Monday, March 23, 2009

Over the weekend...

Over the weekend i didn't spend a lot of time to study..instead i was watching tv...i sucked!!!
I suppose to read more during weekends but i was so tired from work and from everything....sigh!!!
I need to keep it up and gather my brain together!!!
God, please help.....

I met my friends over the of the couples got engaged and we met them for dinner..hehe! I am happy for them! It was dramatic though because they were saying to break up at the beginning of the year and suddenly... getting married in November, haha! it's like the drama of Vivian Chow....

anyway, no more bullshit....bye!

Over the weekend...

Over the weekend i didn't spend a lot of time to study..instead i was watching tv...i sucked!!!
I suppose to read more during weekends but i was so tired from work and from everything....sigh!!!
I need to keep it up and gather my brain together!!!
God, please help.....

I met my friends over the of the couples got engaged and we met them for dinner..hehe! I am happy for them! It was dramatic though because they were saying to break up at the beginning of the year and suddenly... getting married in November, haha! it's like the drama of Vivian Chow....

anyway, no more bullshit....bye!

Friday, March 20, 2009

count down

counting down to almost 2 months.....add oil...................

Thursday, March 12, 2009


copy from someone....


過大禮日期: 暫定農曆新年前
上頭日期: 2010-03-12(星期五)
上頭吉時: 未定
出門地點: 女家
出門吉時: 未定
入門地點: 運順新村男家
入門吉時: 未定
伴郎伴娘: 不設伴娘, 伴朗未決定會否有
兄弟團: 未定
姊妹團: 暫訂6人 (Willie, Anita,
Vanisa, Alice, Judy, Wing)
婚紗相: (1)   
Genny Su(4月30日影)
新娘化妝: 5月初試妝(結婚當天全日, 巴黎婚紗)
婚禮攝影 + 攝錄 +
Snap Shot
  (1)   攝影師:待定
  (2)   攝錄師:待定
  (3)   Snap
結婚戒指: 大來(已取)
新娘花球: 待定(巴黎婚紗)
主婚人襟花: 待定(巴黎緍紗)
襟花/手花: 待定(巴黎緍紗)
囍帖: 未定(預計到Genny
囍帖貼紙: 未買
餅咭: (1)    西餅 – 聖安娜(已買150張)
  (2)    唐餅未決定
主花車: Benz (酒店送6小時)
兄弟花車: 未確定, 預計4部
Wedding Logo 已有初稿
Wedding Theme
婚前檢查: 未做
蜜月旅行地點: 歐洲(暫定)


裙褂: 未決定(巴黎婚紗)
婚紗: 預計2套(巴黎婚紗)
晚裝: 預計3套(巴黎婚紗)
男裝裇衫: 未買
拍照用裇衫: 未買(己有心水)
拍照用呔: 已買
拍照用眼鏡: 已買
男裝禮服: 預計1套(巴黎婚紗), 訂造一套
姊妹裙: 預計訂造 6條
新睡衣: (1)    新郎未買
  (2)    新娘未買
Girdle/束褲: 準備到合意買
男家衫: (1)    奶奶 : 預計租一套(巴黎婚紗)
  (2)    妹妹 -未決定
女家衫: (1)    爸爸預計租一套(巴黎婚紗)
  (2)    媽咪 - 預計租二套(巴黎婚紗)
  (3)    細佬訂造
褂鞋: 未買(想買CONVERSE/傘仔)
婚紗鞋: 未買(想買白色波鞋一對)
晚裝鞋: 未決定買/不買
拍照用婚紗鞋: 已有心水(拱北)
新郎黑鞋: 未買
新郎白鞋: 未買(白色波鞋一對)
拍照用新朗鞋: 白色波鞋未買,黑色鞋已有
首飾: (由巴黎婚紗及化妝師提供)
金器: 未買
頭紗/手套: 由巴黎婚紗提供


過大禮用品: 未買(拱北買)
上頭用品: 未買(拱北買)
敬茶茶具: 未買(拱北買)
利是封、囍字貼: 未買(拱北買)
紅傘: 未買(拱北買)
花車佈置: 已BOOK, 巴黎婚紗
結婚公仔: Stitch,已買
蓮子、紅棗、湯丸: 未買
囍字 Cushion 未決定
回門乳豬: 由酒樓提供
封利是: 未做
接新娘遊戲: 未諗


