Saturday, February 12, 2011


好耐都無update啦﹐ 可能近排都無咩好做﹐ 冬天0既日子真係辛苦呀! 而家儲緊錢去hawaii, 跟住又儲緊錢買屋﹐ 嘩﹐ 真係好煩好煩呀! 

近日都係在家中﹐ 都無點見D朋友﹐ 可能都無咩好做﹐ 出街又洗錢﹐ 不如留在家中好過! 所以而家成日watch tv & movie, 早排看了unstoppable, 我覺得都幾激﹐ 不過就有D悶因為好多時都係架train上﹐ 不過denzel washington都係我0既favorite, 好有戲味!! 以前做John Q 真係入型入格﹐ 跟住做inside man﹐ 一個字掂!! 

上星期看了新少林寺﹐ 我覺得幾無聊﹐ 以為有幾好﹐ 點知又係雷聲大雨點少﹐ 哈哈! 所以而家HK D戲都係少看﹐ 好似完全唔得! Occassionally都有D可以睇﹐ 不過到時先算啦! 

個人認為king's speech都幾好﹐ 劇情唔錯2個男主角好得!! 

the tourist...睇完好似無睇﹐ 開始以為好緊張﹐ 點知到最尾真係...無聊!!  Angelina Jolie 好老呀個樣...而johnny Depp...無感覺

星期六今日﹐ 不過仲要返工﹐ 可憐!! 今朝行去搭車﹐ 凍死!!! subway慢吞吞﹐ 真的不爽! 基本上日日搭車10次有9次subway都唔會正常進行﹐ 我都唔敢奢望﹐ 唔好stuck係underground就已經感恩! 

下星期一情人節﹐ 好似我同老公過左咁多個情人節之後都唔想再出街食飯比人"敢"住荷包搶﹐ 所以我同老公會在家中渡過﹐ 一齊煮一餐情人節dinner﹐ 哈哈!! 是但啦﹐ 我係無咩romance, 比較實際﹐  不過願大家有個開心0既情人節 

:) :( ;) :D :-/ :x :P :-* =(( :-O X( :7 B-) #:-S :(( :)) =)) :-B :-c :)] ~X( :-h I-) =D7 @-) :-w 7:P 2):) :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^


  1. On each Valentine's Day, I give 11 roses to the other half and stay home for dinner. Staying at home is good, you guys can watch a movie and have a dinner at the same time.
    [版主回覆02/13/2011 10:53:00]that's nice & romantic..hehe yea, that's what we do everyday - watch movie & eat lol

  2. Have a candle dinner this time.
    [版主回覆02/14/2011 03:22:00]good.....enjoy 

  3. 哈哈,I'm working on writing a good HK movie.. but it's going kind of slow....Anyways, I also believe in just spending time with my lovely hubby is the most important thing, the activity is always secondary. No exciting activity can make me happier than being with him on that special day!      Haha, you can probably tell the type of movie I write is romantic comedies..hahah...
    [版主回覆02/14/2011 03:22:00]'re always the romantic type...i m sure you'll make a good romantic movie... can't wait... happy vday to you n ur hubby 

  4. 哇你搞掂左好多套戲。
    [版主回覆02/14/2011 03:20:00]哈哈, 緊係, 勁!!! 

  5. Can you work from home? I worked from home yesterday too.
    Happy Valentine's day
    [版主回覆02/14/2011 03:21:00]i wish i could but no......  happy Vday to you too 

  6. I mean, I suggest you to have a candle dinner this time.
    [版主回覆02/14/2011 12:08:00]Oh...too late now..hehe..alrdy had my Vday dinner with hubby and a romantic/comedy movie  hope you enjoy yours 

  7. KING'S SPEECH我地呢邊叫 皇上無話兒 ,呢個譯名實在有D古怪。
    [版主回覆02/14/2011 23:13:00]因為佢講野有問題所以個名係咁﹐ 我覺得唔錯﹐ 值得一看 

  8. 我而家坐喺度都好凍,懶慳咁又唔開暖氣,真係唔想郁架
    [版主回覆02/20/2011 12:51:00]唔開0既話我就呢埋被裡面, 正!!! 
