Monday, March 31, 2008

He's back!~~

Finally he came back to me!! I missed him so much while he was away!~ Sigh~ I wanted to go with him but i couldn' sad!   Anyway, it wasn't a good weekend for me because so many things happened.  First of all, i was fighting with him on the phone Saturday night because he was stupid.. (I guess i would never admit i was stupid too, hahaha! )  Anyway, the reason i said he was stupid because he wanted to hang up with me and went out with his friend.  But he made it so ambiguous that i had no idea what he was doing, so i got pissed!!!! Anyway, it isn't such a big deal anymore now...coz he's back with me!~

I was expected to have a "big" gift but he just bought me something from the disappointed.  He claimed that there was nothing to buy there... oh well, i don't care anymore.  He was able to buy someone's something but not me.. how "sweet"...

When i went to the airport with my sister yesterday, i made a seriously mistake and i scratched my car....SHXT!!!!!!!!!   I was so upset whole day and i was so worried that he was going to blame me...DAMN MYSELF! I hate myself for being such a careless person!!!!~~~~   I cried almost all day and night because of the scratch.  Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then when i went pick him up, i went to the wrong i couldn't pick him up from the arrival gate.....Freak! I must be doing drug yesterday...Sigh!
I hope my pain will be gone soon....

He's back!~~

Finally he came back to me!! I missed him so much while he was away!~ Sigh~ I wanted to go with him but i couldn' sad!   Anyway, it wasn't a good weekend for me because so many things happened.  First of all, i was fighting with him on the phone Saturday night because he was stupid.. (I guess i would never admit i was stupid too, hahaha! )  Anyway, the reason i said he was stupid because he wanted to hang up with me and went out with his friend.  But he made it so ambiguous that i had no idea what he was doing, so i got pissed!!!! Anyway, it isn't such a big deal anymore now...coz he's back with me!~

I was expected to have a "big" gift but he just bought me something from the disappointed.  He claimed that there was nothing to buy there... oh well, i don't care anymore.  He was able to buy someone's something but not me.. how "sweet"...

When i went to the airport with my sister yesterday, i made a seriously mistake and i scratched my car....SHXT!!!!!!!!!   I was so upset whole day and i was so worried that he was going to blame me...DAMN MYSELF! I hate myself for being such a careless person!!!!~~~~   I cried almost all day and night because of the scratch.  Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then when i went pick him up, i went to the wrong i couldn't pick him up from the arrival gate.....Freak! I must be doing drug yesterday...Sigh!
I hope my pain will be gone soon....

Saturday, March 29, 2008

沒有他的日子 第4日

是, 我對佢真係十分失望!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 開頭諗住打電話傾下計, 跟住無拿拿有人knock門, 之後就開始好奇怪, 咩野"遲d call番我"...頂, 有d咩就講, 唔好係度吞吞吐吐, 我真係好想講粗口, 不知所謂, 當我係咩野, 有人揾你大x哂, 我就可以"掉"埋一邊!!!!! 有咩可能咁對自己gf, 仲話好miss我, bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 良心當狗肺, 我叫佢以後都唔好揾我, 我真係十分不滿...!!!!!!! 仲叫我去接你, 食x啦!!!!!!!! 真係嬲都我手震, 訓都訓唔到..好忟好忟!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

沒有他的日子 第4日

是, 我對佢真係十分失望!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 開頭諗住打電話傾下計, 跟住無拿拿有人knock門, 之後就開始好奇怪, 咩野"遲d call番我"...頂, 有d咩就講, 唔好係度吞吞吐吐, 我真係好想講粗口, 不知所謂, 當我係咩野, 有人揾你大x哂, 我就可以"掉"埋一邊!!!!! 有咩可能咁對自己gf, 仲話好miss我, bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 良心當狗肺, 我叫佢以後都唔好揾我, 我真係十分不滿...!!!!!!! 仲叫我去接你, 食x啦!!!!!!!! 真係嬲都我手震, 訓都訓唔到..好忟好忟!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

沒有他的日子 第三日

仲有2日就見到佢啦. 真係好開心又興奮..唔知到時係機場見到我會點呢? 真係好期待..嘻嘻~明天去outlet, 時間應該過得都快呀, 起碼我唔駛點樣有多餘時間去思念佢啦.  聽佢講今日行程, 都好似唔係好掂, 佢本來想去miami 個aquarium, 點知去個時traffic, 成2hours...人都癲, 之後去到又差不多close, 咁緊係唔去啦..之後去附近個park, 又唔掂, 食飯又比人搞dirty條pant, 真係陰功, 我都話我唔一齊去佢就唔好玩ga la, 又唔信, 要我去take care 佢先得ma..哈哈哈~

我都好累了, 明天仲要早起...不過依然掛住佢..good night, my love!

