總括﹐ 我諗我有排都唔會去食日本餐!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
岩 岩睇完一D野
總括﹐ 我諗我有排都唔會去食日本餐!
岩 岩睇完一D野
總括﹐ 我諗我有排都唔會去食日本餐!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Pronovias sample sales
之後去左TIFFANY睇介指﹐ 真係有D貴同唔抵。 我地睇個D都係勁 plain, 但都要成 US$1000一隻。 好似唔係咁化算。 如果返HK﹐ 不如返去買好過啦! 我又唔要diamond... 諗下先!!
Pronovias sample sales
之後去左TIFFANY睇介指﹐ 真係有D貴同唔抵。 我地睇個D都係勁 plain, 但都要成 US$1000一隻。 好似唔係咁化算。 如果返HK﹐ 不如返去買好過啦! 我又唔要diamond... 諗下先!!
Transformer 2
套戲都唔係想像中咁差﹐ 不過就係辛苦D﹐ 有D頸痛。。。覺得Megan Fox好似有D多餘﹐ 不過無左佢又應該無咁好睇. 同埋多左好多robot﹐ 完全唔知邊個打邊個。。。認得optimus prime同bumblebee!! 我好中意佢地2個呀!!
Transformer 2
套戲都唔係想像中咁差﹐ 不過就係辛苦D﹐ 有D頸痛。。。覺得Megan Fox好似有D多餘﹐ 不過無左佢又應該無咁好睇. 同埋多左好多robot﹐ 完全唔知邊個打邊個。。。認得optimus prime同bumblebee!! 我好中意佢地2個呀!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
今個星期六好忙﹐ 朝早想打掃下屋企﹐ 之後去試婚紗﹐ 跟住再順便去睇戒指﹐ 再跟手去睇我老公期待以久0既 transformers!!
今個星期六好忙﹐ 朝早想打掃下屋企﹐ 之後去試婚紗﹐ 跟住再順便去睇戒指﹐ 再跟手去睇我老公期待以久0既 transformers!! 佢由一有ticket賣個陣就即係去買﹐ 平時又唔見佢咁"精靈"﹐ 哈哈!! 希望唔會失望啦!!! 星期六一定勁多人!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
話說我老細無拿拿同我地講﹐ 話如果無咩野做可以去幫J (咪就係個條友)﹐ J仲有好多野未做完。 我就話﹐ 如果J有野比我地做﹐ 佢可以揾我地﹐ 之後我老細就問點解咁樣? 我就開始唔明。。下﹐ 如果真係想人幫﹐ 唔係應該自己開聲咩? 仲要我送羊入虎口? 傻0既咩!! 仲有﹐ 佢揾我地做野有咩問題? 一定要我地去
仲仲有﹐ 如果佢真係咁忙﹐ 就唔會差唔多日日係返工時間去做GYM做成2個幾鐘啦! 你話佢有幾忙???? 比野佢做仲辛苦過自己做。 我原本比野佢做﹐ 佢做左HALF 就比番我收拾殘局﹐ 頂!! 仲細咩? 成日要人"秋"。。。。白痴!
唉﹐ 本來都無點諗要轉工﹐ 而家佢0既出現令我應該諗下。。。
話說我老細無拿拿同我地講﹐ 話如果無咩野做可以去幫J (咪就係個條友)﹐ J仲有好多野未做完。 我就話﹐ 如果J有野比我地做﹐ 佢可以揾我地﹐ 之後我老細就問點解咁樣? 我就開始唔明。。下﹐ 如果真係想人幫﹐ 唔係應該自己開聲咩? 仲要我送羊入虎口? 傻0既咩!! 仲有﹐ 佢揾我地做野有咩問題? 一定要我地去揾佢先咩??????? 之後我老細就走左﹐ 我就同番我同事講﹐ 佢話我老細傻﹐ 成日比J點。 話J佔緊我地便宜。 又話J 本身都唔係TEAM PLAYER﹐ 有野自己做﹐ 唔要人幫﹐ 仲有成日好8﹐ 係人地門口偷聽人地講野﹐ 好無品! 做人做到咁 ﹐真係辛苦!!!!
仲仲有﹐ 如果佢真係咁忙﹐ 就唔會差唔多日日係返工時間去做GYM做成2個幾鐘啦! 你話佢有幾忙???? 比野佢做仲辛苦過自己做。 我原本比野佢做﹐ 佢做左HALF 就比番我收拾殘局﹐ 頂!! 仲細咩? 成日要人"秋"。。。。白痴!
