can she eat yoghurt? I see that babies/kids in France eat yoghurt very often. [版主回覆03/20/2013 23:01:23]i fed her once and she had a funny face, haha....maybe i'll try again next time
Married for 8 years, and Cole's about to turn 4 in June... I learn about: instead of "nagging" the hubby about what he doesn't do, just give him order (nicely and playful way). When he's doing something, compliment him... that usually works better and ask him to think of date nights or just even little time at home, just you and him. It's stress at the beginning but it will get better. My hub wants to be fair too, that works quite well for me, cos we share the load. Just talk to him calmly, and tell him you understand he's tired after work, and so does you... :-) Take a night off with your girlfriends... I know you probably will worry about lots of things with Hannah B, but trust me, sometimes we have to let go, in order for the man to step up! :-) [版主回覆03/23/2013 00:43:43]I do worry about Hannah all the time but i guess they have their way to survive...they don't need me to sit next to them 24/7 to feed.... i really need to delegate work and make myself more stress free.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/20/2013 05:34:46]點解D男人覺得我地女人一定要做哂所有野?ridiculous......
[版主回覆03/20/2013 23:24:48]係啦,之前都complain過,未生之前同之後都無好大分別,所以我都懶得理啦!
Hannah B係未吽出牙?或者比d开奶茶她飲?
[版主回覆03/20/2013 23:24:08]我琴晚就做完啦,因為老公餵吾掂BB,唉!
深呼吸, 放鬆....hannah唔食野, 唔係你煮得唔好食, 而係佢根本唔鍾意食, 又或者出牙仔令佢無mood食野. 所以唔關你事架. 好多bb都曾經有厭奶期, 都係咁survive過黎. 到佢真係有mood既時候, 就乜都食架喇.
ReplyDelete同埋男人多數都係咁, 粗枝大葉係佢地既名字. 你最好adjust下你既mentality, 唔好望佢會主動幫你, 亦唔好祈求佢會明白我地既心情, 但只要你踢佢時佢肯郁就好好架喇...
我自問都係個緊張大師, 雖然日日俾田鼠爸激親, 但有時我會諗, 好彩佢係咁, 可以balance下我既神經, 如果唔係兩個緊張大師喺一齊會仲大鑊...
[版主回覆03/20/2013 23:23:15]所以我決定佢食就食,吾食就算,我控制吾到!其實我無依賴老公架,我知佢吾會做,只不過係blog到講下令我情緒可以舒服D咋!多謝田鼠媽既分享,我會努力煮令BB追住食,嘻嘻
望下Hannah 女女咁可愛就有返力量架喇!!加油呀
[版主回覆03/20/2013 23:17:48]佢訓著個樣就sweet,吾肯食奶個樣就 >_<
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/20/2013 23:05:06]好難控制呀,我有時就會谷住谷住,多數係亞B背後XYZ佢,跟住佢就會話我痴線!
[M & M回覆03/20/2013 21:28:10]真 係 要 控 制 脾 氣 , 對 大 人 /bb都 唔 好 ....一 知 自 己 就 發 火 就 要 離 開 可 能 會 傷 及 無 顧 0既 人 自 己 冷 靜 0下 ..of course, 發 適 當 0既 細 火 又 唔 會 傷 感 0情 既
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/21/2013 03:35:45]你真係識安慰我
[小高回覆03/20/2013 23:25:03]HAHA慢慢來,有好過無!:P
[版主回覆03/20/2013 23:03:59]佢都有參與,不過參參下變左去打機同訓覺.....
你要俾自己休息下, maybe 自己出去一陣relax 下, 做MAMA 幾時都係辛苦過BABA. 你要加油!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/20/2013 23:02:23]但我地已經飽受生B既痛苦,居然仲要承受湊B既煩惱,做媽媽真係好慘呀!
can she eat yoghurt? I see that babies/kids in France eat yoghurt very often.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/20/2013 23:01:23]i fed her once and she had a funny face, haha....maybe i'll try again next time
真 係 要 放 鬆 一 0下 啊 ~ 不 如 揾 一 個 weekend放 自 己 半 日 假 俾 hannah b 爸 爸 湊 , 煮 食 (包 括 hannah b0既) 都等 爸 爸 一 手 包 辦~ 你 就 出 街 抖 0下 氣 shop 0下 ping, 等 爸 爸 知 道 媽 媽 確 實 係 super mom! 可 能 到 時 會 自 覺 幫 手 多 0的 ~~
ReplyDelete[M & M回覆03/22/2013 03:05:10]oh...0甘 有 人 幫 又 真 係 可 以 偷 0下 懶 ...