沒有他的日子 第三日

仲有2日就見到佢啦. 真係好開心又興奮..唔知到時係機場見到我會點呢? 真係好期待..嘻嘻~明天去outlet, 時間應該過得都快呀, 起碼我唔駛點樣有多餘時間去思念佢啦.  聽佢講今日行程, 都好似唔係好掂, 佢本來想去miami 個aquarium, 點知去個時traffic, 成2hours...人都癲, 之後去到又差不多close, 咁緊係唔去啦..之後去附近個park, 又唔掂, 食飯又比人搞dirty條pant, 真係陰功, 我都話我唔一齊去佢就唔好玩ga la, 又唔信, 要我去take care 佢先得ma..哈哈哈~

我都好累了, 明天仲要早起...不過依然掛住佢..good night, my love!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

沒有他的日子 第二日

佢剛剛打比我, 我仲好開心咁諗住可以同佢傾陣, 點知打比我, 用左d好差0既語氣, and 無心機同我講...就話眼訓. 我真係好好好失望, 雖然同佢一齊咁耐, 但我覺得我都需要人地tum我, 鍚我..而佢就次次累0既時候, 我就要standby.  我真係好慘呀.

我平時累到亞媽都唔認得都仲要返屋企煮飯, 而佢就玩到累就唔理我. 真係不知所謂. 算數, 我唔想care啦. 諗住無見咁耐可以傾下計訴下相思苦, 其實好多野都係我一廂情願, 白痴! 唉, 是但啦.... 佢就只係講左句, "我好眼訓", 跟住就唔講啦...唉!! 都係自己對自己好d好過啦..

一字記之曰: 苦!!!!!!!

早抖啦, cheap 精~~~

沒有他的日子 第二日

佢剛剛打比我, 我仲好開心咁諗住可以同佢傾陣, 點知打比我, 用左d好差0既語氣, and 無心機同我講...就話眼訓. 我真係好好好失望, 雖然同佢一齊咁耐, 但我覺得我都需要人地tum我, 鍚我..而佢就次次累0既時候, 我就要standby.  我真係好慘呀.

我平時累到亞媽都唔認得都仲要返屋企煮飯, 而佢就玩到累就唔理我. 真係不知所謂. 算數, 我唔想care啦. 諗住無見咁耐可以傾下計訴下相思苦, 其實好多野都係我一廂情願, 白痴! 唉, 是但啦.... 佢就只係講左句, "我好眼訓", 跟住就唔講啦...唉!! 都係自己對自己好d好過啦..

一字記之曰: 苦!!!!!!!

早抖啦, cheap 精~~~

Max Brenner

I don't know if i ever wrote about this restaurant but anyway, i went to this place for dinner + dessert...yummy



My sister and i ordered 1 dinner and 3 desserts...we were crazy, haha! The desserts were good, and i am so full now!

PS: the waiter was so stupid.. when i ordered, he kept looking at somewhere and i got pissed.  Anyway, he was like a turtle..everything was so slow and i had no patience.  I supposed to pay by credit card and then went to restroom hoping the bill would be there when i came back. Unfortunately, as i said, he was a turtle and i had no more patience for this guy.  He was deaf and rude with a bad attitude! Anyway, as long as the food was good, at least i feel better now, haha!


Max Brenner

I don't know if i ever wrote about this restaurant but anyway, i went to this place for dinner + dessert...yummy



My sister and i ordered 1 dinner and 3 desserts...we were crazy, haha! The desserts were good, and i am so full now!

