Friday, January 22, 2010

non stop sickness....

Why is my life so tough? Am I full of germs? sigh....i feel like giving up everything now!!!!!!!!!!! From flu, cold, to now another UTI, WTF is happening to me?????????? I try to stay healthy but i guess it isn't enough!!!! Come on..... i have enough and i need to improve my immune system, jesus! sigh...... my color of today, it's grey!

non stop sickness....

Why is my life so tough? Am I full of germs? sigh....i feel like giving up everything now!!!!!!!!!!! From flu, cold, to now another UTI, WTF is happening to me?????????? I try to stay healthy but i guess it isn't enough!!!! Come on..... i have enough and i need to improve my immune system, jesus! sigh...... my color of today, it's grey!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Maid of honor

My maid of honor is my best friend from HK.  She'll fly to NY for my wedding.  I am so happy!!! I've known her for more than 10 years.  Even though I don't get a chance to see her often, our friendship stays with us!   Recently she's learning to be a MUA so she can help me or my other bridesmaid to do the make up or hair setting on my wedding day!! how lovely!!! hehe I can't offer her much but i can offer my heart to her, i love her!!

Lately I've been thinking to get another chinese trad. dress for my wedding.... I am not sure yet, but it's under my consideration.  ummmm....

Even though my wedding is almost 6 months away, i am not as excited as I suppose to be.  Many things are going on and i can hardly breathe! Oh must go on no matter what.... nothing negative, just been so stressed from study and from my health.  My nose has been killing me.  It just keeps sneezing.... sigh! I don't think i catch a cold but then I don't know what it is anymore!! AWWWw... hope things will be better soon~

Maid of honor

My maid of honor is my best friend from HK.  She'll fly to NY for my wedding.  I am so happy!!! I've known her for more than 10 years.  Even though I don't get a chance to see her often, our friendship stays with us!   Recently she's learning to be a MUA so she can help me or my other bridesmaid to do the make up or hair setting on my wedding day!! how lovely!!! hehe I can't offer her much but i can offer my heart to her, i love her!!

Lately I've been thinking to get another chinese trad. dress for my wedding.... I am not sure yet, but it's under my consideration.  ummmm....

Even though my wedding is almost 6 months away, i am not as excited as I suppose to be.  Many things are going on and i can hardly breathe! Oh must go on no matter what.... nothing negative, just been so stressed from study and from my health.  My nose has been killing me.  It just keeps sneezing.... sigh! I don't think i catch a cold but then I don't know what it is anymore!! AWWWw... hope things will be better soon~

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

wedding website

Wedding is coming soon and my wedding website is almost done, yeah!! I hope to launch it by the end of this month so friends and families are able to view and make comment...hehe! Well, I have to give him credits because he's been doing this website for almost a month.  It took him few days to finish scanning all the pictures and arrange the whole website.  I am proud of him. Sometimes men are doing something, just they don't tell you, haha!

wedding website

Wedding is coming soon and my wedding website is almost done, yeah!! I hope to launch it by the end of this month so friends and families are able to view and make comment...hehe! Well, I have to give him credits because he's been doing this website for almost a month.  It took him few days to finish scanning all the pictures and arrange the whole website.  I am proud of him. Sometimes men are doing something, just they don't tell you, haha!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's so sad to hear about the news at Haiti.  I don't know anyone who lives there but I can feel their pain.  I had experienced earthquake before but it was a minor one, so it didn't affect anything.  God bless them

News from yahoo:

Haitians are piling bodies along the devastated streets of their
capital after a powerful earthquake flattened the president's palace
and the main prison, the cathedral, hospitals, schools and thousands of
homes. Untold numbers are still trapped.

President Rene Preval
says he believes thousands of people are dead. His prime minister,
Jean-Max Bellerive, tells CNN: "I believe we are well over 100,000,"
though he gives no basis for that estimate and says he hopes it isn't

Preval told the Miami Herald on Wednesday that: "Parliament has collapsed. The tax office has collapsed. Schools have collapsed. Hospitals have collapsed."

The magnitude-7 quake struck Tuesday afternoon.


