Wednesday, July 21, 2010


唔怪得知結婚真係一生人一次﹐ 因為實在太痛苦!! 由籌備到而家足足有一年﹐ 但都係仲有好多野未搞好﹐ 而下星期就係大日子﹐ 點可以咁對我? 係﹐ 個個都叫我relax﹐ 我又何嘗唔想﹐ 只不過真係好難﹐ 仲有10日0既痛苦就完結﹐ 應該可以係時候休息一下啦! 黎緊有2星期假﹐ 不過朋友同家人都係呢度﹐ 所以要留係度﹐ 唔緊要啦﹐ 至緊要開心!! 好啦﹐ 要做野﹐ 遲D再update!

Friday, July 16, 2010


i really hate it when he just knows how to talk, but doesn't get his ass up to do anything to help me plan our wedding.  Every times I was trying to bring up a topic to discuss, but he would just say i just wanted him to make decision.  It's not true. I was trying to communicate with him to make our wedding better.  Jesus, i don't want to talk to his man anymore.  why doesn't he just show up and do whatever!!!!????? i am tired of it, seriously.  All the hard work that i've done is nothing.  i can't wait to get it over with so i don't have to talk about this with him anymore.  He doesn't like to discuss with me, he just wants to make the decision.  How about i just show up and he does everything?? I was trying to discuss with him about liquor.  I wanted to know how many wines/champagne we need.   i don't want to buy 2 much that i am not going to use it forever! My coworker told me to estimate how many people are going to drink and how many cup can be filled with one bottle of wine.  I honestly don't i brought this topic up and he was like...if you don't have the information, why don't you just bring all the information and talk to me.  I was like....WTF! If i am getting paid like a secretary, then maybe i am ok...but now...i have to bring the proposal and present in front of him? this is ridiculous!!!! i am tired of this bullshit, man!!! he's the most bossy man in this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i really hate it when he just knows how to talk, but doesn't get his ass up to do anything to help me plan our wedding.  Every times I was trying to bring up a topic to discuss, but he would just say i just wanted him to make decision.  It's not true. I was trying to communicate with him to make our wedding better.  Jesus, i don't want to talk to his man anymore.  why doesn't he just show up and do whatever!!!!????? i am tired of it, seriously.  All the hard work that i've done is nothing.  i can't wait to get it over with so i don't have to talk about this with him anymore.  He doesn't like to discuss with me, he just wants to make the decision.  How about i just show up and he does everything?? I was trying to discuss with him about liquor.  I wanted to know how many wines/champagne we need.   i don't want to buy 2 much that i am not going to use it forever! My coworker told me to estimate how many people are going to drink and how many cup can be filled with one bottle of wine.  I honestly don't i brought this topic up and he was like...if you don't have the information, why don't you just bring all the information and talk to me.  I was like....WTF! If i am getting paid like a secretary, then maybe i am ok...but now...i have to bring the proposal and present in front of him? this is ridiculous!!!! i am tired of this bullshit, man!!! he's the most bossy man in this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

love consultant

I met several old classmates on fb and i am really glad i did! but started from Saturday, the first day he messaged me and he congratulated me about my wedding and so i asked if he was married..then he started all his story about breaking up with his gf and blahblahblah.  honestly, i didn't expect him to tell me his love story, because we haven't talked to each other for 20 yrs and suddenly bring up this kind of topic seems kind of weird.  but i have enough already.   i feel sorry for him because he broke up with his gf but at the same time, i feel so tired after hearing all the same story again and again!! just move on, man!!!! i m sorry..... i have no patience for that!

Friday, July 2, 2010


因為結婚場地咩都無﹐ 所以要自己一手一腳搞﹐ 不過真係好辛苦呀! 因為唔係樣樣野都我自己決定﹐ 仲要尊重其他人﹐ 唉! 真係好慘! 桌布呀﹐ 裝飾呀﹐ 杯杯碟碟都要搞﹐ 真係好頭痛呀! 好彩差不多啦﹐ 日日呢排係公司無野做﹐ 日日做research做到死﹐ 琴晚發夢都發到結婚0既nightmare, 好驚呀!!! 希望有神帶領下可以做到盡善盡美啦! 都係時候休息下﹐ 哈哈!!!


因為結婚場地咩都無﹐ 所以要自己一手一腳搞﹐ 不過真係好辛苦呀! 因為唔係樣樣野都我自己決定﹐ 仲要尊重其他人﹐ 唉! 真係好慘! 桌布呀﹐ 裝飾呀﹐ 杯杯碟碟都要搞﹐ 真係好頭痛呀! 好彩差不多啦﹐ 日日呢排係公司無野做﹐ 日日做research做到死﹐ 琴晚發夢都發到結婚0既nightmare, 好驚呀!!! 希望有神帶領下可以做到盡善盡美啦! 都係時候休息下﹐ 哈哈!!!