PS: the waiter was so stupid.. when i ordered, he kept looking at somewhere and i got pissed.  Anyway, he was like a turtle..everything was so slow and i had no patience.  I supposed to pay by credit card and then went to restroom hoping the bill would be there when i came back. Unfortunately, as i said, he was a turtle and i had no more patience for this guy.  He was deaf and rude with a bad attitude! Anyway, as long as the food was good, at least i feel better now, haha!


Sick of it~

This morning i read newspaper and i saw this sick news..

Dad Gets 25 Years for Microwaving Baby,0,704180.story

This heading already drives me nuts because i can't think of the reason why he had to microwave the baby.  I know there are so many irresponsible people in this world but please..if you're not happy, don't release your anger onto babies.  They're absolutely innocent.  You brought the baby to this world, and please give the baby some love and concern. 

When i read along the newspaper, he said the reason why he was angry because he had a loveless marriage and didn't want to take care of the infant. So?  Just get divorced with the mother, don't hurt the baby.  The baby has nothing to do with your marriage. If he doesn't want to take care of the baby, then give it to someone, for God sake... I am really mad at this irresponsible father. 

Sick of it~

This morning i read newspaper and i saw this sick news..

Dad Gets 25 Years for Microwaving Baby,0,704180.story

This heading already drives me nuts because i can't think of the reason why he had to microwave the baby.  I know there are so many irresponsible people in this world but please..if you're not happy, don't release your anger onto babies.  They're absolutely innocent.  You brought the baby to this world, and please give the baby some love and concern. 

When i read along the newspaper, he said the reason why he was angry because he had a loveless marriage and didn't want to take care of the infant. So?  Just get divorced with the mother, don't hurt the baby.  The baby has nothing to do with your marriage. If he doesn't want to take care of the baby, then give it to someone, for God sake... I am really mad at this irresponsible father. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

沒有他的日子 第一日

其實雖然唔係去好耐, 但係我就已經好掛住佢.  其實我同佢距離都唔係好多, 但係就....唉! 原來思念一個人係幾辛苦!! 無佢係身邊特別覺得lonely...仲有幾多日先見到佢呢? 今日先星期三, 佢星期日先返....嘩!! 等唔到呀!!!~

幸好先進的科技令我地可以見面, 剛剛同佢webcam 完, 真係好開心呀!! 佢好似都好悶, 頭先要係lobby 先有得online, 係room online 要成 us$17, my god~ 個傻佬今日成日都無點做過野, 因為佢又眼訓, 又無野做...最衰我唔去得, 如果唔係就有個人陪啦...! 佢大頭蝦, 叫住佢bring gel 又唔記得, 叫佢bring 件 windbreaker 又唔肯, 唉...都唔聽話. 而家又要買gel, 又cold, 真係肉痛... 又話唔飽, 又無野食, 都唔知點算..希望佢唔會瘦左成個碼返黎啦.

要訓啦....聽日又要開工.. 早抖, my honey!


沒有他的日子 第一日

其實雖然唔係去好耐, 但係我就已經好掛住佢.  其實我同佢距離都唔係好多, 但係就....唉! 原來思念一個人係幾辛苦!! 無佢係身邊特別覺得lonely...仲有幾多日先見到佢呢? 今日先星期三, 佢星期日先返....嘩!! 等唔到呀!!!~

幸好先進的科技令我地可以見面, 剛剛同佢webcam 完, 真係好開心呀!! 佢好似都好悶, 頭先要係lobby 先有得online, 係room online 要成 us$17, my god~ 個傻佬今日成日都無點做過野, 因為佢又眼訓, 又無野做...最衰我唔去得, 如果唔係就有個人陪啦...! 佢大頭蝦, 叫住佢bring gel 又唔記得, 叫佢bring 件 windbreaker 又唔肯, 唉...都唔聽話. 而家又要買gel, 又cold, 真係肉痛... 又話唔飽, 又無野食, 都唔知點算..希望佢唔會瘦左成個碼返黎啦.

要訓啦....聽日又要開工.. 早抖, my honey!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Finally he's going to FL tomorrow without me.. Well, i know he wants me to go desperately but i just can't go because of my job and my sister.  Anyway, hope he has fun with his brother.   I am gonna miss him so much while he's away. 

