Thursday, May 29, 2008

呢幾日都忙到死, 日日都行街, 不過就無咩收鑊, 真慘! anyway, 今次返黎成日都係幫人買野, 真係煩死...我真係想得閒d都唔可以, 日日都係行行行.....唉! 不過今日我都好勁, 訓左成日, 哈哈~ 真係......

明天去macau, 之後就返china...可能無時間update, 下次再講.....

呢幾日都忙到死, 日日都行街, 不過就無咩收鑊, 真慘! anyway, 今次返黎成日都係幫人買野, 真係煩死...我真係想得閒d都唔可以, 日日都係行行行.....唉! 不過今日我都好勁, 訓左成日, 哈哈~ 真係......

明天去macau, 之後就返china...可能無時間update, 下次再講.....

Monday, May 26, 2008


呢幾日食足6餐, 真係人都癲, 不過真係好開心, 因為可以見到自己d friend而又岩傾, 好難ga!  其實hk都幾好, 不過真係人多...上次星期日去mongkok, 人多到.....omg! 真係好難形容. 我相信如果唔係要買野, 我都唔會去mongkok....

呢幾日都好多野做...好忙, 無時間update個blog.  等返到去先upload d pic 啦. 

hk好鬼熱, help!! 日日出街都好似沖涼咁....好辛苦呀!!!!!!!

而家3:30am...岩岩返home ja...哈哈~~~~ 不過真係好開心....係個邊唔會咁ga!

Time to nite!~


呢幾日食足6餐, 真係人都癲, 不過真係好開心, 因為可以見到自己d friend而又岩傾, 好難ga!  其實hk都幾好, 不過真係人多...上次星期日去mongkok, 人多到.....omg! 真係好難形容. 我相信如果唔係要買野, 我都唔會去mongkok....

呢幾日都好多野做...好忙, 無時間update個blog.  等返到去先upload d pic 啦. 

hk好鬼熱, help!! 日日出街都好似沖涼咁....好辛苦呀!!!!!!!

而家3:30am...岩岩返home ja...哈哈~~~~ 不過真係好開心....係個邊唔會咁ga!

Time to nite!~

Saturday, May 24, 2008

good morning Hong Kong

Finally arrived in HK last night and i was exhausted on the flight.  Well, i had such a hard time on the flight because i kept sneezing and i was at the window seat so i couldn't go out properly..sigh!  anyway, we arrived in hk around 8pm and by the time we got home, almost 9pm and we went downstairs to have dinner.  The dinner was fine but perhaps i was everything was delicious..hahaha....

Couldn't sleep properly because of jetlag.  We wanted to meet MK last night but she was already sleeping...suck!!!

anyway, gotta go out first morning in HK, yah, haha

good morning Hong Kong

Finally arrived in HK last night and i was exhausted on the flight.  Well, i had such a hard time on the flight because i kept sneezing and i was at the window seat so i couldn't go out properly..sigh!  anyway, we arrived in hk around 8pm and by the time we got home, almost 9pm and we went downstairs to have dinner.  The dinner was fine but perhaps i was everything was delicious..hahaha....

Couldn't sleep properly because of jetlag.  We wanted to meet MK last night but she was already sleeping...suck!!!

anyway, gotta go out first morning in HK, yah, haha

Friday, May 23, 2008





















族長的兒子問爸爸:『爸,這美女又....... 』




Finally my vacation is here!   I haven't been back for 4 years and i hope i won't get lost in HK..haha!  My flight is 3pm but my honey works near the airport, so he's working now and i am just hanging here to do nothing, haha! It's kind of weird staying in his office and not working.  Anyway, my trip is 2 weeks and hopefully it's gonna be fun.  I just want to eat a lot of delicious food and shop a lot.haha!   But flying 16 hours is kind of scary!!!~

Anyway, if i don't talk to you guys in these 2 weeks...don't miss me because i am on vac...hehe! Will show some pictures when i have time to upload!!!~ kekekeke!


Finally my vacation is here!   I haven't been back for 4 years and i hope i won't get lost in HK..haha!  My flight is 3pm but my honey works near the airport, so he's working now and i am just hanging here to do nothing, haha! It's kind of weird staying in his office and not working.  Anyway, my trip is 2 weeks and hopefully it's gonna be fun.  I just want to eat a lot of delicious food and shop a lot.haha!   But flying 16 hours is kind of scary!!!~

Anyway, if i don't talk to you guys in these 2 weeks...don't miss me because i am on vac...hehe! Will show some pictures when i have time to upload!!!~ kekekeke!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

★∮ 12星座女人值得娶的理由 ∮★

Per "Little friend" request, hehehe! It's not exactly but it's the same meaning..hehe! Let see~






候,會給你自由的空間,她理解男人應該有男人的活法。這樣一來,你就不用做 “逛街跟班”












活潑好動的射手座女人,很直率,也很真誠,同時具有廣博的學識。她知道事情的輕重緩急,不會在小事上斤斤計較,有什麼事會當面與你商討。在公共場所時,她會維護你 “家庭主角” 的形像,同時也就維護了兩人的感情,能遇上她,是你一生最大的成就。







★∮ 12星座女人值得娶的理由 ∮★

Per "Little friend" request, hehehe! It's not exactly but it's the same meaning..hehe! Let see~






候,會給你自由的空間,她理解男人應該有男人的活法。這樣一來,你就不用做 “逛街跟班”












活潑好動的射手座女人,很直率,也很真誠,同時具有廣博的學識。她知道事情的輕重緩急,不會在小事上斤斤計較,有什麼事會當面與你商討。在公共場所時,她會維護你 “家庭主角” 的形像,同時也就維護了兩人的感情,能遇上她,是你一生最大的成就。









1) 唔記得.

