my husband did not pack a single thing when we moved. I always wonder if i did not pack his personal stuff, will they ever be moved. And you did not ask your husband to help at all? [版主回覆11/14/2012 05:05:00]i asked...but he always says move it one at a time, and suddenly when the time approached, he said " me pack n clean...i don't want to do it...i'll move the boxes".....pathetic! i think if i didn't pack sth for him, he'll never notice!
Congratulations!!! Hope Hannah has a peaceful sleep soon. [yanyan回覆11/14/2012 05:33:22]Thanks [版主回覆11/14/2012 05:20:35]Thanks yanyan....and happy birthday to you
My best friend just moved... I saw her packed from September till Nov, and it's still not finished till the moving day! Glad that it's over! Hope Hannah will get used to the change soon. [版主回覆11/15/2012 20:22:16]its too much stuff but glad my mom is here to help. without her i would be soooooo busy
unpack野係最煩~~~~~我唔敢俾BB自己一間房訓, 我係一個驚青MAMA, 外國係咪多數都係咁做架? [版主回覆11/17/2012 03:09:25]吾駛驚啦,要比佢地試下架,而我夜晚有部baby monitor可以望到佢,咁咪無咁驚囉。 外國地方係自己一個一間房架,可能咁比較independent [Mrs. Tin Tin回覆11/16/2012 19:49:10]yes, most kids in Europe/America sleep by themselves starting infant time. This is a very good training :)
祝妳新居入伙大吉, 事事如意, 一家人幸福快樂, 開開心心
ReplyDelete搬屋真係好煩, 慢慢執啦, 繼而努力 加油呀
[版主回覆11/13/2012 23:07:55]多謝jo姐,執到人都癲,搬屋真係好X煩
恭喜 MRS WU 新居入伙!你哋搵中國人搬?佢哋真係快手好多架。
ReplyDelete我搬入 1K 都揼咗七大箱衫,以後唔買喇!
[版主回覆11/14/2012 00:15:51]多謝lala....
我都係咁講,以後都吾買衫,實在太多。 以前可能都仲care, 而家是但著件衫返工出街都無人理,我都懶得買!
my husband did not pack a single thing when we moved. I always wonder if i did not pack his personal stuff, will they ever be moved. And you did not ask your husband to help at all?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/14/2012 05:05:00]i asked...but he always says move it one at a time, and suddenly when the time approached, he said " me pack n clean...i don't want to do it...i'll move the boxes".....pathetic! i think if i didn't pack sth for him, he'll never notice!
Congratulations!!! Hope Hannah has a peaceful sleep soon.
ReplyDelete[yanyan回覆11/14/2012 05:33:22]Thanks
[版主回覆11/14/2012 05:20:35]Thanks yanyan....and happy birthday to you
好了好了!恭喜 ~ 新居入伙!
[版主回覆11/15/2012 20:23:01]丶下星期假期, 希望可以休息啦
My best friend just moved... I saw her packed from September till Nov, and it's still not finished till the moving day! Glad that it's over! Hope Hannah will get used to the change soon.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/15/2012 20:22:16]its too much stuff but glad my mom is here to help. without her i would be soooooo busy
Hannah肯定好快適應到!! 加油~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/15/2012 20:21:17]應該都係, 呢兩晚都無叫了
[版主回覆11/15/2012 20:20:20]無請假, 有亞媽幫手, 一流
搬一次屋,真係命都短幾年. <--------- totally agree!! 諗起都怕怕. 加油呀!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/15/2012 20:19:03]真係好怕, 希望短期內唔駛再搬
恭喜恭喜.....新居入伙....喜事呀 !!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/15/2012 20:17:56]希望係啦, 多謝冬日兄
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/15/2012 20:17:11]搬完不過未執掂, 超多垃圾
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/15/2012 20:16:26]哈哈, 未有麻煩因為樓下仲未搬, 希望順順利利
十分認同, 搬一次屋真係短幾年命!!!!!!!!! 我仲要平均一年鬆就會搬一次, 好嬲!!!!!!!!! 事關我家老公大人示搬屋為樂趣
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/15/2012 20:14:53]救命, 居然有人視搬屋為樂, 辛苦你!!
[taynth回覆11/15/2012 09:51:54]黎緊, 我下個月又要搬喇~ @.@
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/15/2012 20:13:50]唔系卦, 中意成咁?????
咁快要準備搬屋,幾時堅搬呀 ?
[版主回覆11/15/2012 20:13:04]sammi..已經搬左嘞, 希望一切順利
unpack野係最煩~~~~~我唔敢俾BB自己一間房訓, 我係一個驚青MAMA, 外國係咪多數都係咁做架?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/17/2012 03:09:25]吾駛驚啦,要比佢地試下架,而我夜晚有部baby monitor可以望到佢,咁咪無咁驚囉。 外國地方係自己一個一間房架,可能咁比較independent
[Mrs. Tin Tin回覆11/16/2012 19:49:10]yes, most kids in Europe/America sleep by themselves starting infant time. This is a very good training :)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/17/2012 03:08:18]超大,真係好鬼煩
ReplyDelete我發現其實有好多箱, 都唔駛unpack, 尤其係啲舊嘢, 兩年前搬屋我老公仲有好多箱係佢再十年前搬屋未unpack嘅箱, 繼續原箱搬去新屋即上storage.....
[版主回覆11/17/2012 03:06:05]都係呀,我以前搬時,都係原封不動咁由呢間搬去第二間,哈哈! 不過有需要既野就仲有排執,真係頭痛!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/20/2012 04:46:13]唉,真係頭痛,希望快D搞掂
[版主回覆11/20/2012 04:46:45]係,最好係娶左個好老婆,哼
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/27/2012 23:28:01]好,等我執好先
...我係結婚後先試過搬屋喳....我地已經盡量帶少d野搬黎搬去喇....但都已經好煩呢!!! hannah 習慣左未呀??
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/27/2012 23:27:41]慣左lu....搬屋真係好煩,希望吾駛再搬多次
好耐無留言tim.... 阿b大個咗好多呀!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/18/2012 22:17:57]係呀,你去左邊呀?