My sister cooked spaghetti bolognese and it was not bad.  At least better than something unexpected, haha! But she cooked so much that i think it's gonna be my dinner for tomorrow night...

She told me when my mom visited my grandma in hospital, she always yelled at her and made her not have appetite.  Sigh~ That's the way she acts all the time and i just hope my grandma can be strong, at least to eat something.  I know she's not happy because she's not moving properly nowadays.  Well, she used to be very active and suddenly her body's changed so she's not get used to it.  I will be upset too if something i do it routinely and suddenly i am not able to do it.  My sister said she didn't want to live because she thought it was meaningless to live anymore. Sigh~ isn't it sad when she said that? I know she's probably so free that she has tonnes of time to think and she has nothing to kill time with.  I just hope she can do something more meaningful and not to think something stupid.  When people get old, their minds perhaps are not strong enough to fight.  I just want her to be strong.  Walking improper is not the end of the world.  Using wheelchair is nothing anyway.  You always see disabled people use wheelchairs at their young ages, so at the age of my grandma is not bad at all.  Just think positive and be happy -- that's the way we should act when we get old.  God bless my grandma, and i love her!


Finally he's going to FL tomorrow without me.. Well, i know he wants me to go desperately but i just can't go because of my job and my sister.  Anyway, hope he has fun with his brother.   I am gonna miss him so much while he's away. 

My sister cooked spaghetti bolognese and it was not bad.  At least better than something unexpected, haha! But she cooked so much that i think it's gonna be my dinner for tomorrow night...

She told me when my mom visited my grandma in hospital, she always yelled at her and made her not have appetite.  Sigh~ That's the way she acts all the time and i just hope my grandma can be strong, at least to eat something.  I know she's not happy because she's not moving properly nowadays.  Well, she used to be very active and suddenly her body's changed so she's not get used to it.  I will be upset too if something i do it routinely and suddenly i am not able to do it.  My sister said she didn't want to live because she thought it was meaningless to live anymore. Sigh~ isn't it sad when she said that? I know she's probably so free that she has tonnes of time to think and she has nothing to kill time with.  I just hope she can do something more meaningful and not to think something stupid.  When people get old, their minds perhaps are not strong enough to fight.  I just want her to be strong.  Walking improper is not the end of the world.  Using wheelchair is nothing anyway.  You always see disabled people use wheelchairs at their young ages, so at the age of my grandma is not bad at all.  Just think positive and be happy -- that's the way we should act when we get old.  God bless my grandma, and i love her!


Why? I am so confused.  My sister and my bf seem not to get along too well.  Well, i understand my sister is not an easy person to get along with because if she doesn't like someone, she doesn't like someone. There's no choice or something else that he/she can do about it.  She's too serious on everything.  On the other hand, my bf is the person who is so easy to get along with people.  But when they are together, the chemical is not working.  Sigh~ and i am in the middle.  I know my sister is rude sometimes, like if he says hi to her, she has no response or just try to avoid.  Isn't it rude?  Anyway, i can't do anything to help it.  There's so many misunderstanding between them. 

I think the reason is because of money.  She thinks he lives with me right now without contributing anything and it's my family's house.  Honestly, i don't know why she's so into money and she's sort of material.  But she's my sister, there's nothing i can change the relationship. Just let it be~


Why? I am so confused.  My sister and my bf seem not to get along too well.  Well, i understand my sister is not an easy person to get along with because if she doesn't like someone, she doesn't like someone. There's no choice or something else that he/she can do about it.  She's too serious on everything.  On the other hand, my bf is the person who is so easy to get along with people.  But when they are together, the chemical is not working.  Sigh~ and i am in the middle.  I know my sister is rude sometimes, like if he says hi to her, she has no response or just try to avoid.  Isn't it rude?  Anyway, i can't do anything to help it.  There's so many misunderstanding between them. 

I think the reason is because of money.  She thinks he lives with me right now without contributing anything and it's my family's house.  Honestly, i don't know why she's so into money and she's sort of material.  But she's my sister, there's nothing i can change the relationship. Just let it be~


My sister cooked dinner last night and i was "surprised".....   Well, it wasn't the first time she cooked and i didn't expect anything. 

