今日收到朋友既一個email, 叫我分享出去。 雖然吾知有幾成真幾成假,但我相信我地作為中國人係美國吾係完全平等。 唉,真係好可恥,我都聽過類似呢D既新聞,不過又可以做咩呢?
I HOPE THAT YOU CAN SHARE THIS, IF YOU STILL HAVE PRIDE IN YOUR RACE, to be treated right as all others.......
Something really sad happened today at sunset park. A Chinese man double parked outside a bakery to get a cup of milk tea. So he got a ticket, when he returns to his car, the cop was waiting for him and was going to give him a second ticket for the same reason. This man refuses, then he got BEAT UP by the COP!!! there were many people, mostly Chinese stopped and watch all these. More cops came, fire fighters came, more van with cops in it from 66 and 72 precinct came like there were some armed terrorist there!!!!
NO one who were there saw all these happened step put to say the truth, this Chinese man were treated very rudely and later got hand-cuffed by 4 cops like he had a gun!, for Christ's sake, he had a cup pf milk tea in his hand all the time, what harm can he do to anyone??!!
Then the cops drove away, and all the people walked on. Even though everybody were very angry, and mad about this, that it was discrimination, but no one did a thing, or say a word. Even the Chinese cops who came with the crew, were laughing and playing his iPhone. What can we expect then? If our own kind is not standing up for us, and everybody is afraid to get involved that might bring them trouble. We are too selfish to think about others, at the end it also harm us with a story like what happened today. not just Chinese, all minorities are experiencing the same issue. I hope we can learn from this and stand together.