場地佈置: 巴黎婚紗
婚宴音樂: 未決定
嘉賓題名冊: Genny So 提供
結婚證書套: 未買
婚宴司儀: 未決定
婚宴蛋糕: 酒店送
片頭制作: DIY,未做
檯號牌: DIY,未做
簽名筆: DIY,未做
香檳杯: 未買
回禮小禮物: 不會買
四大長老感謝禮物: 未諗住買
酒類飲品: 由酒店提供
啤牌、瓜子、糖果: 未買
賓客邀請名單: 有初步 idea
賓客坐位表: 未諗
全日流程: 有朋友的rundown

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Sometimes I miss her...but it's not anything unhappy to think of her.  I know she's not around anymore, but i think she is always in our mind and her face always shows up with her smile.  I think she's happy now!

God Bless her & I love her!~


Sometimes I miss her...but it's not anything unhappy to think of her.  I know she's not around anymore, but i think she is always in our mind and her face always shows up with her smile.  I think she's happy now!

God Bless her & I love her!~


It's been so annoying to choose a diamond ring! >_<
I read the tips to buy a ring...Basically there are 4 elements you should notice!
4'C = Cut, color, clarity & carat....

Cut > Color >Clarity> Carat --- well, of course if i am rich, i don't have to worry the above elements, kakaka! I can pick the best of the best....wahahah! Unfortunately i am not......

Cut - signature ideal, ideal, very good, good, fair, poor...etc (i am only considering signature ideal or ideal, the top 2 categories!)

Color - D, E, F, blahblahblah.....( i m not even listing because i don't even consider below D, kakaka)

Clarity - FL, IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2....etc

Carat - well, needless to say, the more the bigger...kakaka!

Anyway, it said...

The cut of a diamond
determines its brilliance. There is no single measurement of a diamond
that defines its cut, but rather a collection of measurements and
observations that determine the relationship between a diamond's light
performance, dimensions and finish. Most gemologists consider cut the
most important diamond characteristic because even if a diamond has
perfect color and clarity, a diamond with a poor cut will have dulled brilliance.

According to them, i would think i should pick the good cut rather than a good color....

I found 2 rings that i am is with
0.79 carat, D color, Signature ideal cut, VVS2 clarity

the 2nd one is with another website
0.75 carat, D color, affinity cut (the best cut), IF clarity....

This really annoys me because both of them are exceptional but i can't decide which one to choose from. 

The first one is slightly bigger but with VVS2 clarity..( according to website, VVS2 isn't bad, minor spot but you can't really see from your eyes... you need to use microscope to see the minor spot).

The 2nd one is slightly smaller but with everything the top (excellent cut, color, clarity)

Sigh....i m so annoyed now.  My honey said i should be happy because it's a happy moment but i am annoyed by this~

The price are similar though.... Please help!!


It's been so annoying to choose a diamond ring! >_<
I read the tips to buy a ring...Basically there are 4 elements you should notice!
4'C = Cut, color, clarity & carat....

Cut > Color >Clarity> Carat --- well, of course if i am rich, i don't have to worry the above elements, kakaka! I can pick the best of the best....wahahah! Unfortunately i am not......

Cut - signature ideal, ideal, very good, good, fair, poor...etc (i am only considering signature ideal or ideal, the top 2 categories!)

Color - D, E, F, blahblahblah.....( i m not even listing because i don't even consider below D, kakaka)

Clarity - FL, IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2....etc

Carat - well, needless to say, the more the bigger...kakaka!

Anyway, it said...

The cut of a diamond
determines its brilliance. There is no single measurement of a diamond
that defines its cut, but rather a collection of measurements and
observations that determine the relationship between a diamond's light
performance, dimensions and finish. Most gemologists consider cut the
most important diamond characteristic because even if a diamond has
perfect color and clarity, a diamond with a poor cut will have dulled brilliance.

According to them, i would think i should pick the good cut rather than a good color....

I found 2 rings that i am is with
0.79 carat, D color, Signature ideal cut, VVS2 clarity

the 2nd one is with another website
0.75 carat, D color, affinity cut (the best cut), IF clarity....

This really annoys me because both of them are exceptional but i can't decide which one to choose from. 

The first one is slightly bigger but with VVS2 clarity..( according to website, VVS2 isn't bad, minor spot but you can't really see from your eyes... you need to use microscope to see the minor spot).