Anyway, basically she made 3 dishes. 1) Broccoli with chicken  2) beef with carrot and 3) scrambled egg.  Well, it sounds absolutely fine..just like a normal dish but when i tasted and looked at it....ummm!~

Firstly, she soaked the broccoli in the water for so long, and it became so soft and she boiled the chicken then it was tasteless.  Secondly, the beef tasted alright but it looked so looked burnt and dark..sigh..Thirdly, it surprised me because i was waiting for her to make a very normal dish i.e. scrambled egg and when i tasted it, i was like because it was sweet!!!! I rather eat the normal salty egg but she was trying to make the Jap style sweet egg (like those you can eat with sushi) but it was weird...sigh.. I think the rice is the most normal thing for me to eat.  Well, i do appreciate her cooking for me but i just rather eat out...LOL
Sorry, but i still love you, sis~

PS: Her husband said she improved a lot already.  umm...


My sister cooked dinner last night and i was "surprised".....   Well, it wasn't the first time she cooked and i didn't expect anything. 

Anyway, basically she made 3 dishes. 1) Broccoli with chicken  2) beef with carrot and 3) scrambled egg.  Well, it sounds absolutely fine..just like a normal dish but when i tasted and looked at it....ummm!~

Firstly, she soaked the broccoli in the water for so long, and it became so soft and she boiled the chicken then it was tasteless.  Secondly, the beef tasted alright but it looked so looked burnt and dark..sigh..Thirdly, it surprised me because i was waiting for her to make a very normal dish i.e. scrambled egg and when i tasted it, i was like because it was sweet!!!! I rather eat the normal salty egg but she was trying to make the Jap style sweet egg (like those you can eat with sushi) but it was weird...sigh.. I think the rice is the most normal thing for me to eat.  Well, i do appreciate her cooking for me but i just rather eat out...LOL
Sorry, but i still love you, sis~

PS: Her husband said she improved a lot already.  umm...

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Recently I've been listening his new album and i think it's pretty good.  I've known him on youtube...  He was in one of the singing contest on a taiwan tv show and he was singing 背叛 and i think he sang pretty good and that's how i started to know him more.


How do you guys post the video in here? I only know the link...


Recently I've been listening his new album and i think it's pretty good.  I've known him on youtube...  He was in one of the singing contest on a taiwan tv show and he was singing 背叛 and i think he sang pretty good and that's how i started to know him more.


How do you guys post the video in here? I only know the link...


Right now i am with my honey working and i am thinking if he's working because he just keeps talking with his coworkers and...umm... I know why he always can't get work done it's because he's just a gossip person....very nosy & talkative!!!!!!!!! Well, i don't care, as long as don't blame me that he's not done with his work. haha  

Originally my sister should be here around 8pm so i am here to pick her up but she called earlier and she said she got stuck in SF airport and she missed the flight to flight will be here around 12am and i have to stay here until 12am..OMG!  I bet my honey is gonna complain and i dont know why he always complains and it sounds like i want it happen.  Sigh~ I guess it's men..always have no patience for me.  Just like earlier i wanted to buy apple and he was just too lazy to go with me, so i couldn't buy it.  So sad!!!!!!!!!!! Always can't do whatever i want!

anyway, his cousin came to visit and asked the prices for the wedding photo.  Whoa, it was kinda expensive.  It costs $1,500 just to book a photographer and a CD with unlimited pictures. It's so expensive to get married, haha!  Well, i don't really care about having a banquet because i think it'll be a pain to invite all the friends and family... maybe just go to church..haha! I am fine with that..

i can't think of tomorrow because i have to work..OMG! Another week is coming and he's going to FL without me next wk.  Oh well, it's ok because i can spend some time with my sister alone, but i wouldn't have time with her anyway coz i have to work. Sigh~


Right now i am with my honey working and i am thinking if he's working because he just keeps talking with his coworkers and...umm... I know why he always can't get work done it's because he's just a gossip person....very nosy & talkative!!!!!!!!! Well, i don't care, as long as don't blame me that he's not done with his work. haha  