[版主回覆03/20/2013 23:01:03]我有時weekend要返工,我老公就會湊B,但佢都吾會煮,會叫99煮完拎比BB食,佢咁懶,點會煮?
[版主回覆03/21/2013 03:52:23]下???好驚喎,咁無衛生???????
[Angela回覆03/21/2013 03:44:49]啊佢哋,Salina 無做嘢喺屋企湊。不過佢唔可以同你嘅湊法比。毫無child-proof, 佢會叫啲細佬通屋大小便,間屋臭過公廁。
打針淨係做 IVF 嗰個月打,平時都打我破產 + 生 cancer 架。
[版主回覆03/21/2013 03:37:06]佢地既小朋友邊個幫佢地湊?
[Angela回覆03/20/2013 23:03:54]講真我寧願自己湊。 睇吓阿炳 Salina 啲 standard, 意又污糟又危險又教啲細佬打槍戰 games, Dondon 應該同佢哋一樣。
都係噏吓啫, 我老到無得生架喇。
[版主回覆03/20/2013 23:00:04]咁樣會好辛苦喎,同埋邊個湊BB呀?
Your hubby needs to step up to the plate!
ReplyDeleteMy hubby used to like that, but he is a lot better nowadays!
Good luck!
[版主回覆03/21/2013 05:23:52]haha thanks....he's trying
\ _ /
[版主回覆03/23/2013 00:44:06]哈哈,無錯,男人點都要做D野
Married for 8 years, and Cole's about to turn 4 in June... I learn about: instead of "nagging" the hubby about what he doesn't do, just give him order (nicely and playful way). When he's doing something, compliment him... that usually works better and ask him to think of date nights or just even little time at home, just you and him. It's stress at the beginning but it will get better. My hub wants to be fair too, that works quite well for me, cos we share the load. Just talk to him calmly, and tell him you understand he's tired after work, and so does you... :-) Take a night off with your girlfriends... I know you probably will worry about lots of things with Hannah B, but trust me, sometimes we have to let go, in order for the man to step up! :-)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/23/2013 00:43:43]I do worry about Hannah all the time but i guess they have their way to survive...they don't need me to sit next to them 24/7 to feed.... i really need to delegate work and make myself more stress free.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/23/2013 00:42:22]或者我真係應該stress free, 如果吾係命都短幾年
ReplyDeleteMrs Wu, 講左出來會開心d, 我很願意聽你呻訴啊~~
[版主回覆03/23/2013 00:41:58]多謝你呀貓豬女
其實訓得唔好真係咩都差一大截... 快d搞掂個枕頭啦!!
ReplyDelete至於爸爸就點都做唔到媽媽的細心同負責到底架啦, 不過都支持妳逼下老公盡量幫多d手呀
[Yan回覆03/23/2013 09:20:02]咁D痛可能同心理/stress都有關喎... 係啦, 叫老公做多D, 其實爸爸應該對阿女好d先係, 話哂上世情人~~
[版主回覆03/23/2013 00:41:17]吾知點解訓邊個枕頭都係咁,背脊位置都係酸痛...好煩!
Mrs. Wu :
ReplyDelete妳呻完又無事, 呻完又再開工......呻呻吓好快就 Hannah 長大成人.....!!
呻訢接受, 做嘢照舊....各施其職, 遲些遊埠 !!
Hello !第一次留言!睇到您這篇blob我都好有同感呀!近呢十日bb唔知係咪吽牙仔,好好心機煮好晒!都無心機食!又驚佢無營養、好想呢段時間快些過呀!做媽媽有時真係要比d時間自己relax下,那怕係落街或入房蛇一陣,如果唔係個人會好暴燥架!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/11/2013 05:16:46]做媽媽真係好多野煩,又怕佢呢樣個樣,其實好多時都係我地自己過份擔心。如果吽牙,可吾可以用teething gel呀?我見都好似舒緩到小小痛。吾好咁擔心啦,應該好快過。 我個女都無食三個星期solid, 而家咪都係咁。