Wednesday, September 30, 2009


頂!寫完一大輪野又比yahoo blog 玩死!!好煩!!~

之前想講都係個reception hall....唔寫啦!! 自己睇相啦~

Gallery for my cocktail party

Buffet section

Top Deck

view of Brooklyn bridge

Chapel for my ceremony


頂!寫完一大輪野又比yahoo blog 玩死!!好煩!!~

之前想講都係個reception hall....唔寫啦!! 自己睇相啦~

Gallery for my cocktail party

Buffet section

Top Deck

view of Brooklyn bridge

Chapel for my ceremony

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to myself, hahaha, yeah! How am i gonna celebrate today? Honestly, nothing much, just take a break from cooking and i m happy already.  My honey is bringing me out for dinner, whatever it long as i don't need to cook and get served....wonderful!!  This saturday we're going to have my bday party..hehe! i love it~~ i don't want to get old but it's happy to hang out with friends! 

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to myself, hahaha, yeah! How am i gonna celebrate today? Honestly, nothing much, just take a break from cooking and i m happy already.  My honey is bringing me out for dinner, whatever it long as i don't need to cook and get served....wonderful!!  This saturday we're going to have my bday party..hehe! i love it~~ i don't want to get old but it's happy to hang out with friends! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

全球十大怪食 台灣豬血糕名列第一













Monday, September 14, 2009


都唔知點開始講﹐ 雖然唔關我事﹐ 但我覺得真係頂唔順。有個女人﹐ 真係可以認錢唔認人。有$$就同你好傾D﹐ 無錢就理你死。 好唔中意呢種人﹐
 不過一樣米係飼百樣人﹐ 真係講得岩。自己生左個女﹐ 好心就擺多D時間﹐ 一有時間就同個
老公去拍拖﹐ 留番個女比老公個媽"秋"。 咩人黎呀? 你個女好細咋!
以為自己係princess? 無可能。 仲要衰到想連人地屋企人間屋都打緊算盤﹐ 無咁易!!!
 成日話自己無錢﹐ 緊係啦﹐ 你買哂D名牌比自己同個女﹐ 一歲大0既人仔有得穿juicy
同 polo, 我都係要自己出黎做野先有咋! 唉﹐ 真係可憐!~ 唔係我可憐﹐ 係個女人。

Thursday, September 3, 2009

what a day~

my mood is confused... first i m happy that weekend is coming soon and we're going to Cape May for long weekend with friends, but at the same time, i am pretty upset. Why? At the beginning i booked a house for 7 of us (including one kid) but then his friend just called today and told us she had to bring her daughter too, so now we have 8 people in total.  I am not sure how strict the rule is with the landlord but i already signed a lease with the landlord with 7 people.  I really don't know what to say.  My fiance said one more person should not be a big problem but law is law, i signed the lease with landlord if anything happens, i am responsible.  Sigh...i understand why she has to bring her daughter but why can't she tell us earlier? how many days before we go on a trip? it's thursday already and we're going on Sat.  I am pretty upset.  I am the person who likes to plan ahead and my fiance keeps saying it should not be a big deal!! I dunno, i really dunno.  He probably would think of my feeling but at the end...what could be the result? I don't want him to be in the middle between me and his friends, but i want them to respect me also.  I am the person who's in charge and they would not call me, they would call him and let him tell me.  Remember, it's TELL, not ask.  They already made all the arrangement and excuses to cover this but who cares about how i feel? this is what upset me.... but it doesn't matter now, coz it won't change the fact... my heart is broken....

