Tuesday, April 27, 2010

engagement pics

My photographer posted some pics on FB and i decided to download some and share with everyone here, hehe!! I feel it's quite nice and i didn't expect that...haha!

engagement pics

My photographer posted some pics on FB and i decided to download some and share with everyone here, hehe!! I feel it's quite nice and i didn't expect that...haha!

Monday, April 26, 2010

extremely tired

Past weekend was extremely tired.  We went to take engagement pictures on Saturday.  I thought the weather was nice, but it turned out to be windy and i couldn't feel myself....i was exhausted!!! I haven't been well since last week and now...even worse

just hope the pictures are nice, hehe!

I'll start my training session start from tonight.  hope everything works out well and make some extra money!! god bless!

extremely tired

Past weekend was extremely tired.  We went to take engagement pictures on Saturday.  I thought the weather was nice, but it turned out to be windy and i couldn't feel myself....i was exhausted!!! I haven't been well since last week and now...even worse

just hope the pictures are nice, hehe!

I'll start my training session start from tonight.  hope everything works out well and make some extra money!! god bless!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

last day of tax season, yay!!

very happy..finally it's the end of this tax season.  OH well, i can't complain much because i haven't been working 2 much but i am still glad...hahaha!!! and one more thing, hopefully that person will be leaving our firm soon.   Boss told me we could use her during busy season but now it's the last day, so please....!!!!!!!!! fire her immediately. don't waste our money on someone who is not worth keeping!!!

Next Sat we're going to shoot our engagement pic, hehe! I picked my dress already but thinking if i should change during the day.  Ummm...not sure!!!! Hopefully the weather will be nice and warm so we can take a very nice album.  We didn't mean to do this album but my friend told me her friend is a freelance photographer and could shoot the pic for free.  so i am like..why not?? i dont know how good he is but at least we could take sth together...hehe!!! can't wait...yay!!!!!

last day of tax season, yay!!

very happy..finally it's the end of this tax season.  OH well, i can't complain much because i haven't been working 2 much but i am still glad...hahaha!!! and one more thing, hopefully that person will be leaving our firm soon.   Boss told me we could use her during busy season but now it's the last day, so please....!!!!!!!!! fire her immediately. don't waste our money on someone who is not worth keeping!!!

Next Sat we're going to shoot our engagement pic, hehe! I picked my dress already but thinking if i should change during the day.  Ummm...not sure!!!! Hopefully the weather will be nice and warm so we can take a very nice album.  We didn't mean to do this album but my friend told me her friend is a freelance photographer and could shoot the pic for free.  so i am like..why not?? i dont know how good he is but at least we could take sth together...hehe!!! can't wait...yay!!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



God bless them!!



God bless them!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

didn't expect this today

Few months ago i took a test to apply a part time job @ US Census.  I haven't heard back from them since and suddenly i received a phone call today and asking me if i want to take this job.  I was like....really? I didn't expect this!!!! Life can be happy when something just comes up suddenly. 

didn't expect this today

Few months ago i took a test to apply a part time job @ US Census.  I haven't heard back from them since and suddenly i received a phone call today and asking me if i want to take this job.  I was like....really? I didn't expect this!!!! Life can be happy when something just comes up suddenly. 

My mood is happy today

My mood is happy today.  I thought I lost my friend and i am so happy she replied me finally! I know i should have put more confidence on her but i didn't.  I feel bad.  My mind should stay with our friendship! love you, my friend! Can't wait to see her on my wedding!!

My mood is happy today

My mood is happy today.  I thought I lost my friend and i am so happy she replied me finally! I know i should have put more confidence on her but i didn't.  I feel bad.  My mind should stay with our friendship! love you, my friend! Can't wait to see her on my wedding!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

殺女友製薯仔炆人肉 俄食人魔稱因餓了



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

shopping shopping shoppingg!!!!

I am in the mood to shop, i wanna go shopping!!!!!!! i love summer because you can wear a lot of summer clothes and it's beautiful.  today's weather is gorgeous, hopefully i have the time to go out and enjoy the sun, hehe!

sunny day makes me mood happy!!! and tax season is almost over, yeah!!!! i cannot say i am working so hard this year but i m not not working hard also..hehe! but i still can't wait to get it done!!! yah!!!!

looking for eye mask to reduce my dark circle and wrinkles....ummm... any good suggestion??

Thursday, April 1, 2010

yoga yoga, hooray!

$15 @ yogaworks for 2 weeks unlimited, i think it's a good deal!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited...hehehhee!!! I always want to go yoga class but don't want to spend 2 much ...hehehe....


一個星期返工5日﹐ 有一班傾得埋0既同事當然好啦﹐ 對住同事0既時間仲多過係屋企﹐ 緊係想開開心心又一天﹐ 以前都可能會發生﹐ 唉﹐ 而家真係灰哂﹐ 新黎個黑鬼(都唔新啦﹐ 有HALF A YEAR) 同我地真係好唔compatible, 我地做野做到死﹐ 佢就做野懶到死。 日日都傾電話﹐ send text message, 上網gossip﹐ 一日起碼有2/3時間做呢D野﹐ 再唔係咪make up﹐ 搞下頭髮LOR﹐ 講真﹐ 本來對黑鬼都無咩特別好感OR反感﹐ 但而家。。唉﹐ 當然我知唔係個個都係咁﹐ 但有好多係government做野0既黑鬼我就經歷過﹐ 如果咁唔想做﹐ 不如apply government job啦﹐ benefit又好﹐ 朝9晚4:30﹐ 對佢D咁懶0既人呢份工最好不過啦!!! 講電話又大聲﹐ 有次仲話busy season好辛苦﹐ 過左busy season後就會遲D返工。。。真係搞笑!!!! 快D走啦~~~~唔想見到你!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!