Wednesday, November 25, 2009


聽日呢個時候我己經係plane啦﹐ 本來好開心不過一早就比人破壞哂﹐ 唉!! 同家姐嘈左2句﹐ 不過係internet到﹐ 好無聊。 其實我心態係一家人開開心心﹐ 但佢就有個句講個句﹐ 講講下話連我個wedding都唔去﹐ 邊個傷心D? 個個都就哂佢個schedule, 而家話唔黎﹐ 對我真係好~ 有時做人講野係可以有技術﹐ 唔駛講到無彎轉﹐ 既然講到咁我都無野講﹐ 唔去就唔去﹐ 我可以點? 

好jealous 人地一家開開心心﹐ 不過我屋企就。。。希望將來我有小朋友時都會開開心心啦﹐ 唔好好似我而家咁! ~唉﹐ 好淡! 咩心情都無哂﹐ 希望快D忘記啦~


聽日呢個時候我己經係plane啦﹐ 本來好開心不過一早就比人破壞哂﹐ 唉!! 同家姐嘈左2句﹐ 不過係internet到﹐ 好無聊。 其實我心態係一家人開開心心﹐ 但佢就有個句講個句﹐ 講講下話連我個wedding都唔去﹐ 邊個傷心D? 個個都就哂佢個schedule, 而家話唔黎﹐ 對我真係好~ 有時做人講野係可以有技術﹐ 唔駛講到無彎轉﹐ 既然講到咁我都無野講﹐ 唔去就唔去﹐ 我可以點? 

好jealous 人地一家開開心心﹐ 不過我屋企就。。。希望將來我有小朋友時都會開開心心啦﹐ 唔好好似我而家咁! ~唉﹐ 好淡! 咩心情都無哂﹐ 希望快D忘記啦~

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What to bring back HK for my family?

Time flies and i can't believe i am going back in almost a week!! OMG~

What should i bring back to HK for my family? Even my mom said don't get anything, i usually bring them back something. 

1) i was thinking to get them some Yankees t-shirt or cap since they won world series this year.

2) thinking to buy some gift set from bath and body works

3) thinking to buy them some chocolate

4) thinking to buy them some ginseng....etc

Umm...what should i get them? and my sis just graduated.. should i get her sth too?

What to bring back HK for my family?

Time flies and i can't believe i am going back in almost a week!! OMG~

What should i bring back to HK for my family? Even my mom said don't get anything, i usually bring them back something. 

1) i was thinking to get them some Yankees t-shirt or cap since they won world series this year.

2) thinking to buy some gift set from bath and body works

3) thinking to buy them some chocolate

4) thinking to buy them some ginseng....etc

Umm...what should i get them? and my sis just graduated.. should i get her sth too?

Limited computer access day2

I am still have limited computer access on my work computer.  It doesn't mean i have nothing to do but something i can't really do.  Anyway, i am so tired already because we're under the client's pressure to complete a consolidated statement and draft the audit report.  Oh well, it's not my client and i should not be dealing with but my coworker usually comes in late so i was doing her job this morning and i am so tired already and i left office pretty late last night to finish up another project.  OMG~ i miss my bed! i guess having a vacation soon is a good idea. 

Back to my wedding planning.  I spoke with my honey last night and we both agree that we should just stick with our plan.  We can either adjust the guest list to have fewer guests or we can put more tables but maybe the dancing floor we have to move around the tables after dinner.  I guess that's not a big deal, at least we both like the place and it's under our budget.  Looking for another reception site is a headache and i have enough going on already.  Hopefully everything will be set before i leave to HK!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Computer problem

My computer at work has a problem, so i am using someone else's computer but still have no access to my email.  well, it means i have nothing to do right now, haha! going on facebook doesn't really kill my time, and i don't really want to think about the wedding.  i'll be dead soon if i keep thinking.  We spoke a little bit of the wedding last night and it came up he had to control his guest list, otherwise we have to find another space for our wedding.  I asked many places already, normally, for american wedding, it costs around $150 per person.  I can't say it's a lot of money for a wedding but we have to spend other money on other things, so...$150 is pretty over my budget right now.  I can afford spending $150 per person but it means i will have nth left in my bank after the wedding.  i rather save up something for future. 

Hope everything will be solved soon so i can enjoy my trip to HK. (well, i can't say enjoy becuz it will be so busy but at least i have no work, haha!)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


唉﹐ 點解成日都好煩ga? 我真係好唔想再煩啦~ 本來諗住己經揾好個reception﹐ 點知而家可能又太多人﹐ 唔可以請咁多人﹐ 我就無所謂﹐ 因為我都唔係好多人要請﹐ 但佢個邊就多人D﹐ 一係就CUT D人﹐ 一係就揾0個個地方﹐ 唉﹐ 我唔想再經歷呢個process啦﹐ 好辛苦。 佢話係唐人餐館都無所謂﹐ 不過我有呢﹐ 所以我就要揾個地方我中意0既﹐ 嘩﹐ 一個波推埋我度緊係無所謂啦你﹐ 又話錫我﹐ 我而家連訓都訓得唔好呀﹐ 實在太stress啦。 又要low budget, 又要地方近﹐ 又要容納到多D人﹐ 簡直係一個字﹐ 難!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 快D打救我啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~救命呀~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, November 9, 2009

cute cute baby

i love these 2 pics....She's my honey's niece and should be our flower girl next year on our wedding day... hehe, she's adorable!! really make me smile when i see her smile.

cute cute baby

i love these 2 pics....She's my honey's niece and should be our flower girl next year on our wedding day... hehe, she's adorable!! really make me smile when i see her smile.