2) 記得不過唔想做.

3) 唔識做.

4) 唔鍾意做.

5) 老豆唔肯幫我做.

6) 大哥尋日冇返屋企,冇人幫我做.

7) 掛住打機,冇做.

8) 掛住陪男/女朋友,冇做.

9) 要陪隻狗,冇做.

10) 乜要做咩?我唔知喎.....

11) 冇寫低要做.

12) 尋日冇返學,唔知要做.

13) 尋日走左堂,唔知要做.

14) 上堂時訓左,聽唔到你話要做.

15) 你話做我就做,咁我咪好冇面?

16) 我唔妥阿sir你所以至唔做,其他阿sir既功課我交齊架.

17) 我唔鍾意呢科.

18) 阿sir你樣衰.

19) 我冇買書,做唔到.

20) 我冇買簿,做唔到.

21) 我有做,不過冇帶返黎.

22) 我有做,不過俾隻狗食左.

23) 我有做,不過俾細佬畫花左.

24) 借左俾阿邊個抄,佢未還.

25) 尋日屋企火燭.

26) 尋日屋企水浸.

27) 尋日格離屋火燭.

28) 點解冇做?因為冇做..

29) 今日要交?乜唔係下個月先要交咩?

30) 去左補習, 冇時間做.

31) 我仲以為阿sir冇返唔使交.阿sir你太令人失望啦....

32) 太多其他功課,做唔哂.

33) 冇乜其他功課,冇心機做.

34) 尋日阿三叔公八姨婆五姑姐六舅父一齊生日,連續飲左五餐.

35) 尋日阿三叔公八姨婆五姑姐六舅父一齊黎左我屋企打牌.

36) 尋日阿媽打牌三缺一, 我冇理由唔孝順佢呀....

37) 要搞open day.

38) 要搞swimming gala.

39) 要搞sport day.

40) 要練校隊.

41) 阿sir你細個讀書都試過唔交功課啦, 而家咪係咁....

42) 唔交功課好小事,阿sir你唔好大驚小怪.

43) 唔交功課冇所謂,會考考得好就得啦!

44) 之前個兩堂既阿sir睇實哂, 抄唔到功課.

45) 冇人肯借功課我抄.

46) 今朝太遲返, 抄唔切.

47) 人生得意須盡歡......所以我尋日去左玩.

48) 整homepage, 冇時間.

49) 做唔哂功課我都照返學, 阿sir你仲有咩不滿?

I Like this : 做唔哂功課我都照返學, 阿sir你仲有咩不滿? <--- very inch, hahaha! 



1) 唔記得.

2) 記得不過唔想做.

3) 唔識做.

4) 唔鍾意做.

5) 老豆唔肯幫我做.

6) 大哥尋日冇返屋企,冇人幫我做.

7) 掛住打機,冇做.

8) 掛住陪男/女朋友,冇做.

9) 要陪隻狗,冇做.

10) 乜要做咩?我唔知喎.....

11) 冇寫低要做.

12) 尋日冇返學,唔知要做.

13) 尋日走左堂,唔知要做.

14) 上堂時訓左,聽唔到你話要做.

15) 你話做我就做,咁我咪好冇面?

16) 我唔妥阿sir你所以至唔做,其他阿sir既功課我交齊架.

17) 我唔鍾意呢科.

18) 阿sir你樣衰.

19) 我冇買書,做唔到.

20) 我冇買簿,做唔到.

21) 我有做,不過冇帶返黎.

22) 我有做,不過俾隻狗食左.

23) 我有做,不過俾細佬畫花左.

24) 借左俾阿邊個抄,佢未還.

25) 尋日屋企火燭.

26) 尋日屋企水浸.

27) 尋日格離屋火燭.

28) 點解冇做?因為冇做..

29) 今日要交?乜唔係下個月先要交咩?

30) 去左補習, 冇時間做.

31) 我仲以為阿sir冇返唔使交.阿sir你太令人失望啦....

32) 太多其他功課,做唔哂.

33) 冇乜其他功課,冇心機做.

34) 尋日阿三叔公八姨婆五姑姐六舅父一齊生日,連續飲左五餐.

35) 尋日阿三叔公八姨婆五姑姐六舅父一齊黎左我屋企打牌.

36) 尋日阿媽打牌三缺一, 我冇理由唔孝順佢呀....

37) 要搞open day.

38) 要搞swimming gala.

39) 要搞sport day.

40) 要練校隊.

41) 阿sir你細個讀書都試過唔交功課啦, 而家咪係咁....

42) 唔交功課好小事,阿sir你唔好大驚小怪.

43) 唔交功課冇所謂,會考考得好就得啦!

44) 之前個兩堂既阿sir睇實哂, 抄唔到功課.

45) 冇人肯借功課我抄.

46) 今朝太遲返, 抄唔切.

47) 人生得意須盡歡......所以我尋日去左玩.

48) 整homepage, 冇時間.

49) 做唔哂功課我都照返學, 阿sir你仲有咩不滿?

I Like this : 做唔哂功課我都照返學, 阿sir你仲有咩不滿? <--- very inch, hahaha! 

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Is it true??

牡羊座 03/21~04/19



金牛座 04/20~05/20



雙子座 05/21~06/21



巨蟹座 06/22~07/22



獅子座 07/23~08/22



處女座 08/23~09/22



天秤座 09/23~10/23



天蠍座 10/24~11/22



射手座 11/23~12/21



魔羯座 12/22~01/19



水瓶座 01/20~02/18



雙魚座 02/19~03/20



Is it true??