It's so sad to hear about the news at Haiti.  I don't know anyone who lives there but I can feel their pain.  I had experienced earthquake before but it was a minor one, so it didn't affect anything.  God bless them

News from yahoo:

Haitians are piling bodies along the devastated streets of their
capital after a powerful earthquake flattened the president's palace
and the main prison, the cathedral, hospitals, schools and thousands of
homes. Untold numbers are still trapped.

President Rene Preval
says he believes thousands of people are dead. His prime minister,
Jean-Max Bellerive, tells CNN: "I believe we are well over 100,000,"
though he gives no basis for that estimate and says he hopes it isn't

Preval told the Miami Herald on Wednesday that: "Parliament has collapsed. The tax office has collapsed. Schools have collapsed. Hospitals have collapsed."

The magnitude-7 quake struck Tuesday afternoon.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


已經係2010年﹐ 過左6日0既我都覺得無咩特別﹐ 哈哈!! 我地元旦個日本來打算同佢媽食飯﹐ 點知佢媽唔得閒﹐ 我地就自己2人食飯﹐ 本來打算返屋企煮﹐ 點知D鋪早收﹐ 放工都買唔切﹐ 算啦~ 下次!! 有朋友叫我地去唱K + 倒數﹐ 不過我地又唔想出去﹐ 所以食完飯就返屋企! 其實真係好enjoy﹐ 因為終於可以休息下﹐ 由HK返來至christmas都無停過 ﹐所以有一日可以留係屋企實在太正! 我地返到屋企坐陣﹐ 睇2012﹐ 哈哈!!! 套戲真在唔想提﹐ 睇下都開始眼訓﹐ 到差唔多11:45 我地就睇電視 ﹐不過都無野睇﹐ 齋等倒數﹐ 哈哈~ 都幾無聊!~ 之後就開始想訓啦!

新一年都好relax, 我地係屋企
睇左3套戲﹐ 哈哈! 不過全部都係舊戲﹐ 不過反而正好多! 我地睇左 true lie, the rock & the fugitive.  可能呢3部都係經典所以特別好睇! 真係睇到我好緊張呀!! 哈哈!! 其實前2套我之前都睇過﹐ 不過我係一D睇完就唔記得0既人﹐ 所以真係慚愧﹐ 哈哈! 對我黎講都算係3套新戲﹐ 不知幾好! 而fugitive就真係未睇過﹐ 一來太舊﹐ 2來唔知講咩鬼﹐ 不過經我honey介紹就睇下啦~ 好彩佢知我中意睇邊類﹐如果唔係一定悶死!!! 一個好relaxing0既新年就完結﹐ 不過好滿足﹐ 因為睇左3套好戲﹐ thank you!


已經係2010年﹐ 過左6日0既我都覺得無咩特別﹐ 哈哈!! 我地元旦個日本來打算同佢媽食飯﹐ 點知佢媽唔得閒﹐ 我地就自己2人食飯﹐ 本來打算返屋企煮﹐ 點知D鋪早收﹐ 放工都買唔切﹐ 算啦~ 下次!! 有朋友叫我地去唱K + 倒數﹐ 不過我地又唔想出去﹐ 所以食完飯就返屋企! 其實真係好enjoy﹐ 因為終於可以休息下﹐ 由HK返來至christmas都無停過 ﹐所以有一日可以留係屋企實在太正! 我地返到屋企坐陣﹐ 睇2012﹐ 哈哈!!! 套戲真在唔想提﹐ 睇下都開始眼訓﹐ 到差唔多11:45 我地就睇電視 ﹐不過都無野睇﹐ 齋等倒數﹐ 哈哈~ 都幾無聊!~ 之後就開始想訓啦!

