Tuesday, December 7, 2010


天氣又漸涼﹐ 原來仲有唔夠3個星期就到xmas啦﹐ 真係話咁快就到﹐ 過左xmas又好多到new year, 時間過得真係快。 細個0個陣就望快D大個﹐ 而家﹐ 真係唔想再大呀! 回故2010年﹐ 最大係任務當然係結婚啦! 由7月31日到而家﹐ 原來已經結左成幾個月﹐ 不過當中就無好大0既轉變﹐ 可能本身一早就已經一齊住啦。 轉變0既只不過係稱呼。 話就話一齊住左好多年﹐ 但有時都好想佢做D野﹐ 因為放工之後再返屋企煮飯真係唔易﹐ 而且日日要搭成粒幾鐘一程﹐ 真係唔可以講笑。 有時坐車都坐都忟﹐ 不過真係無辦法啦。 話搬屋﹐ 講左好耐啦。唉﹐ 我都唔想抱好大期望。有時真係寧願賣左而家住緊個度﹐ 跟手再買過第二度﹐ 但而家又要加埋佢爸媽﹐ 真係又多一個問題呀!

anyway, 上個星期六同左老公去shopping﹐ 其實開頭打算去影xmas tree, 不過我又想去行街買野﹐ 見到好多人開心好多! 行左一排先買到一樣野﹐ 不過其實係老公話買比我﹐ 哈哈!! 都好﹐ 有人送野比我。 而琴日接我放工時﹐ 比左個surprise我﹐ 送左隻錶比我! 我好開心呀﹐ 不過個size唔岩﹐ 我開頭諗﹐ 佢幾時有時間去買野﹐ 點知原來係上網買﹐ 哈哈! 係啦﹐ 真係醒唔起而家興上網買野!  雖然唔係我最最最中意﹐ 不過因為係老公 送﹐所以會好好珍惜。 唔怪得星期六行街時叫我唔好買錶啦﹐ 哈哈! 好鬼馬! 

:) :( ;) :D :-/ :x :P :-* =(( :-O X( :7 B-) #:-S :(( :)) =)) :-B :-c :)] ~X( :-h I-) =D7 @-) :-w 7:P 2):) :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^


  1. do you decide to live with his parents and his brother?
    [版主回覆12/08/2010 04:28:00]i've decided not to live with his brother...2 many people, i can't deal with it.  if his parents can't decide, then i rather live on my own...

  2. ic...good choice not to live with his brother
    [版主回覆12/08/2010 05:39:00]ya..i have no patience to be with them....

  3. Wow.. Mr. Wu is very romantic and sweet too! Hang in there with the work + cooking thing, 真係幾有難度, I'm still 研究緊 in balancing our lives!
    [版主回覆12/08/2010 22:11:00]occassionally la...not too often ya, i've been doing work + cook for few yrs still complain sometimes....i can imagine how my mom did when i was kid

  4. 兩個人既聖誕實在太美好
    [版主回覆12/20/2010 22:38:00]not real snow..just flurries....nothing special la.....