牡羊座 03/21~04/19



金牛座 04/20~05/20



雙子座 05/21~06/21



巨蟹座 06/22~07/22



獅子座 07/23~08/22



處女座 08/23~09/22



天秤座 09/23~10/23



天蠍座 10/24~11/22



射手座 11/23~12/21



魔羯座 12/22~01/19



水瓶座 01/20~02/18



雙魚座 02/19~03/20


搞 鬼 求 婚 語 句

Funny, haha!

最 佳 告 解 型 :

請 你 終 結 我 的 桃 花 運 !

最 佳 cool man 型 :

我 欠 一 個 人 管 我 !

最 佳 戰 俘 型 :

只 有 你 願 意 收 留 我 的 下 半 輩 子 , 求 求 你 , 我 們 結 婚 吧 !

最 佳 直 銷 型 :

你 願 不 願 意 帶 我 回 家 當 你 的 生 活 必 需 品 ?

最 直 截 了 當 型 :

讓 我 葬 在 你 們 家 祖 墳 吧 !

最 佳 好 奇 寶 寶 型 :

不 知 道 人 類 為 何 結 婚 ?! 就 讓 我 們 一 起 研 究 看 看 吧 !

最 佳 苦 情 & 最 佳 SM 型 :

看 你 罵 我 時 有 很 大 的 快 感 ! 如 果 你 想 天 天 享 受 快 感 … … 嫁 給 我 吧 !

最 lum 死 人 型 :

我 希 望 以 後 可 以 不 用 送 你 回 家 , 而 是 我 們 一 起 回 我 們 的 家 。

最 佳 fans 型 :

Honey , 幫 我 簽 個 名 吧 ( 簽 在 表 格 上 的 配 偶 欄 )

最 佳 徐 志 摩 型 :

喜 歡 , 就 是 淡 淡 的 愛 。 愛 , 就 是 深 深 的 喜 歡 。 你 願 意 跟 我 品 嚐 又 淡 又 深 的 感 覺 嗎 ?

最 佳 以 退 為 進 型 :

今 年 你 再 不 嫁 我 , 明 年 我 就 開 始 有 恐 婚 症 了 !

搞 鬼 求 婚 語 句

Funny, haha!

最 佳 告 解 型 :

請 你 終 結 我 的 桃 花 運 !

最 佳 cool man 型 :

我 欠 一 個 人 管 我 !

最 佳 戰 俘 型 :

只 有 你 願 意 收 留 我 的 下 半 輩 子 , 求 求 你 , 我 們 結 婚 吧 !

最 佳 直 銷 型 :

你 願 不 願 意 帶 我 回 家 當 你 的 生 活 必 需 品 ?

最 直 截 了 當 型 :

讓 我 葬 在 你 們 家 祖 墳 吧 !

最 佳 好 奇 寶 寶 型 :

不 知 道 人 類 為 何 結 婚 ?! 就 讓 我 們 一 起 研 究 看 看 吧 !

最 佳 苦 情 & 最 佳 SM 型 :

看 你 罵 我 時 有 很 大 的 快 感 ! 如 果 你 想 天 天 享 受 快 感 … … 嫁 給 我 吧 !

最 lum 死 人 型 :

我 希 望 以 後 可 以 不 用 送 你 回 家 , 而 是 我 們 一 起 回 我 們 的 家 。

最 佳 fans 型 :

Honey , 幫 我 簽 個 名 吧 ( 簽 在 表 格 上 的 配 偶 欄 )

最 佳 徐 志 摩 型 :

喜 歡 , 就 是 淡 淡 的 愛 。 愛 , 就 是 深 深 的 喜 歡 。 你 願 意 跟 我 品 嚐 又 淡 又 深 的 感 覺 嗎 ?

最 佳 以 退 為 進 型 :

今 年 你 再 不 嫁 我 , 明 年 我 就 開 始 有 恐 婚 症 了 !


Some of them are really funny, heheehe!

正宗潮洲菜 …

客人:"伙計, 有咩好介紹呀?!"

伙計:〝食老鼠拼盤啦,有老鼠蛋、老鼠腸、老鼠豬耳,但冇老鼠鵝〞( 滷水拼盤 )



店員:〝要蛋呀。〞 ( 要等呀 )


店員好勞氣:〝你要蛋呀!〞 ( 你要等呀 )


店員更勞氣:〝要蛋一蛋呀,要蛋十分鐘呀 ……〞

入境處 …

遊客:"要睇新款證定畜牲證呀?" ( 身份證定出生證?)


遊客:〝Sen山唔該,請問你有冇生痔瘡呀?(有冇散紙唱 )


遊客 : [請問侏儒村係邊?] (G2000)


遊客 : [呢個管睇到雷電嗎? ]

售貨員 : [唔怕, 好安全的…]

遊客 : [無雷電顯示功能嗎 ?!] (來電顯示)

售貨員 :[手機唔駛用避雷針的~]

遊客 :[咁我部手機可唔可以出煙先 ? ] (trade in)


A遊客:〝請問呢部電視機有冇電視框呀?〞 (Discount)


A遊客:〝咁電視框幾多錢呀? "




髮型師:[小姐想點剪呀 ?]

小姐:[師父,同我剪得多神似 D !]


小姐:[唔係神似,係要有神似! !] (要有層次 )

髮型師:[小姐想做 D咩顏色呀?]

小姐:[我想做好似森林咁既色! ] (深藍色 )

髮型師:[森林 ?? ]

小姐: [係呀~~]


Some of them are really funny, heheehe!

正宗潮洲菜 …

客人:"伙計, 有咩好介紹呀?!"

