You should not be the host of baby shower. It should be hosted by your best friends or family members. My friends bought the favors online, do u need it? [版主回覆03/30/2012 02:50:46]it will be too late now cos baby shower is this Saturday! i think i can handle it [yanyan回覆03/30/2012 02:36:46]How small? can you ask your best friends to help you? [版主回覆03/30/2012 02:29:39]we are just having a little party for our baby and he supposes to do it but since he's not doing it so i have to put my effort...ew! hassle
男人邊會有心思搞呢啲野,不過唔車你去又抵鬧嘅。 [版主回覆03/30/2012 03:02:21]baby is innocent..... i want more babies! [BigDaddy回覆03/30/2012 02:53:07]No more making baby la!!! [版主回覆03/30/2012 02:30:41]嬲到我成晚都無睬佢,佢都費事理我! 搞到我好似自己攞黎咁! [Angela回覆03/30/2012 02:29:14]佢會話要慳錢, 乜都唔做。 [yanyan回覆03/30/2012 02:17:24]I have a feeling that your DonDon will do it for you. He looks like he is a romantic guy.
Don't get upset... The point of baby shower is to cheer you up with the power of family and friends. The last thing that anyone would like to do is to get you upset. [版主回覆03/30/2012 22:37:28]i am not upset anymore la.....i just thought he wanted to host but he didn't want it..then don't bother!
You should not be the host of baby shower. It should be hosted by your best friends or family members. My friends bought the favors online, do u need it?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2012 02:50:46]it will be too late now cos baby shower is this Saturday! i think i can handle it
[yanyan回覆03/30/2012 02:36:46]How small? can you ask your best friends to help you?
[版主回覆03/30/2012 02:29:39]we are just having a little party for our baby and he supposes to do it but since he's not doing it so i have to put my effort...ew! hassle
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2012 03:02:21]baby is innocent..... i want more babies!
[BigDaddy回覆03/30/2012 02:53:07]No more making baby la!!!
[版主回覆03/30/2012 02:30:41]嬲到我成晚都無睬佢,佢都費事理我! 搞到我好似自己攞黎咁!
[Angela回覆03/30/2012 02:29:14]佢會話要慳錢, 乜都唔做。
[yanyan回覆03/30/2012 02:17:24]I have a feeling that your DonDon will do it for you. He looks like he is a romantic guy.
What can I say???
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2012 03:31:47]even you're speechless.... then what can i say??
第一個咋喎 已經係咁 俾我實嬲爆呀
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2012 04:18:58]係佢跟本吾上心,最好就咩都忙佢做哂!哼~ 我真係吾旨意D男人,亞女一定要似我咁independent
唔好嬲, 影響到bb 架....:D
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2012 22:37:51]有時好難控制架,不過會努力!
唔好嬲唔好嬲,小友比個big hug你同個BB
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2012 22:37:20]小友真係好,成日都聽我呻
Don't get upset... The point of baby shower is to cheer you up with the power of family and friends. The last thing that anyone would like to do is to get you upset.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2012 22:37:28]i am not upset anymore la.....i just thought he wanted to host but he didn't want it..then don't bother!
唔好嬲.....BB feel 到GA!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2012 22:36:10]嬲左一晚,之後又無野,情緒變化真係大,哈哈
寫完這篇 blog 後就冇再嬲......笑番哂
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/30/2012 22:52:39]哈哈,所以有時blog係我其中一個發洩既途徑
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/04/2012 05:22:36]唉,原來同病相憐
[Oli回覆04/02/2012 22:03:04]冇錯
[版主回覆04/02/2012 21:57:30]無嬲lu...不過男人都係懶!
根據我D男同事講佢地係feel到好大壓力/責任感,所以結婚/生bb果陣採取逃避政策,唔去諗/做相關事項,等自己好feelD 話晒佢地係男人唔可以示弱人前
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/04/2012 05:21:11]希望佢吾係逃避,只係懶
[海棠回覆04/01/2012 03:14:18]另一D好積極參與既都有唔開心,通常係同另一半有唔同想法/做法,最終都要屈服/讓步,之後類似事情就唔想咁上心啦