Wednesday, March 24, 2010

tired from wedding

I am so tired from last night.....

Last night i went to friend's place to try on my make up and hair and we stayed until almost 12...yawn!! Well, time is tight so we need to hurry up!! I am not a facial person and i don't always look pretty but now they want me to look prettier so she told me to go facial....aww...  so many things to do and i m so lazy..............

i have to keep the skin healthy so i have to say good bye to chocolate and chips....welcome my fruits and veggie...... you can do it, just for few months!!!!

tired from wedding

I am so tired from last night.....

Last night i went to friend's place to try on my make up and hair and we stayed until almost 12...yawn!! Well, time is tight so we need to hurry up!! I am not a facial person and i don't always look pretty but now they want me to look prettier so she told me to go facial....aww...  so many things to do and i m so lazy..............

i have to keep the skin healthy so i have to say good bye to chocolate and chips....welcome my fruits and veggie...... you can do it, just for few months!!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

how to make more money?

Just feel like we have no money to get married, to go honeymoon, to do everything!!! how to make more money????????????????

Monday, March 15, 2010


唔知點解﹐ 經常性地都會胡思亂想﹐ 但次次想0既事都唔係一D會影響人生0既事﹐ 可能自己真係有時思覺失調啦! 想下呢樣又想下個樣﹐ 我都覺得自己好煩﹐ 明明心情好好地但一想到某D野就DOWN哂﹐ 唉﹐ 天秤座0既人係唔係特別多愁善感呢? 我HONEY叫我唔好想太多無益0既野﹐ 其實我真係知呀﹐ 不過有時唔係可以容易地控制情緒﹐ 不過好開心佢無時無刻都係我身邊﹐ 有開心OR唔開心佢都知﹐ 不過我真係唔算得上易相處0既人﹐ 我係會去到某個comfort level先會同人地講野﹐ 我話我有自閉﹐ 佢話我痴線﹐ 哈哈! 佢話我要肯定自己﹐ 其實另一個天秤座0既弱點就係indecisive, 要我肯定自己我真係覺得好難﹐ 不過可以肯定我係一個好人﹐ 哈哈! 咁算唔算肯定呢? 我同佢講我想去見識唔同0既野﹐ 但exactly係咩真係唔知。。。唉!! 我0既生活真係好平淡﹐ 返工放工﹐ weekend係屋企休息﹐ 不過D人話平淡是福﹐ 可能啦! 我真係希望有一日我唔駛再咁煩惱~~~~~


唔知點解﹐ 經常性地都會胡思亂想﹐ 但次次想0既事都唔係一D會影響人生0既事﹐ 可能自己真係有時思覺失調啦! 想下呢樣又想下個樣﹐ 我都覺得自己好煩﹐ 明明心情好好地但一想到某D野就DOWN哂﹐ 唉﹐ 天秤座0既人係唔係特別多愁善感呢? 我HONEY叫我唔好想太多無益0既野﹐ 其實我真係知呀﹐ 不過有時唔係可以容易地控制情緒﹐ 不過好開心佢無時無刻都係我身邊﹐ 有開心OR唔開心佢都知﹐ 不過我真係唔算得上易相處0既人﹐ 我係會去到某個comfort level先會同人地講野﹐ 我話我有自閉﹐ 佢話我痴線﹐ 哈哈! 佢話我要肯定自己﹐ 其實另一個天秤座0既弱點就係indecisive, 要我肯定自己我真係覺得好難﹐ 不過可以肯定我係一個好人﹐ 哈哈! 咁算唔算肯定呢? 我同佢講我想去見識唔同0既野﹐ 但exactly係咩真係唔知。。。唉!! 我0既生活真係好平淡﹐ 返工放工﹐ weekend係屋企休息﹐ 不過D人話平淡是福﹐ 可能啦! 我真係希望有一日我唔駛再咁煩惱~~~~~

Friday, March 12, 2010


It's FREAKY COLD in the office and you still want to open the FREAKY WINDOW?????????  WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The problem is...why are you opening someone else's window to make you cool.......WTF!!!!!!!! This drives me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

happy birthday, hubby

It was his birthday past weekend and i brought him to a steakhouse for dinner.  At first i didn't know if it was going to be ok because there were nobody in the restaurant ( I mean perhaps 3-4 tables occupied) so i got worried.  But my worry went away after i had the appetizer because it was just so good!!!! i can't wait to go there again, haha! My hubby said he liked it there because it was so quiet and the food and service were excellent!

happy birthday, hubby

It was his birthday past weekend and i brought him to a steakhouse for dinner.  At first i didn't know if it was going to be ok because there were nobody in the restaurant ( I mean perhaps 3-4 tables occupied) so i got worried.  But my worry went away after i had the appetizer because it was just so good!!!! i can't wait to go there again, haha! My hubby said he liked it there because it was so quiet and the food and service were excellent!

bridesmaid bouquet...

still considering what type of flower/color for bridesmaid bouquet...

bridesmaid bouquet...

still considering what type of flower/color for bridesmaid bouquet...