伙計:〝食老鼠拼盤啦,有老鼠蛋、老鼠腸、老鼠豬耳,但冇老鼠鵝〞( 滷水拼盤 )



店員:〝要蛋呀。〞 ( 要等呀 )


店員好勞氣:〝你要蛋呀!〞 ( 你要等呀 )


店員更勞氣:〝要蛋一蛋呀,要蛋十分鐘呀 ……〞

入境處 …

遊客:"要睇新款證定畜牲證呀?" ( 身份證定出生證?)


遊客:〝Sen山唔該,請問你有冇生痔瘡呀?(有冇散紙唱 )


遊客 : [請問侏儒村係邊?] (G2000)


遊客 : [呢個管睇到雷電嗎? ]

售貨員 : [唔怕, 好安全的…]

遊客 : [無雷電顯示功能嗎 ?!] (來電顯示)

售貨員 :[手機唔駛用避雷針的~]

遊客 :[咁我部手機可唔可以出煙先 ? ] (trade in)


A遊客:〝請問呢部電視機有冇電視框呀?〞 (Discount)


A遊客:〝咁電視框幾多錢呀? "




髮型師:[小姐想點剪呀 ?]

小姐:[師父,同我剪得多神似 D !]


小姐:[唔係神似,係要有神似! !] (要有層次 )

髮型師:[小姐想做 D咩顏色呀?]

小姐:[我想做好似森林咁既色! ] (深藍色 )

髮型師:[森林 ?? ]

小姐: [係呀~~]

HK Trip~

OMG! I can't believe i'll be in hk within this week...haha! It seems to me that i still have a long wait...oh well...Yah..i will see my beloved family and friends soon, i am super happy! Anyway, i don't know where to bring my honey...really need to think about it and i believe it will be totally different when i go back hk this time.  UMmm...

First of all, he said he wanted to go shop for sneakers and computer and games.  So i probably bring him to Mongkok for sneakers and Shum Shui Po for computer games. haha! 

Friday 5/30 i'll bring him to the Peak because my friend said it's the tram anniversary on that day. You can travel the tram for $0.30 only.  So i think it's a deal..hehe!

I want to bring him to TST for shopping and walk along the should be nice, haha!

Regarding food, he wants to have seafood...then i'll bring him to Sai Kung for seafood...yummy!

Go lan kwai fong one night for him to "drink"..haha! crazy!~

So far that's my idea......if you guys have anything, let me know...Thanks!

HK Trip~

OMG! I can't believe i'll be in hk within this week...haha! It seems to me that i still have a long wait...oh well...Yah..i will see my beloved family and friends soon, i am super happy! Anyway, i don't know where to bring my honey...really need to think about it and i believe it will be totally different when i go back hk this time.  UMmm...

First of all, he said he wanted to go shop for sneakers and computer and games.  So i probably bring him to Mongkok for sneakers and Shum Shui Po for computer games. haha! 

Friday 5/30 i'll bring him to the Peak because my friend said it's the tram anniversary on that day. You can travel the tram for $0.30 only.  So i think it's a deal..hehe!

I want to bring him to TST for shopping and walk along the should be nice, haha!

Regarding food, he wants to have seafood...then i'll bring him to Sai Kung for seafood...yummy!

Go lan kwai fong one night for him to "drink"..haha! crazy!~

So far that's my idea......if you guys have anything, let me know...Thanks!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Windows Live Messenger 彩虹行動,送暖到汶川

Here's another website for HK msn....

(5月20日更新) 自「彩虹行動」發起以來,此行動得到極大回響。MSN HK 現號召全港超過 200 萬香港 MSN 用戶,齊心響應「彩虹行動」!每一個香港 MSN 用戶掛上彩虹簽名,MSN HK 將捐出 $0.1,支持「香港紅十字會」的中國地震賑災行動,請各 MSN 用戶盡力轉告更多朋友,香港「彩虹行動」至5月31日止。

Monday, May 19, 2008

將進酒 李白

突然想起首唐詩...想當年form5考試時要recite呢篇野....哈哈~ 想起都辛酸













i like these two the most..haha!

將進酒 李白

突然想起首唐詩...想當年form5考試時要recite呢篇野....哈哈~ 想起都辛酸













i like these two the most..haha!



last friday we went to see his brother's baby.  It was cute, hehe! We were just talking casually and suddenly realize many of his family have girls...few boys..he said we had to make boys to continue the generation...crazy!

cute cute..haha! wondering who's taking pics....

over-sized clothes..

who's hugging me???

does he look like a good father?

after changing....clean baby hehe!


last friday we went to see his brother's baby.  It was cute, hehe! We were just talking casually and suddenly realize many of his family have girls...few boys..he said we had to make boys to continue the generation...crazy!

cute cute..haha! wondering who's taking pics....

over-sized clothes..

who's hugging me???

does he look like a good father?

after changing....clean baby hehe!

Friday, May 16, 2008


I just read this from a forum....if you change ur msn nickname start with a rainbow, msn will donate $0.20 to China....

I dunno if it works, but why not?? It's harmless for us to do it anyway!!!!
Please tell your friends about this! Thanks.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Another jury duty day

Oh well, it's my 2nd day of jury duty and I enjoy it very much.  Why? Because i got there @ 10am and they let us go around 11:00am.. how amazing, haha! I don't know why because i guess they already picked whoever they needed.  Well, i don't mind because it's just like a dayoff for me, haha!  I thought it would be an all day event but...Yay! very happy~ I really didn't do much during jury duty because it wasn't that much time for me to do something.  I didnt even read my book..stupid...

