Hey, I have the same problem... I am looking to buy maternity clothes in 淘宝, then use EMS to ship to the USA. I need to get a maternity jacket and the one in US is like USD$380 and I found it in 淘宝 for 380RBM. I also plan to get some work clothes for winter also. We can even meet up to shop for maternity clothes together. Can use 国际快递 to combine shipping from different 淘宝 store. I am planning to get them before mid Dec. Let me know if you are interested. [版主回覆11/16/2011 00:35:51]i never bought clothes online but if there's something good...i can try. do you need to wear professional outfit for work?
(又扮專家): 唔使買大肚衫啦,又貴又娘。著平時啲闊身衫咪仲型?褲就要買,Old Navy 嗰啲OK架。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/15/2011 22:35:19]OK, 等我叫亞媽搜索下先,嘻嘻!
[Angela回覆11/15/2011 22:28:54]唔係呀,專賣褲嘅,有一行係寫住"大肚婆褲"。大肚專門店啲嘢通相好貴。
[版主回覆11/15/2011 22:23:14]係咪專賣大肚野??
[Angela回覆11/15/2011 22:06:15]係街舖。如果 auntie 由太子方向行入去會係喺右手邊。
[版主回覆11/15/2011 11:34:04]哈哈, 唔緊要啦, BB重要D :P
你講個當花園街, 係街個度定係鋪位? 同埋係咪專賣大肚野?等我叫亞媽得閒去睇下.
[Angela回覆11/15/2011 05:14:02]我真係由大肚到生仔湊仔都做哂 research,係大唔到肚,真吹漲。
去Marshalls, TJ Max 睇吓喇,減價嗰啲唔洗十蚊都買到。另外大肚橡根褲有無人可以喺香港幫你買?Target 賣US$30 條,花園街賣HK$40咋!知先幫你買啦,我淨係買咗條好 cute 嘅 Doggie Strap 比你BB,唔記得咗你添。
[版主回覆11/15/2011 02:57:26]我去左H&M,都mama day...好難買,煩!我都想買闊身tunic,邊度有平賣?(你唔係扮,你直頭係專家啦,哈哈哈!)
(專家再現): Mrs Wu 你有無開個 account 喺 UPromise? 可以開始同BB儲定Education fund。你 registered 之後,好多地方買嘢都有cash back 。Check 吓啦 - www.upromise.com, 積少成多呀。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/15/2011 11:35:43]我中意你做專家,因為我真係咩都唔識, 好屎 :P
Hey, I have the same problem... I am looking to buy maternity clothes in 淘宝, then use EMS to ship to the USA. I need to get a maternity jacket and the one in US is like USD$380 and I found it in 淘宝 for 380RBM. I also plan to get some work clothes for winter also. We can even meet up to shop for maternity clothes together. Can use 国际快递 to combine shipping from different 淘宝 store. I am planning to get them before mid Dec. Let me know if you are interested.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/16/2011 00:35:51]i never bought clothes online but if there's something good...i can try. do you need to wear professional outfit for work?
ANGELA呢個專家真係超掂呀 ^^ 我大部份衫褲鞋襪都係返HK買嘅 淨係羽絨雪靴會响呢度買 所以無得教妳嘞 XD
ReplyDelete學專家話齋 都唔使特別買大肚衫吖 㨂啲鬆身舒服嘅咪得囉 ~~
[版主回覆11/16/2011 04:04:18]佢簡直係我既救星啦,仲有係一本字典,哈哈!我都係成日係HK買衫,所以好少機會係呢邊shopping,又貴又唔靚。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/16/2011 23:12:20]呢邊買衫真係好難,要好比心機先可以搜索到D 好既,唉,好掛住HKshopping, 實在太正!
Mrs. Wu,你衣櫃有冇d闊d嘅衫?我見現在d大肚人,都係著鬆身衫多.......不過,睇你依遍blog 先知,Angela對大肚好在行,哈!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/17/2011 09:09:10]我平時返工係著西褲, 所以而家著d咩都好難諗....鬆身衫唔係無, 係大部份都係出街.....
angela 簡直就係專家, 有任何問題問佢啦, 哈哈!
Hi just walk aroud...而家d靚靚大肚ma ma多數都著平時啲闊身衫/ tunic,只係買大肚褲/underwears...d又大肚衫又貴又唔靚!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/24/2011 04:43:17]係呀,都係主打呢類既衫