Monday, March 8, 2010

stupid betch

I can't stand the betch in office anymore!! She's a thief and she's a dumbass!!! We recently changed our phone system but she doesn't know how to conference so she had to yell and told me to make a conference call.  If it wasn't in front of my boss, i would slap this betch face right there!!! Why is she a thief? because i used to put my tissue paper out next to me and she would just take it from me.  I was shocked because she didn't come to me just once, she came to me as if i was a tissue paper provider! Excuse me, it's my personal thing and please do not touch it!! I was furious!!!! Then at last i had to hide my tissue paper in my drawer! What a betch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not like i don't like to share with others, it's just like she feels i am obligated to share my tissue with her... drive me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she always go online to look at all the gossip website and my coworker said one time she passed by her desk, she saw her reading some nude websites....that was disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Please fire her or else i'll fire myself!!!!!!!!

stupid betch

I can't stand the betch in office anymore!! She's a thief and she's a dumbass!!! We recently changed our phone system but she doesn't know how to conference so she had to yell and told me to make a conference call.  If it wasn't in front of my boss, i would slap this betch face right there!!! Why is she a thief? because i used to put my tissue paper out next to me and she would just take it from me.  I was shocked because she didn't come to me just once, she came to me as if i was a tissue paper provider! Excuse me, it's my personal thing and please do not touch it!! I was furious!!!! Then at last i had to hide my tissue paper in my drawer! What a betch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not like i don't like to share with others, it's just like she feels i am obligated to share my tissue with her... drive me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she always go online to look at all the gossip website and my coworker said one time she passed by her desk, she saw her reading some nude websites....that was disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Please fire her or else i'll fire myself!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

stupid yahoo blog

typed so many words and suddenly it's gone when i tried to save it!! i hate this blog so much!!!!

stupid yahoo blog

typed so many words and suddenly it's gone when i tried to save it!! i hate this blog so much!!!!


生日快樂! 今日係佢0既生日, 不過都係如常地過. 琴晚已經請佢去左一間steakhouse, 好好味, 而環境所有野都好寧靜, 因為客人不多的關係, 雖然開始以為星期五晚上客人少都有些擔心, 不過食完appetizer之後就改觀左, 因為實在太好味啦!! 我叫左一個crabcake for appetizer, 而佢就叫mussel, 我平時食crabcake好多地方都唔係用真蟹煮, 有好多都係好多粉整成, 不過琴晚個crabcake真係好回味~~~~ 之後ENTREE我叫左個 Filet mignon 而佢就一個lamp chop! 一樣係咁掂!!! 本來而為PETER LUGER個STEAK 已經好正, 呢間同佢有得FIGHT, 加上唔駛等位AND無咩人AND SERVICE超好, 呢間可以再ENCORE!!哈哈!!  



生日快樂! 今日係佢0既生日, 不過都係如常地過. 琴晚已經請佢去左一間steakhouse, 好好味, 而環境所有野都好寧靜, 因為客人不多的關係, 雖然開始以為星期五晚上客人少都有些擔心, 不過食完appetizer之後就改觀左, 因為實在太好味啦!! 我叫左一個crabcake for appetizer, 而佢就叫mussel, 我平時食crabcake好多地方都唔係用真蟹煮, 有好多都係好多粉整成, 不過琴晚個crabcake真係好回味~~~~ 之後ENTREE我叫左個 Filet mignon 而佢就一個lamp chop! 一樣係咁掂!!! 本來而為PETER LUGER個STEAK 已經好正, 呢間同佢有得FIGHT, 加上唔駛等位AND無咩人AND SERVICE超好, 呢間可以再ENCORE!!哈哈!!  


Wednesday, March 3, 2010



歌手:林子祥, 劉天蘭, 詩詩


童年時逢開窗 便會望見會飛大象


而旁人仍痴痴 話我現已太深近視

但我任人胡說 只是堅持

飛象兒共我 常在那天上漫遊

要用笑做個大門口 打開天上月球

齊話聲 漫長漫長路間 我伴我閒談

漫長漫長夜晚 從未覺是冷

漫長漫長路間 我伴我閒談

漫長漫長夜晚 從未覺是冷

年齡如流水般 驟已十八 與星做伴


而旁人從不知 亦懶靜聽我心內事


星與月兒共我 常在晚空內漫遊

笑著喊著結伴攜手 空中觀望地球

齊話聲 漫長漫長路間 我伴我閒談

漫長漫長夜晚 從未覺是冷

漫長漫長路間 我伴我閒談

漫長漫長夜晚 從未覺是冷

從前傻頭小子 現已大個更深近視


而旁人仍不歡 罵我自滿以心做伴

但我任人胡說 只是旁觀

心就如密友 長路裡相伴漫遊

聽著我在說樂和憂 分擔心內石頭

齊話聲 漫長漫長路間 我伴我閒談

漫長漫長夜晚 從未覺是冷 

漫長漫長路間 我伴我閒談

漫長漫長夜晚 從未覺是冷

Monday, March 1, 2010

wedding website

Wedding website is finally launched! i am so glad~~~ i am giving credit to my hubby-to-be because he did most of our website! hehe~ hope everyone enjoys!

wedding website

Wedding website is finally launched! i am so glad~~~ i am giving credit to my hubby-to-be because he did most of our website! hehe~ hope everyone enjoys!