Then i went to Chinatown to grocery shop. OMG! Everytimes when i go there, it's like i can't control myself buying stuff and end up i was sooooooooo tired. At that time i wish i had a car...gosh!~ I just had bun for brunch because i forgot to eat my lunch and i had such a bad stomach ache earlier...probably i was tired and hungry!~

anyway, i am home finally and enjoy my last dayoff because i don't have to go back tomorrow anymore.  Within 6 years, i won't get picked again.  Is it good or bad?   I like slacking off sometimes, kakaka!

Another jury duty day

Oh well, it's my 2nd day of jury duty and I enjoy it very much.  Why? Because i got there @ 10am and they let us go around 11:00am.. how amazing, haha! I don't know why because i guess they already picked whoever they needed.  Well, i don't mind because it's just like a dayoff for me, haha!  I thought it would be an all day event but...Yay! very happy~ I really didn't do much during jury duty because it wasn't that much time for me to do something.  I didnt even read my book..stupid...

Then i went to Chinatown to grocery shop. OMG! Everytimes when i go there, it's like i can't control myself buying stuff and end up i was sooooooooo tired. At that time i wish i had a car...gosh!~ I just had bun for brunch because i forgot to eat my lunch and i had such a bad stomach ache earlier...probably i was tired and hungry!~

anyway, i am home finally and enjoy my last dayoff because i don't have to go back tomorrow anymore.  Within 6 years, i won't get picked again.  Is it good or bad?   I like slacking off sometimes, kakaka!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

China Earthquake

Another website for us to donate! But this time is to China~   I can't even look at the pictures because it's so sad.....

Quoted from

On Monday, May 12, at 2.28 p.m. Beijing time (6:28 GMT), a major earthquake, measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale, jolted southwestern China's Sichuan Province. Several lower-scale earthquakes and aftershocks followed in the same area. The quake destroyed many buildings in the area, as well as infrastructure like communication towers.

According to the latest reports, more than 12,000 people have died and many more have been injured or are missing. Many schools were destroyed, including one that had at least 900 students in it. As authorities reach more remote areas, these numbers are expected to rise.

Please Help!!!~

China Earthquake

Another website for us to donate! But this time is to China~   I can't even look at the pictures because it's so sad.....

Quoted from

On Monday, May 12, at 2.28 p.m. Beijing time (6:28 GMT), a major earthquake, measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale, jolted southwestern China's Sichuan Province. Several lower-scale earthquakes and aftershocks followed in the same area. The quake destroyed many buildings in the area, as well as infrastructure like communication towers.

According to the latest reports, more than 12,000 people have died and many more have been injured or are missing. Many schools were destroyed, including one that had at least 900 students in it. As authorities reach more remote areas, these numbers are expected to rise.

Please Help!!!~

Jury Duty

Today i have no work because I have to serve as jury duty. It's my first time and i was kind of nervous because i had no idea what's gonna happen.  Anyway, this morning i went there and sat there for a bit then people sat next to me started chatting so i chatted with them.  It's actually good because it's gonna be boring anyway.  At least i found somebody whom i could speak to.  Well, it went pretty well because i didn't get picked lol  i was kind of scared if they picked me because i don't want to be a juror.  At around 11:45am, the jury clerk said there was no more case for today and we had to come back tomorrow.  Then we were dismissed...haha! How happy because i have almost whole day free.  Well, i could have gone back to office but i got nothing to do anyway, why not take a dayoff....haha! Since it's just on Staten Island, then i just walked around the island and i found out there's a library around there.  I didn't know until i walked around and it was pretty nice.. perhaps because the weather is nice today, haha!

But when i get home, i really have nothing to do.  I just started to clean my house a little bit and most of the time i was watching it's boring to stay home all day by urself and i didn't want to go out shopping....(didn't want to spend money mainly, hhaa!) Anyway, my honey is not coming home for dinner so i will be bored until...whenever! sigh~ nevermind!

Jury Duty

Today i have no work because I have to serve as jury duty. It's my first time and i was kind of nervous because i had no idea what's gonna happen.  Anyway, this morning i went there and sat there for a bit then people sat next to me started chatting so i chatted with them.  It's actually good because it's gonna be boring anyway.  At least i found somebody whom i could speak to.  Well, it went pretty well because i didn't get picked lol  i was kind of scared if they picked me because i don't want to be a juror.  At around 11:45am, the jury clerk said there was no more case for today and we had to come back tomorrow.  Then we were dismissed...haha! How happy because i have almost whole day free.  Well, i could have gone back to office but i got nothing to do anyway, why not take a dayoff....haha! Since it's just on Staten Island, then i just walked around the island and i found out there's a library around there.  I didn't know until i walked around and it was pretty nice.. perhaps because the weather is nice today, haha!

But when i get home, i really have nothing to do.  I just started to clean my house a little bit and most of the time i was watching it's boring to stay home all day by urself and i didn't want to go out shopping....(didn't want to spend money mainly, hhaa!) Anyway, my honey is not coming home for dinner so i will be bored until...whenever! sigh~ nevermind!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sigh, another natural disaster!

This is so sad...... God Bless them!

Death toll in China earthquake up to nearly 9,000

CHENGDU, China - One of the worst earthquakes to hit China
in three decades killed nearly 9,000 people Monday, trapped about 900
students under the rubble of their school and caused a toxic chemical
leak, state media reported.

The 7.9-magnitude earthquake devastated a hilly region of small cities and towns in central China. The official Xinhua News Agency said 8,533 people died in Sichuan province and more than 200 others were killed in three other provinces and the mega-city of Chongqing.

Sigh, another natural disaster!

This is so sad...... God Bless them!

Death toll in China earthquake up to nearly 9,000

CHENGDU, China - One of the worst earthquakes to hit China
in three decades killed nearly 9,000 people Monday, trapped about 900
students under the rubble of their school and caused a toxic chemical
leak, state media reported.