The 2nd one is slightly smaller but with everything the top (excellent cut, color, clarity)

Sigh....i m so annoyed now.  My honey said i should be happy because it's a happy moment but i am annoyed by this~

The price are similar though.... Please help!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I went to see "watchmen" with him last night... Before the movie, i was expected a movie similar to spiderman or ironman because it's a superhero movie...we were so excited to see the movie!! We were there @ 9:30pm and there was a long line already..(our show time was 10:30pm...arrr.. -_-" )  so we waited for half an hr and they let us in.   It was in an imax theatre, so i expected the screen would be 2 floors high and wide...but i was so disappointed that it wasn't so big and it was like a normal screen as regular theatre and i had to pay extra!! OK, fine... then i put more expectation on the movie because i already lost one with the theatre itself...

The movie itself... i really have no comment!! One word - SUCK!
the movie lasted 2 hours and 45 mins and during the 2 hrs and 45 mins...i had no idea what they were talking about.   No graphics, no action, no story line, no drama, no costume was very bad!!! My honey said it was like a long ass porno movie....why porno? you don't wanna know.....

Sigh...anyway, i stayed until 2am last nite and got up @ 8am to work....and now...i m exhausted!!!!


I went to see "watchmen" with him last night... Before the movie, i was expected a movie similar to spiderman or ironman because it's a superhero movie...we were so excited to see the movie!! We were there @ 9:30pm and there was a long line already..(our show time was 10:30pm...arrr.. -_-" )  so we waited for half an hr and they let us in.   It was in an imax theatre, so i expected the screen would be 2 floors high and wide...but i was so disappointed that it wasn't so big and it was like a normal screen as regular theatre and i had to pay extra!! OK, fine... then i put more expectation on the movie because i already lost one with the theatre itself...

The movie itself... i really have no comment!! One word - SUCK!
the movie lasted 2 hours and 45 mins and during the 2 hrs and 45 mins...i had no idea what they were talking about.   No graphics, no action, no story line, no drama, no costume was very bad!!! My honey said it was like a long ass porno movie....why porno? you don't wanna know.....

Sigh...anyway, i stayed until 2am last nite and got up @ 8am to work....and now...i m exhausted!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


i finally made the decision! It was tough because of the money concern...
anyway, i think in order to have a better future, that's the only thing i can do!!
PASS PASS PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Horoscope said this year is good for me! so i better hurry before this year is over, kakaka!!!
I need luck luck luck and time time time!!!!
Please pray for me!!! Thank God for giving me confidence and faith!


i finally made the decision! It was tough because of the money concern...
anyway, i think in order to have a better future, that's the only thing i can do!!
PASS PASS PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Horoscope said this year is good for me! so i better hurry before this year is over, kakaka!!!
I need luck luck luck and time time time!!!!
Please pray for me!!! Thank God for giving me confidence and faith!

lazy lazy

Recently I've been so lazy to update my blog..hehe!   It's not like I have no time, it's just like I don't know what to write about.. Anyway, we just had a snowstorm past Monday and we had snowfall around 8-10 inches which was pretty high. Oh well, it didn't bother me to work anyway, haha! I wish i didn't go work though....

This Friday is my honey's birthday...Happy birthday!! I don't have anything ready for him cause i am going to treat him to Orlando in May, which is gonna be his birthday gift, haha! I think it's pretty nice that someone is paying for your trip..i wish i could do that too, kaka!   Anyway, I am inviting our friends over to celebrate his birthday this Saturday.  Too bad that i have to work on Saturday, otherwise i can prepare more!!!

I can't believe it's March already and it's almost spring and this Sunday is daylight saving time...time flies!!!

lazy lazy

Recently I've been so lazy to update my blog..hehe!   It's not like I have no time, it's just like I don't know what to write about.. Anyway, we just had a snowstorm past Monday and we had snowfall around 8-10 inches which was pretty high. Oh well, it didn't bother me to work anyway, haha! I wish i didn't go work though....

This Friday is my honey's birthday...Happy birthday!! I don't have anything ready for him cause i am going to treat him to Orlando in May, which is gonna be his birthday gift, haha! I think it's pretty nice that someone is paying for your trip..i wish i could do that too, kaka!   Anyway, I am inviting our friends over to celebrate his birthday this Saturday.  Too bad that i have to work on Saturday, otherwise i can prepare more!!!

I can't believe it's March already and it's almost spring and this Sunday is daylight saving time...time flies!!!