Originally my sister should be here around 8pm so i am here to pick her up but she called earlier and she said she got stuck in SF airport and she missed the flight to flight will be here around 12am and i have to stay here until 12am..OMG!  I bet my honey is gonna complain and i dont know why he always complains and it sounds like i want it happen.  Sigh~ I guess it's men..always have no patience for me.  Just like earlier i wanted to buy apple and he was just too lazy to go with me, so i couldn't buy it.  So sad!!!!!!!!!!! Always can't do whatever i want!

anyway, his cousin came to visit and asked the prices for the wedding photo.  Whoa, it was kinda expensive.  It costs $1,500 just to book a photographer and a CD with unlimited pictures. It's so expensive to get married, haha!  Well, i don't really care about having a banquet because i think it'll be a pain to invite all the friends and family... maybe just go to church..haha! I am fine with that..

i can't think of tomorrow because i have to work..OMG! Another week is coming and he's going to FL without me next wk.  Oh well, it's ok because i can spend some time with my sister alone, but i wouldn't have time with her anyway coz i have to work. Sigh~

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I am not a big fans of steak, but i don't mind eating it.  Last night we went to Arthur steakhouse for dinner but it was just alright.  The rating is pretty good on the survey but i guess different people have different taste. I don't find it very tasty. 

Maybe it's because I went to a steakhouse called Peter Luger before, and now nothing can be compared because Peter Luger is the best amongst the city.  I just can't resist it, haha!

I am not a picky girl ...(well, not exactly..) but for what I have to put in my mouth, i really don't care.  But my friend said i am picky, because i don't put everything in my mouth.  I have certain selections that I'll never eat.  For example, pickle, olive, some melons..etc.. I just don't like them at all.  Perhaps I don't like to try different kind of foods.  I usually love desserts but some kind of desserts I'll never eat..such as carrot cake.  I find it disgusting..haha! And I hate anything with cherry on it.. I can eat cherry itself but not with cake.  It just tastes different.  So am i picky? I dunno...


I am not a big fans of steak, but i don't mind eating it.  Last night we went to Arthur steakhouse for dinner but it was just alright.  The rating is pretty good on the survey but i guess different people have different taste. I don't find it very tasty. 

Maybe it's because I went to a steakhouse called Peter Luger before, and now nothing can be compared because Peter Luger is the best amongst the city.  I just can't resist it, haha!

I am not a picky girl ...(well, not exactly..) but for what I have to put in my mouth, i really don't care.  But my friend said i am picky, because i don't put everything in my mouth.  I have certain selections that I'll never eat.  For example, pickle, olive, some melons..etc.. I just don't like them at all.  Perhaps I don't like to try different kind of foods.  I usually love desserts but some kind of desserts I'll never eat..such as carrot cake.  I find it disgusting..haha! And I hate anything with cherry on it.. I can eat cherry itself but not with cake.  It just tastes different.  So am i picky? I dunno...

Friday, March 21, 2008


My mom just called me and told me my grandma was in the hospital now and doing a surgery. OMG~ What a bad news this heart is sinking and my mood is gone.    I wish i could be with her but i am so far away.. I hate this! I know the reason why she called and i don't blame her for calling me. 

Few years ago, when my grandfather passed away, they didn't tell me coz i was in the UK to study.  Then when everything was done, they called me and told me about that news. I was shocked and got mad at them because they didn't tell me sooner.  I understand the reason why they didn't call because they knew i wouldn't go back for the funeral but still... Anyway, now i am feeling nasty and hope my mood will come back up soon.

One more wish, hope my grandma will be fine soon. 


My mom just called me and told me my grandma was in the hospital now and doing a surgery. OMG~ What a bad news this heart is sinking and my mood is gone.    I wish i could be with her but i am so far away.. I hate this! I know the reason why she called and i don't blame her for calling me. 

Few years ago, when my grandfather passed away, they didn't tell me coz i was in the UK to study.  Then when everything was done, they called me and told me about that news. I was shocked and got mad at them because they didn't tell me sooner.  I understand the reason why they didn't call because they knew i wouldn't go back for the funeral but still... Anyway, now i am feeling nasty and hope my mood will come back up soon.

One more wish, hope my grandma will be fine soon.