The 7.9-magnitude earthquake devastated a hilly region of small cities and towns in central China. The official Xinhua News Agency said 8,533 people died in Sichuan province and more than 200 others were killed in three other provinces and the mega-city of Chongqing.

Crazy weather

Can you believe I still have to wear my down jacket to work in May??? Crazy weather! Today is gonna be cold and windy...I can't stand it anymore and i'll get sick again if i don't wear warm!~ awww!~

Crazy weather

Can you believe I still have to wear my down jacket to work in May??? Crazy weather! Today is gonna be cold and windy...I can't stand it anymore and i'll get sick again if i don't wear warm!~ awww!~


Past Saturday, we hosted a bbq party at my house with our friends because one of our friends are leaving to marines...we gonna miss him a lot!~ Well, he's like my young brother (he's only 21) and he treats me pretty well and he's funny! Anyway, we had a bbq night and it was pretty good.  In the morning we went to Queens to a korean supermarket to buy foods.  We bought so many clams because it was so cheap...only $2.99 for a dozen and i am a clam lovers, so... . And we found out some marinated beef short rib from the korean supermarket which tasted very good...Yummy! I am hungry again, haha!


Past Saturday, we hosted a bbq party at my house with our friends because one of our friends are leaving to marines...we gonna miss him a lot!~ Well, he's like my young brother (he's only 21) and he treats me pretty well and he's funny! Anyway, we had a bbq night and it was pretty good.  In the morning we went to Queens to a korean supermarket to buy foods.  We bought so many clams because it was so cheap...only $2.99 for a dozen and i am a clam lovers, so... . And we found out some marinated beef short rib from the korean supermarket which tasted very good...Yummy! I am hungry again, haha!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Another snob...

During the movie, his brother called.  The reason he called was 1) mother's day dinner 2) he bought a car.  My honey said he bought a Lexus SUV...and new car! my first reaction was: is he crazy? They must win lotto to buy a house and a car! I think they both are nuts! What a snob!!!!!! His brother eventually becomes like his wife....feel bad for him!

Not my business anyway!!!!

Another snob...

During the movie, his brother called.  The reason he called was 1) mother's day dinner 2) he bought a car.  My honey said he bought a Lexus SUV...and new car! my first reaction was: is he crazy? They must win lotto to buy a house and a car! I think they both are nuts! What a snob!!!!!! His brother eventually becomes like his wife....feel bad for him!

Not my business anyway!!!!


Finally I have time to see Ironman.  Tonight I went to see Ironman with my honey.  It wasn't planned and we thought it would be sold out but thank wasn't.  We decided to skip dinner and we just bought some hotdogs and nachos for dinner and enjoyed the movie at the same time.

Well, to be honest with you, i thought it would be much more exciting (according from yahoo critics).  Unfortunately, perhaps i expected too much on the movie, it wasn't as good as i thought.  I didn't say it was bad, but it was just fair for me.  At the beginning it wasn't bad, but later on we both felt cheesy and lack of actions.  And the villian...he just died quicky that there wasn't a lot of fighting with ironman...

Oops, forgot to mention about the movie itself.  The movie is about a weapon designer - Tony Stark- designed weapons for the US government and one time, when he went to Afghanistan, he was captured by the people over there.  In order to survive, he designed ironman in the cave and he fought with them and ran away back to the States.  When he went back, he realized his weapon could harm the innocent people and could help the terrorists.  Therefore, he decided to build ironman to save people. Later on, he found out his partner betrayed him and his partner copied the design of ironman and fought with him.  That's about it.

I like the last sentence of the movie...Ironman was in a press conference and he said..."the truth is....I am ironman!!!!" hahahaha~

The sound effect wasn't that good, and the ironman theme song wasn't played until the end of the movie.  I was kind of disappointed with that.  I thought it would be like..when ironman came out from the cave, he would play that song and fought with the bad guy...haha! Maybe i expected too much!!!!~

"The truth is....I am Ironman"...


Finally I have time to see Ironman.  Tonight I went to see Ironman with my honey.  It wasn't planned and we thought it would be sold out but thank wasn't.  We decided to skip dinner and we just bought some hotdogs and nachos for dinner and enjoyed the movie at the same time.

Well, to be honest with you, i thought it would be much more exciting (according from yahoo critics).  Unfortunately, perhaps i expected too much on the movie, it wasn't as good as i thought.  I didn't say it was bad, but it was just fair for me.  At the beginning it wasn't bad, but later on we both felt cheesy and lack of actions.  And the villian...he just died quicky that there wasn't a lot of fighting with ironman...

Oops, forgot to mention about the movie itself.  The movie is about a weapon designer - Tony Stark- designed weapons for the US government and one time, when he went to Afghanistan, he was captured by the people over there.  In order to survive, he designed ironman in the cave and he fought with them and ran away back to the States.  When he went back, he realized his weapon could harm the innocent people and could help the terrorists.  Therefore, he decided to build ironman to save people. Later on, he found out his partner betrayed him and his partner copied the design of ironman and fought with him.  That's about it.

I like the last sentence of the movie...Ironman was in a press conference and he said..."the truth is....I am ironman!!!!" hahahaha~

The sound effect wasn't that good, and the ironman theme song wasn't played until the end of the movie.  I was kind of disappointed with that.  I thought it would be like..when ironman came out from the cave, he would play that song and fought with the bad guy...haha! Maybe i expected too much!!!!~

"The truth is....I am Ironman"...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Please donate

The death toll in Myanmar is pushing towards 100,000.  Please donate & also pray for all the people in there.  I have no clue why the government doesn't allow help from others, but I think the government shouldn't ignore the fact that the citizens over there are dying!!