唉﹐ 本來都無點諗要轉工﹐ 而家佢0既出現令我應該諗下。。。
Monday, June 22, 2009
所以都最尾我地咁多個人都係釣到2條魚咋。。。真失禮﹐ 哈哈
我諗下次都無人去﹐ 比$之如又勁辛苦。。。。
所以都最尾我地咁多個人都係釣到2條魚咋。。。真失禮﹐ 哈哈
我諗下次都無人去﹐ 比$之如又勁辛苦。。。。
Friday, June 19, 2009
wedding gown trunk show
Bridal Trunk Shows
Evening Wear Trunk Shows
Pesavento Couture Eveningwear | Jun 18 - 21 | |
Pnina Tornai Evening Wear | Jul 23 - 26 |
Headpieces & Accessories Trunk Shows
Homa Headpieces & Accessories | Jun 19 - 21 | |
Ti Adoro Jewelry | Jun 26 - 28 |
wedding gown trunk show
Bridal Trunk Shows
Evening Wear Trunk Shows
Pesavento Couture Eveningwear | Jun 18 - 21 | |
Pnina Tornai Evening Wear | Jul 23 - 26 |
Headpieces & Accessories Trunk Shows
Homa Headpieces & Accessories | Jun 19 - 21 | |
Ti Adoro Jewelry | Jun 26 - 28 |
好得意﹐ 等我採完佢再POST相出黎﹐ 不過BB仔真係好得意
大家想生幾多個呢? 我個人就想生一仔一女﹐ 一個哥哥一個妹妹﹐ 幾好﹐ 不過唔係我想點就點0既。。嘻嘻!
成日都擔心無$$養又擔心無時間"秋"﹐ 我諗有時都唔到我諗咁多﹐ 煮到埋黎就食啦。。如果真係有左都係天賜0既GIFT﹐ 要好好珍惜呀! 以前會驚好痛呀﹐ 又驚呢樣個樣﹐ 不過
好得意﹐ 等我採完佢再POST相出黎﹐ 不過BB仔真係好得意
大家想生幾多個呢? 我個人就想生一仔一女﹐ 一個哥哥一個妹妹﹐ 幾好﹐ 不過唔係我想點就點0既。。嘻嘻!
成日都擔心無$$養又擔心無時間"秋"﹐ 我諗有時都唔到我諗咁多﹐ 煮到埋黎就食啦。。如果真係有左都係天賜0既GIFT﹐ 要好好珍惜呀! 以前會驚好痛呀﹐ 又驚呢樣個樣﹐ 不過我諗到生左之後就發覺個D痛係換來一個無價寶﹐ 都係值得0既
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Pronovias Sample Sale: June 27. One day only
Pronovias Sample Sale: June 27. One day only
Pronovias Sample Sale: June 27. One day only
Pronovias Sample Sale: June 27. One day only
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
find this article online...... i like 4 &6..haha
婚宴後付款時,酒店一般不會要求小費,而酒樓則有收小費的慣例,通常約$50 至 $100一圍,但並非必要的,因為已支付加一服務費。
Monday, June 15, 2009
wed pic
Now we’re debating whether we should go hk to take wed pic
or Taiwan. My friend sent me a website
and the price isn’t bad at all…. It’s like a package include everything…aww…
but still need to talk to my man before making any decision. Honestly, some of them look very nice and the
package is better than the one in HK.. (coz in hk, they don’t give you a CD
after the photos…)
Well, of course if you want more pics, you have to pay more
but I mean…why not go to Taiwan if we gonna transfer the flight there anyway….that
is very excited, hehehe!
But one thing I am concern, I duno how to pick up the pictures
from Taiwan…. And I know nothing about Taiwan…(I never been there…)
Anyone knows someone who went back Taiwan from the states to
take wed pic?? I need more recommendation…
wed pic
Now we’re debating whether we should go hk to take wed pic
or Taiwan. My friend sent me a website
and the price isn’t bad at all…. It’s like a package include everything…aww…
but still need to talk to my man before making any decision. Honestly, some of them look very nice and the
package is better than the one in HK.. (coz in hk, they don’t give you a CD
after the photos…)
Well, of course if you want more pics, you have to pay more
but I mean…why not go to Taiwan if we gonna transfer the flight there anyway….that
is very excited, hehehe!
But one thing I am concern, I duno how to pick up the pictures
from Taiwan…. And I know nothing about Taiwan…(I never been there…)
Anyone knows someone who went back Taiwan from the states to
take wed pic?? I need more recommendation…
Friday, June 12, 2009
Woman who missed doomed Air France flight 447 killed in car crash
AN Italian woman who arrived late for
the Air France plane flight that crashed in the Atlantic last week has
been killed in a car accident.
