Monday, March 12, 2012


原來以為係得一份,點知突然間又出現另一張UPS notice, 又要去鄰居度pick up, 開左之後,發覺原來又係我同事送既禮物,不過係分開左兩次送,真係感激不盡呀! 一生人當中有幾多個同事可以對自己咁好? 我真係好開心呀 ! 亞B,你睇下auntie Indira幾錫你!今次係一個放係床邊既一個mobile, 有音樂,會轉,令亞B可以訓得開心D,嘻嘻!

仲有係BB spoon 同奶咀呀! 真係好得意! 

之後,老公話另一個朋友ship左D野比我地,係一個highchair來架!真係好鬼靚,而家D BB產品真係......多謝auntie Ivy呀!佢吾知可吾可以來到我地既baby shower, 不過吾緊要,我地遲D可以約出來吃飯架!!    亞B, 吾駛擔心無飯開啦,哈哈! 

不知不覺踏入第三階段啦,時間過得真係快!仲有兩個月多就見到亞B, 心情真係好緊張呀!亞B,你要健健康康呀,令媽媽生你既時候舒服D呀!

:) :( ;) :D :-/ :x :P :-* =(( :-O X( :7 B-) #:-S :(( :)) =)) :-B :-c :)] ~X( :-h I-) =D7 @-) :-w 7:P 2):) :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^


  1. 睇黎外國好buy baby register呢種做法
    [版主回覆03/13/2012 01:43:23]係呀,而家最後衝刺,嘻嘻嘻
    [海棠回覆03/13/2012 00:53:14]快啦喎,baby May
    [版主回覆03/13/2012 00:42:49]五月份呀!
    [海棠回覆03/13/2012 00:40:45]幾時生呀?
    [版主回覆03/13/2012 00:04:50]係架,因為吾駛煩送咩比人呀!結婚都興架,哈哈

  2. 又有禮物收,BB真幸福
    BTW,點解每次都係你鄰居代收PARCEL? 美加都係咁做法?
    [版主回覆03/13/2012 21:49:03]其實多數我都係ship去我公司,不過呢D太大件,所以要ship返屋企。
    [小友回覆03/13/2012 09:26:56]原來如此
    [版主回覆03/13/2012 02:25:35]真係幾煩,UPS仲要係開一至五,你話係咪吹脹
    [版主回覆03/13/2012 02:10:47]呢度都係架,不過D人懶,咪費事囉!
    [海棠回覆03/13/2012 02:08:49]小友未返工唔知做左野要去 post office 取件有幾煩 除非5-day work 咁仲可以星期六上午去 post office
    [小友回覆03/13/2012 01:57:10]即係屋主唔係屋企,佢地會去隔離屋叫人幫收件人代收?
    [版主回覆03/13/2012 01:49:04]好彩都識我既鄰居,如果吾係,真係有D煩!
    [海棠回覆03/13/2012 01:45:36]咁睇黎無人收貨放係鄰居度最 user friendly 哦!
    [版主回覆03/13/2012 01:41:42]BB緊係幸福啦,有我地錫,嘻嘻!
    吾係呀,佢地低能,先會放係鄰居度,大部份如果我吾係屋企,我就要去pick up, 或者佢地有試過放係我屋企門口咋,幾危險!

  3. 個 mobile 靚呀, 啱哂BB女。你第時同 "auntie uncle "住就有人幫你簽 parcel lu.
    [版主回覆03/13/2012 03:55:23]都會既,不過我都好少寄野去屋企,多數都係寄去office架!

  4. 我鐘意個bb spoon ar
    [版主回覆03/13/2012 22:56:43]哈哈,仲有好多野要買架!

  5. Do u decide to take epidural?
    [版主回覆03/14/2012 05:37:55]I'll have to consult my doctor first...i am not sure.
    [yanyan回覆03/14/2012 02:59:45]yes, you can. But my friend said it's not working for her because she took it too late. When I went to the hospital, the hospital doc ask me whether I wanna take it or not. I said I wanna wait till I cannot handle the pain. The doc said there is no difference. But when I ask for epidural, the anesthesiologist may not be available and I may wait for 2 hours.
    My another friend asked for epidural , but no anesthesiologist was available and she waited for couple hours.
    [版主回覆03/14/2012 02:29:32]let me ask my doctor next time, but i heard you can always take epidural during labor....
    [yanyan回覆03/14/2012 02:08:38]Do more research about epidural. My friend told me if you cannot handle the pain, you should take epdirual. But it may be too late to ask for when you cannot handle.
    [版主回覆03/14/2012 02:01:46]if it's not necessary, then i m not going it depends....