what a day~

my mood is confused... first i m happy that weekend is coming soon and we're going to Cape May for long weekend with friends, but at the same time, i am pretty upset. Why? At the beginning i booked a house for 7 of us (including one kid) but then his friend just called today and told us she had to bring her daughter too, so now we have 8 people in total.  I am not sure how strict the rule is with the landlord but i already signed a lease with the landlord with 7 people.  I really don't know what to say.  My fiance said one more person should not be a big problem but law is law, i signed the lease with landlord if anything happens, i am responsible.  Sigh...i understand why she has to bring her daughter but why can't she tell us earlier? how many days before we go on a trip? it's thursday already and we're going on Sat.  I am pretty upset.  I am the person who likes to plan ahead and my fiance keeps saying it should not be a big deal!! I dunno, i really dunno.  He probably would think of my feeling but at the end...what could be the result? I don't want him to be in the middle between me and his friends, but i want them to respect me also.  I am the person who's in charge and they would not call me, they would call him and let him tell me.  Remember, it's TELL, not ask.  They already made all the arrangement and excuses to cover this but who cares about how i feel? this is what upset me.... but it doesn't matter now, coz it won't change the fact... my heart is broken....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

reception hall

原來要揾一個我中意﹐ 又平又有位0既reception hall 唔係咁容易﹐  上網做過research, 有D幾好但又太貴 (我覺得!) 但其他平0既我又覺得唔得﹐ 唉! 好愁。 我好驚再係咁我有排都揾唔到﹐ D人話多數要1年前book定﹐ 而家咁講我邊有1年? 好驚呀!!! 我唔想是但揾個地方﹐ 點都要我中意啦! 唉~~~~ 幫幫我啦~~~

reception hall

原來要揾一個我中意﹐ 又平又有位0既reception hall 唔係咁容易﹐  上網做過research, 有D幾好但又太貴 (我覺得!) 但其他平0既我又覺得唔得﹐ 唉! 好愁。 我好驚再係咁我有排都揾唔到﹐ D人話多數要1年前book定﹐ 而家咁講我邊有1年? 好驚呀!!! 我唔想是但揾個地方﹐ 點都要我中意啦! 唉~~~~ 幫幫我啦~~~


因為而家比較得閒D﹐ 所以可以返到屋企慢慢煮﹐ 之後又可以休息下! 真係開心~~

1) 合桃蝦 (其實都唔知點解叫呢個名﹐ 不過餐館係咁叫﹐ 哈哈!)

2) 咖哩薯仔+

原來唔係好難﹐ 我都係第一次煮﹐ 哈哈! 屋企無雞﹐ 如果唔係仲正 (可能係我超中意翼卦﹐ 嘩哈哈!)

3) 沙茶牛肉 + 粉絲
粉絲﹐ 不過見個汁應該幾惹味﹐ 又試下﹐ 又唔錯﹐ 我個"少爺" 仲話下次可以齋煮呢個! 唉﹐ 佢又點會明一個餸係唔夠0既道理。 試想下﹐ 我地2個人﹐ 但有時想煮埋當lunch, 即係4個人﹐ 仲有﹐ 佢一個人可以食2個人0既份量﹐ 邊有可能一個餸就OK!!! 到夜晚咪又肚餓!!!

總括黎講﹐ 我地係時候要入貨﹐ 屋企煮得0既都煮得7788﹐ 又唔可以成日repeat, 簡直係難!!!!! 好煩惱呀~


因為而家比較得閒D﹐ 所以可以返到屋企慢慢煮﹐ 之後又可以休息下! 真係開心~~

1) 合桃蝦 (其實都唔知點解叫呢個名﹐ 不過餐館係咁叫﹐ 哈哈!)

2) 咖哩薯仔+

原來唔係好難﹐ 我都係第一次煮﹐ 哈哈! 屋企無雞﹐ 如果唔係仲正 (可能係我超中意翼卦﹐ 嘩哈哈!)

3) 沙茶牛肉 + 粉絲
粉絲﹐ 不過見個汁應該幾惹味﹐ 又試下﹐ 又唔錯﹐ 我個"少爺" 仲話下次可以齋煮呢個! 唉﹐ 佢又點會明一個餸係唔夠0既道理。 試想下﹐ 我地2個人﹐ 但有時想煮埋當lunch, 即係4個人﹐ 仲有﹐ 佢一個人可以食2個人0既份量﹐ 邊有可能一個餸就OK!!! 到夜晚咪又肚餓!!!

總括黎講﹐ 我地係時候要入貨﹐ 屋企煮得0既都煮得7788﹐ 又唔可以成日repeat, 簡直係難!!!!! 好煩惱呀~