Donate link is as follow:

A little bit of your money can save many peoples' lives!!!! Thanks!!!


On May 2, 2008, high winds, heavy rain and flood water claimed
thousands of lives and damaged hundreds of thousands of homes in
southwestern Myanmar.

Cyclone Nargis is the worst storm to hit Asia since 1991 when 143,000
people died Bangladesh and the worst to hit Myanmar since 1926 when
2,700 people were killed.

The greatest priorities for the Red Cross and its humanitarian
partners at this stage of the emergency response are providing shelter
and access to clean drinking water to survivors.

Red Cross and Red Crescent Response

Immediately following the storm, the Myanmar Red Cross began
assessing the damage as well as caring for survivors’ needs by
distributing family kits, containing clothing, blankets, cookware and
hygiene supplies, and drinking water to the schools and pagodas serving
as emergency shelters.

The American Red Cross is prepared assist the Myanmar Red Cross with
aid and supplies, estimated at $1.25 million, of which $1 million was
donated by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
has also released an initial $189,000 and shipped shelter kits, made up
of tarps, ropes and hammers, to support the relief effort in Myanmar.
The American Red Cross and International Federation will continue to
tap into their pre-stocked emergency supplies – such as tarps, hygiene
kits and insecticide-treated bed nets – located in warehouses in Kuala
Lumpur and Dubai as requested.

The American Red Cross is in close contact with its colleagues
at the Myanmar Red Cross and the International Federation. We continue
to monitor the situation, assess the needs of survivors and stand
prepared to offer additional assistance as future needs are identified.

Israel Kamakawiwo&#39;ole ~ Somewhere over the Rainbow

This is a new version of "over the rainbow"...I always like this song and i like this version too!

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Once in a lullaby ii ii iii
Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true ooh ooooh
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me ee ee eeh
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops thats where you'll find me oh
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dream that you dare to,why, oh why can't I? i iiii

Well I see trees of green and
Red roses too,
I'll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

Well I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white
And the brightness of day
I like the dark and I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, I...I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more
Than we'll know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world (w)oohoorld

Someday I'll wish upon a star,
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top that's where you'll find me
Oh, Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dream that you dare to, why, oh why can't I? I hiii ?

Israel Kamakawiwo&#39;ole ~ Somewhere over the Rainbow

This is a new version of "over the rainbow"...I always like this song and i like this version too!

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Once in a lullaby ii ii iii
Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true ooh ooooh
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me ee ee eeh
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops thats where you'll find me oh
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dream that you dare to,why, oh why can't I? i iiii

Well I see trees of green and
Red roses too,
I'll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

Well I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white
And the brightness of day
I like the dark and I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, I...I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more
Than we'll know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world (w)oohoorld

Someday I'll wish upon a star,
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top that's where you'll find me
Oh, Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dream that you dare to, why, oh why can't I? I hiii ?

Avril Lavigne - When You&#39;re Gone

I honestly like her..i think she has her style!

I always needed time on my own

I never thought I'd

Need you there when I cry

And the days feel like years when I'm alone

And the bed where you lie

Is made up on your side

When you walk away

I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone

The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone

The face I came to know is missing too

When you're gone

The words I need to hear to always get me through the day

And make it OK

I miss you

I've never felt this way before

Everything that I do

Reminds me of you

And the clothes you left

They lie
on the floor

And they smell just like you

I love the things that you do

When you walk away

I count the steps that you take

[ When You're Gone lyrics found on ]

Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone

The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone

The face I came to know is missing too

When you're gone

The words I need to hear to always get me through the day

And make it OK

I miss you

We were made for each other

Out here forever

I know we were

Yeah, yeahhh

All I ever wanted was for you to know

Everything I do I give my heart and soul

I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me


When you're gone

The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone

The face I came to know is missing too

When you're gone

The words I need to hear will always get me through the day

And make it OK

I miss you

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hornets vs Spurs

aww..can't believe Spurs is losing against Hornets..I thought Hornets was nothing, but it seems this year they're doing so good to get into a playoff position! Excellent!~  MK is gonna be so upset if Spurs loses the game!!!!~ haha! Honestly, I am not watching any games since i cancelled my cable.  It was too expensive to open a cable every month and i don't watch tv that much.  We bought a HD antenna so we can receive some local HD channels. I think it's good enough, haah!

Hornets vs Spurs

aww..can't believe Spurs is losing against Hornets..I thought Hornets was nothing, but it seems this year they're doing so good to get into a playoff position! Excellent!~  MK is gonna be so upset if Spurs loses the game!!!!~ haha! Honestly, I am not watching any games since i cancelled my cable.  It was too expensive to open a cable every month and i don't watch tv that much.  We bought a HD antenna so we can receive some local HD channels. I think it's good enough, haah!

Myanmar cyclone death toll soars past 22,000

I hate reading this kind of news.  It really makes me feel sad....I know there's nothing we can do when there's a natural disaster but i will just pray for everyone over there.  The death toll is increasing and the government is not willing to get help from the others.  Volunteers have to wait for the visas to get into Myanmar. Sigh, the most important thing now is to fix the country and to help the people out of the disaster.  Why do they care if they have visas or not.  I just hope the death toll will stop soon!!! Hate reading news involve of many death!!

God Bless!

Myanmar cyclone death toll soars past 22,000

I hate reading this kind of news.  It really makes me feel sad....I know there's nothing we can do when there's a natural disaster but i will just pray for everyone over there.  The death toll is increasing and the government is not willing to get help from the others.  Volunteers have to wait for the visas to get into Myanmar. Sigh, the most important thing now is to fix the country and to help the people out of the disaster.  Why do they care if they have visas or not.  I just hope the death toll will stop soon!!! Hate reading news involve of many death!!

