Please call me asap!!!!!!!!!!!!
i need to verify i m still ok for tmr......PLSPLSPLS!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


好啦好啦!!終於都有結果啦! 經過連日來0既決定同詢問﹐ 終於決定左下年7/31就係我地0既大日子﹐ 哈哈!!!真係好開心呀!!! 因為唔駛再追問亞媽﹐ 而我又可以努力計劃下結婚0既所有﹐ 好開心呀!!! 遲D 屋企人過黎傾下結婚0既細節﹐ 講下過大禮﹐ 禮金之類﹐ 我想知average黎講應該比幾多??

anyway, 真係好開心呀!!!


好啦好啦!!終於都有結果啦! 經過連日來0既決定同詢問﹐ 終於決定左下年7/31就係我地0既大日子﹐ 哈哈!!!真係好開心呀!!! 因為唔駛再追問亞媽﹐ 而我又可以努力計劃下結婚0既所有﹐ 好開心呀!!! 遲D 屋企人過黎傾下結婚0既細節﹐ 講下過大禮﹐ 禮金之類﹐ 我想知average黎講應該比幾多??

anyway, 真係好開心呀!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


終於都等到個日子啦。 差唔多決定到不過仲要問下佢屋企人先。 我相信佢地都無所謂﹐ 哈哈!! 亞媽問我想要咩gift﹐ 我都無想過。 得閒死唔得病呀! 邊有時間想呢D野。 遲D先算啦~

雖然7月可能好熱又多雨﹐ 都擔心個日天氣會唔好﹐ 但我又好難控制到﹐ 唯有隨遇而安啦。 我見今年都唔太熱﹐ 希望下年keep住個天
氣﹐ 不過至緊要唔好下雨呀!!!

有左日子就可以plan好多野。 起碼可以問下D restaurant先。 雖然基本上我都有成個concept, 但都係個句﹐ 預早好過預遲。 今日同左我幾個hk好朋友講大約幾時﹐ 佢地都好興奮!!! 我都係呀!!! 哈哈~~~~i love you all thanks
佢地忙中抽出寶貴時間﹐ 真係十萬個開心!! 我都唔知可以offer佢地D咩。 $$又無人又無﹐ 哈哈!!! 希望佢地唔介意啦!!!!

琴日發夢見到我個wedding﹐ 好真實又好搞笑!! 我想到發夢都見到啦﹐ 哈哈!!! 希望2010年快D 來臨啦!!!


終於都等到個日子啦。 差唔多決定到不過仲要問下佢屋企人先。 我相信佢地都無所謂﹐ 哈哈!! 亞媽問我想要咩gift﹐ 我都無想過。 得閒死唔得病呀! 邊有時間想呢D野。 遲D先算啦~

雖然7月可能好熱又多雨﹐ 都擔心個日天氣會唔好﹐ 但我又好難控制到﹐ 唯有隨遇而安啦。 我見今年都唔太熱﹐ 希望下年keep住個天
氣﹐ 不過至緊要唔好下雨呀!!!

有左日子就可以plan好多野。 起碼可以問下D restaurant先。 雖然基本上我都有成個concept, 但都係個句﹐ 預早好過預遲。 今日同左我幾個hk好朋友講大約幾時﹐ 佢地都好興奮!!! 我都係呀!!! 哈哈~~~~i love you all thanks
佢地忙中抽出寶貴時間﹐ 真係十萬個開心!! 我都唔知可以offer佢地D咩。 $$又無人又無﹐ 哈哈!!! 希望佢地唔介意啦!!!!

琴日發夢見到我個wedding﹐ 好真實又好搞笑!! 我想到發夢都見到啦﹐ 哈哈!!! 希望2010年快D 來臨啦!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


such a bullshit!!! why everytime is my problem but not his?? last night there was a car accident in front of my house and the loud noise really scared me.  he went out and i was i called him several times but nobody answered. then i called his friends and finally i found him and told him what happened and he was just rushing me to get off the phone.  i honestly just needed him for a minute but he was just....i didn't want to talk to him afterwards and i left him a note of how i felt.  everytime when he's with friends, he's always so focus with them and how about me? i waited for him all night to come home and eventually i fell asleep but i still couldn't sleep well...always wake up to see if he was back but he never made it home until 8:30 this morning.... i am upset because of his attutide.   after he read my note he was pissed...why shouldn't i be pissed but him? why why why why why?  whatever!! i don't really need him to talk to me.  i hate him!