You are following your doctor. If your doctor works in Beth Israel, you will deliver Baby in Beth israel. Remember, when this is time, don't call emergency, because the ambulance will send you to the nearest hospital and your doc cannot help you to deliver. [版主回覆11/09/2011 03:02:01]ya, i heard my friend said should call a car service or have someone ready to drive you to the designated hospital.....but i'll discuss detail with my doc and will ask you more when the time comes :)
噢 呢樣我又真係唔知喎 :P
ReplyDelete咁妳快啲去問吓親朋好友 做好準備啦 ^^
[版主回覆11/08/2011 10:24:41]我都唔知呀, 今個星期問下醫生先
點同r...香港咁多內地人黎生, 霸住晒d booking
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/08/2011 11:30:17]佢地都係私家醫院生?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/09/2011 22:37:07]我都想有D朋友有BB,可以交流下
[Oli回覆11/09/2011 22:20:31]我身邊有好多人都有咗,真係好多呢
[版主回覆11/09/2011 03:01:01]咁誇張?HK真係多大肚婆呀!
You are following your doctor. If your doctor works in Beth Israel, you will deliver Baby in Beth israel. Remember, when this is time, don't call emergency, because the ambulance will send you to the nearest hospital and your doc cannot help you to deliver.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/09/2011 03:02:01]ya, i heard my friend said should call a car service or have someone ready to drive you to the designated hospital.....but i'll discuss detail with my doc and will ask you more when the time comes :)
噫, 我個陣時都係咁, 睇邊個產科, 就跟住個產科醫生, 佢去邊間醫院駐診, 我就去邊間生. 不過, 你都知美國醫療費用幾高架啦, 我生仔時, 好貴呀. 由睇醫生果日算起, 因為亞仔早產, 到計埋剖腹產, 總共USD20,000有多呀. 不過, 份工有醫保, 個個月扣我醫保費,(唔記得扣幾多啦) , 另外我每年最高要付既上限俾USD2000, 懷孕期橫跨兩年, 我要俾USD4000.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/09/2011 22:36:23]生仔真係好昂貴,不過無計,哈哈!
香港生B真係好誇張....一驗到有B就咩都要BOOK定晒...遲一步都會無床位呢!! 我諗美國會好D呢....去見醫生時咩都問清楚喇....
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/10/2011 00:27:39]會無床位,真係恐怖!咁要生既時候唔通係屋企生???呢邊又真係好似好D喎,可能無咁多其他國家既人來生仔。
係呀! 之前我諗住book香港私家醫院,醫生朋友話full到一月。你醫院離你遠唔遠?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/10/2011 11:50:49]哈哈, 快d努力一齊交流下
[Angela回覆11/10/2011 08:22:57]係呀,上次雖然大得兩個月肚,我做左好多準備。留返下次用!
[版主回覆11/10/2011 06:10:29]咁快就book定?勁!