好開心呀﹐ 又可以返HK﹐ 又唔駛返工﹐ 哈哈! 最想就係咁。 時間過得真係快﹐ 好快又到2010啦﹐ 我就仲有8個月結婚﹐ 好驚呀! 佢成日都話我有婚前恐懼症﹐ 哈哈﹐ 一D都唔出奇呀﹐ 我成日擔心呢樣個樣﹐ 不過我都唔想﹐ 有時得閒就諗下﹐ 咪搞成咁LOR.

一個weekend過得好快呀~ 不過last weekend好忙﹐ 又唔係好舒服﹐ 唉! 而家仲有D頭痛﹐ 好煩呀!!! 快D 離開我!!! 唔寫啦﹐ 無心情!!


好開心呀﹐ 又可以返HK﹐ 又唔駛返工﹐ 哈哈! 最想就係咁。 時間過得真係快﹐ 好快又到2010啦﹐ 我就仲有8個月結婚﹐ 好驚呀! 佢成日都話我有婚前恐懼症﹐ 哈哈﹐ 一D都唔出奇呀﹐ 我成日擔心呢樣個樣﹐ 不過我都唔想﹐ 有時得閒就諗下﹐ 咪搞成咁LOR.

一個weekend過得好快呀~ 不過last weekend好忙﹐ 又唔係好舒服﹐ 唉! 而家仲有D頭痛﹐ 好煩呀!!! 快D 離開我!!! 唔寫啦﹐ 無心情!!

Friday, November 6, 2009


終於做完啦個parade﹐ 真係好累。條街又多人﹐ 又冷﹐ 相都影得唔多﹐ 不過就錄左video, 哈哈!! 好彩有個video, 先有D野﹐ 用眼睇係咩都睇唔到!! 而家好累啦~ 好想訓覺同食熱野﹐ 哈哈~~~~ 懶精!! 咩WOR﹐ 星期五緊係唔想做野﹐ 拿拿臨有得走就好!哈哈~ 等我遲D 睇下個video再影低D相啦~

Once again, Congrats Yankees! Good job!!


終於做完啦個parade﹐ 真係好累。條街又多人﹐ 又冷﹐ 相都影得唔多﹐ 不過就錄左video, 哈哈!! 好彩有個video, 先有D野﹐ 用眼睇係咩都睇唔到!! 而家好累啦~ 好想訓覺同食熱野﹐ 哈哈~~~~ 懶精!! 咩WOR﹐ 星期五緊係唔想做野﹐ 拿拿臨有得走就好!哈哈~ 等我遲D 睇下個video再影低D相啦~

Once again, Congrats Yankees! Good job!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


真係好開心呀﹐ 終於都到yankees啦!!! 今次係第27次champion, 我好為佢地自豪 可能唔係個個都睇baseball, 覺得好悶﹐ 而事實上有時一個波都run唔到係比較悶﹐ 但琴日場波真係精采﹐ 日本仔琴晚真係超勁﹐ 好似發左癲咁﹐ 最終做埋今個series0既MVP!! 雖然平時無點留意﹐ 但超水盡0既表現令琴晚場波生色不少!

聽日就有parade啦!! 等左差唔多有10年﹐ 好彩我做野係downtown, 可以有機會睇呀!! 正呀~~~ 上次係giants parade, 都好正!!雖然係超far, 咩都睇唔到﹐ 但有機會成為一份子都己經好開心啦~~~~~

勁呀﹐ Jeter, A-Rod, 我最中意0既係Andy, hehehhe....佢 stable0既投球真係strike out左好多人﹐ 好野呀!!!!! ANDY PETTITTE!!!!!!!!

can't wait for tomorrow, hehehe  Congrats Yankees!!


真係好開心呀﹐ 終於都到yankees啦!!! 今次係第27次champion, 我好為佢地自豪 可能唔係個個都睇baseball, 覺得好悶﹐ 而事實上有時一個波都run唔到係比較悶﹐ 但琴日場波真係精采﹐ 日本仔琴晚真係超勁﹐ 好似發左癲咁﹐ 最終做埋今個series0既MVP!! 雖然平時無點留意﹐ 但超水盡0既表現令琴晚場波生色不少!

聽日就有parade啦!! 等左差唔多有10年﹐ 好彩我做野係downtown, 可以有機會睇呀!! 正呀~~~ 上次係giants parade, 都好正!!雖然係超far, 咩都睇唔到﹐ 但有機會成為一份子都己經好開心啦~~~~~

勁呀﹐ Jeter, A-Rod, 我最中意0既係Andy, hehehhe....佢 stable0既投球真係strike out左好多人﹐ 好野呀!!!!! ANDY PETTITTE!!!!!!!!

can't wait for tomorrow, hehehe  Congrats Yankees!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


次次講開結婚d野總係會嗌交收場, 我真係唔想wor! 佢就覺得我成日發脾氣, 但佢唔會覺得自己有問題. 都係一個guest list jeh, 搞得咁唔開心, 真係有時覺得唔搞好過搞, 我都唔係十分注重結婚, 只要大家開心咪得lor. 而家開始搞, 但佢又成日好bossy. 唔係所有野都要依佢個套做野ga!!!! 我有我做野原則, 我覺得ok咪得lor. 我成日偷偷地係office搞wedding d野, 我做好又話我做得唔好, 個guest list我係無將d人排好係邊張枱, 但只係一個draft, 仲重要係知道有幾多人先, 我唔覺得太重要住wor! 真係好辛苦, 好唔開心, 我寧願自己搞好哂仲好!!! 佢覺得我做唔到野, 咁佢又好好咩? 我唔想再令自己唔開心, 我決定唔理! 既然佢覺得我唔搞, 咁由佢搞哂仲好啦! 我又唔駛煩, 佢又可以做自己中意0既野, 一舉兩得, 就咁決定! 無事一身輕, 呵呵!!!