新一年都好relax, 我地係屋企
睇左3套戲﹐ 哈哈! 不過全部都係舊戲﹐ 不過反而正好多! 我地睇左 true lie, the rock & the fugitive.  可能呢3部都係經典所以特別好睇! 真係睇到我好緊張呀!! 哈哈!! 其實前2套我之前都睇過﹐ 不過我係一D睇完就唔記得0既人﹐ 所以真係慚愧﹐ 哈哈! 對我黎講都算係3套新戲﹐ 不知幾好! 而fugitive就真係未睇過﹐ 一來太舊﹐ 2來唔知講咩鬼﹐ 不過經我honey介紹就睇下啦~ 好彩佢知我中意睇邊類﹐如果唔係一定悶死!!! 一個好relaxing0既新年就完結﹐ 不過好滿足﹐ 因為睇左3套好戲﹐ thank you!


When is winter going to end? I am tired of it.. my runny nose and cough are still with me and i am tired of them.  i just don't know when i will recover completely. aw...annoying!!!

It's been really cold these days.  Everyday i have to wear 2 pants and 2 socks to keep me warm.  Some of the areas are having 55 inches of snow, i can't imagine living there.... i hope this kind of weather will be over soon!!!

It's time to study again and i am working on it.  I can't say i am working so hard but at least not as lazy as before.  I wanted to give up but i can't.... God bless me!!!!! i can't wait to get it over with then i am going to burn all my books, haha!!!


When is winter going to end? I am tired of it.. my runny nose and cough are still with me and i am tired of them.  i just don't know when i will recover completely. aw...annoying!!!

It's been really cold these days.  Everyday i have to wear 2 pants and 2 socks to keep me warm.  Some of the areas are having 55 inches of snow, i can't imagine living there.... i hope this kind of weather will be over soon!!!

It's time to study again and i am working on it.  I can't say i am working so hard but at least not as lazy as before.  I wanted to give up but i can't.... God bless me!!!!! i can't wait to get it over with then i am going to burn all my books, haha!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010


雖然距離婚禮仲有7個月左右﹐ 但係己經plan緊去 honeymoon, 哈哈!! 其實最 look forward真係唔係個wedding, 而係想去己久0既一個地方, MALDIVES!!!!! 我係好中意travel0既人﹐ 不過因為無$$0既關係所似唔可以成日去﹐ 哈哈! 開頭想是但去個地方就算﹐ 不過我覺得一生人一次﹐ 點都唔應該咁是但﹐ 所以我同佢就達成協議去我想去0既地方。開頭佢話cancun, bahamas...我即刻反應係﹐ 唔係化!!! 去個D 地方寧願唔去! 因為個D平時去旅行都可以﹐ 邊特別!! 我又有諗過Europe, 但一去Europe就唔駛旨意可以休息﹐ 哈哈!! 因為實在有太多野睇啦!!!! 所以最終都係決定去番Maldives, 見到人地D相﹐ 超正!!!!! 陽光與海灘﹐ 嘩!!!! 諗起都開心﹐ 哈哈哈!!!!!!!! 好想快D去﹐ 不過可能要等到下年 OR年尾﹐ 不過唔緊要﹐ 我等得!!!! MALDIVES, HERE I COME!!!!


雖然距離婚禮仲有7個月左右﹐ 但係己經plan緊去 honeymoon, 哈哈!! 其實最 look forward真係唔係個wedding, 而係想去己久0既一個地方, MALDIVES!!!!! 我係好中意travel0既人﹐ 不過因為無$$0既關係所似唔可以成日去﹐ 哈哈! 開頭想是但去個地方就算﹐ 不過我覺得一生人一次﹐ 點都唔應該咁是但﹐ 所以我同佢就達成協議去我想去0既地方。開頭佢話cancun, bahamas...我即刻反應係﹐ 唔係化!!! 去個D 地方寧願唔去! 因為個D平時去旅行都可以﹐ 邊特別!! 我又有諗過Europe, 但一去Europe就唔駛旨意可以休息﹐ 哈哈!! 因為實在有太多野睇啦!!!! 所以最終都係決定去番Maldives, 見到人地D相﹐ 超正!!!!! 陽光與海灘﹐ 嘩!!!! 諗起都開心﹐ 哈哈哈!!!!!!!! 好想快D去﹐ 不過可能要等到下年 OR年尾﹐ 不過唔緊要﹐ 我等得!!!! MALDIVES, HERE I COME!!!!