God Bless!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Friday night

We didn't go out last friday because we got nothing to do anyway.  So we went to his parent's apartment for dinner.  His brother wanted to buy a car, he said.  But his target is like BMW, Audi...etc...i think they're both crazy!!!! They just bought a house and how can they afford a luxury car? It doesn't matter whether they make a lot or not, should still save some $$ for the baby and future.  Sigh~ Whatever! I just dunno how i can talk to them anymore.  Everything is $$$$....all they wear is brand... even i have $$, i won't spend all my money on clothing and show off...what's the point? Face? reputation? I think this is snob.  Oh well, thank god it's not my honey.  Of course we both want to be richer but as long as we're happy...i think it's fine.  I just think they're so naive!~~~~

Friday night

We didn't go out last friday because we got nothing to do anyway.  So we went to his parent's apartment for dinner.  His brother wanted to buy a car, he said.  But his target is like BMW, Audi...etc...i think they're both crazy!!!! They just bought a house and how can they afford a luxury car? It doesn't matter whether they make a lot or not, should still save some $$ for the baby and future.  Sigh~ Whatever! I just dunno how i can talk to them anymore.  Everything is $$$$....all they wear is brand... even i have $$, i won't spend all my money on clothing and show off...what's the point? Face? reputation? I think this is snob.  Oh well, thank god it's not my honey.  Of course we both want to be richer but as long as we're happy...i think it's fine.  I just think they're so naive!~~~~

Sunday, May 4, 2008

what a weekend~~~~

Yesterday we planned to go out to see ironman but finally we didn't...why? because we were doing the "front yard" of my house and we were exhausted afterwards.  I don't have a big yard already but it took us almost 6 hours to finish our yard.    OMG!~~~~ My back still hurts and my muscle is sore!~ Will take a pic later when i am finally done.  Now we just put some pebbles and woodchip on it, but before that, we had to pull all the grass out of the ground....terrible!! but it was funny that when we were doing our lawn, our neighbor was doing his too! When we finished part of the lawn, he already almost finished the whole thing..we were like...jezz...we sucked!!!!!   We weren't really good at it anyway, so...hahaha! But now, still tired from doing the lawn!!~ Hopefully no more next time and i hate weeds!!~

what a weekend~~~~

Yesterday we planned to go out to see ironman but finally we didn't...why? because we were doing the "front yard" of my house and we were exhausted afterwards.  I don't have a big yard already but it took us almost 6 hours to finish our yard.    OMG!~~~~ My back still hurts and my muscle is sore!~ Will take a pic later when i am finally done.  Now we just put some pebbles and woodchip on it, but before that, we had to pull all the grass out of the ground....terrible!! but it was funny that when we were doing our lawn, our neighbor was doing his too! When we finished part of the lawn, he already almost finished the whole thing..we were like...jezz...we sucked!!!!!   We weren't really good at it anyway, so...hahaha! But now, still tired from doing the lawn!!~ Hopefully no more next time and i hate weeds!!~

Friday, May 2, 2008

P.S.I Love You

終於有機會睇呢套movie啦!!! 其實第一次見張poster時我對佢無興趣, 因為我覺得個男女主角唔靚 (especially個女,哈哈~) 不過偶然一次去bookstore, 見到有呢本書, 咁我拎起黎睇, 我覺得好吸引..咁就開始我對呢套movie0既期望.  講真, 其實都無咩期望, 只係想同我honey分享下呢個movie 咋

個story 大約係講一個老公係臨死之前, 佢寫左大概10封信, 之後佢隔一個月就寄比佢老婆, 佢封封信0既尾都會有一句:P.S.I Love You.  (可能我講得好似好唔掂, 但係我覺得好sweet lor!) 我係一個好感性0既人, 所以我對於呢類型0既movie 特別喜愛.  雖然最終我都係差不多ending時訓左..
, 但我本身好中意個story line. 不過套movie就..... 講真, 不嬲由書拍番movie都唔太稱職, 而且本身選角有問題. 仲有就係成日jump去呢度, jump去個度, 好煩!! 所以搞到不知所謂....真係希望可以有一套romantic movie係我可以銘記於心, 哈哈~~~~

P.S. Sorry folks...i am getting tired of writing in chinese!!!!!!!!!hahahahah! I really meant to write more about this movie but it takes me like an hour to finish writing one paragraph....ummm

P.S.I Love You

終於有機會睇呢套movie啦!!! 其實第一次見張poster時我對佢無興趣, 因為我覺得個男女主角唔靚 (especially個女,哈哈~) 不過偶然一次去bookstore, 見到有呢本書, 咁我拎起黎睇, 我覺得好吸引..咁就開始我對呢套movie0既期望.  講真, 其實都無咩期望, 只係想同我honey分享下呢個movie 咋

個story 大約係講一個老公係臨死之前, 佢寫左大概10封信, 之後佢隔一個月就寄比佢老婆, 佢封封信0既尾都會有一句:P.S.I Love You.  (可能我講得好似好唔掂, 但係我覺得好sweet lor!) 我係一個好感性0既人, 所以我對於呢類型0既movie 特別喜愛.  雖然最終我都係差不多ending時訓左..
, 但我本身好中意個story line. 不過套movie就..... 講真, 不嬲由書拍番movie都唔太稱職, 而且本身選角有問題. 仲有就係成日jump去呢度, jump去個度, 好煩!! 所以搞到不知所謂....真係希望可以有一套romantic movie係我可以銘記於心, 哈哈~~~~

P.S. Sorry folks...i am getting tired of writing in chinese!!!!!!!!!hahahahah! I really meant to write more about this movie but it takes me like an hour to finish writing one paragraph....ummm