Johanna Ganthaler, a pensioner from Bolzano-Bozen province, had been on
holiday in Brazil with her husband Kurt and missed Air France Flight
447 after turning up late at Rio de Janeiro airport on May 31, London's The Times reports.
All 228 people aboard lost their lives after the plane crashed into the Atlantic four hours into its flight to Paris.
The ANSA news agency reported that the couple had managed to pick up a flight from Rio the following day.
It said that Ms Ganthaler died when their car veered across a road in Kufstein, Austria, and swerved into an oncoming truck.
Her husband was seriously injured.
Woman who missed doomed Air France flight 447 killed in car crash
AN Italian woman who arrived late for
the Air France plane flight that crashed in the Atlantic last week has
been killed in a car accident.
Johanna Ganthaler, a pensioner from Bolzano-Bozen province, had been on
holiday in Brazil with her husband Kurt and missed Air France Flight
447 after turning up late at Rio de Janeiro airport on May 31, London's The Times reports.
All 228 people aboard lost their lives after the plane crashed into the Atlantic four hours into its flight to Paris.
The ANSA news agency reported that the couple had managed to pick up a flight from Rio the following day.
It said that Ms Ganthaler died when their car veered across a road in Kufstein, Austria, and swerved into an oncoming truck.
Her husband was seriously injured.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Movie movie
and the night before, we watched a movie called "the international". I wanted to see that movie because i like the actor and actress but eventually...i got so disappointed...i had no idea what they were talking about. I know they were trying to trace some illegal acts with different countries but the story made no sense again.... i got fed up with movies.....
and last night, i glanced the movie "Defiance"...it was also crappy.... i am tired of crappy movies now..no wonder people don't go to see movie anymore.. i don't even want to waste my money on movies now!
but this weekend we're going to see "UP". i guess it's a pretty good movie (at least that's what the critics said, haha!)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Cirque du soleil - Kooza
But anyway, we went to the show with another couple. The weather was nice, and we got the tickets for $25 each... (the original price was $85 up)... Well, at first i thought my seat would be pretty far from the stage.. (coz it was at the middle but the last 2 row) but then because the tent was pretty small, so we weren't too far..it was just perfect!!
This show was about circus. They had a lot of different scaryyyyy move.. (you know those typical circus move) but it was fun and exciting!! I wanna see it again... hahhahaha!! Plus, we were happy because of the cheap tickets...
One of the part in that show...hehehehe
Cirque du soleil - Kooza
But anyway, we went to the show with another couple. The weather was nice, and we got the tickets for $25 each... (the original price was $85 up)... Well, at first i thought my seat would be pretty far from the stage.. (coz it was at the middle but the last 2 row) but then because the tent was pretty small, so we weren't too far..it was just perfect!!
This show was about circus. They had a lot of different scaryyyyy move.. (you know those typical circus move) but it was fun and exciting!! I wanna see it again... hahhahaha!! Plus, we were happy because of the cheap tickets...
One of the part in that show...hehehehe
Friday, June 5, 2009
surprise me
21歲的梁洛施去年夏天懷有李家骨肉後,即由男友安排往加拿大多倫多秘密安胎,結果一索得男, 4月底順產誕下
4月底出生了,孩子的爺爺為孫子取名李長治,至於英文名則由孩子的父親定為 Ethan。」
累,算是一個易帶的嬰兒。 Ethan出生時重
發福梁洛施 幸福滿瀉
本報昨日獲得兩張李澤楷和梁洛施兒子的照片,其中一張是一家三口的合照,估計是 BB出生不久後。相中坐在椅上雙手緊抱兒子的李澤楷笑不攏嘴,躺在父親懷裏的 BB嘴仔張開,雙眼閉起,似仍在甜睡中; BB的面型、頭型,與剪了鏟青短髮的李澤楷尤其相似。
至於產後不久的梁洛施明顯發福,頭髮盤在腦後,精神甚佳,彎身倚在男友身旁綻放笑容,幸福滿瀉。相中可見尿片等 BB物件。另一張照片則是 BB單人照,被放在床鋪上的小 Ethan張嘴伸脷,表情帶笑趣致、輪廓分明。
去年梁洛施與英皇娛樂協議解約後即往外國生活,消息指她與李澤楷有意「造人」,結果一擊即中,李澤楷及其家人均高興不已。懷孕後的梁洛施更在男友安排下,由美國飛往加拿大安胎。雖然李澤楷公務繁忙,但仍經常抽空飛往加國探望待產女友,迎接 BB出世。
澤楷和梁洛施對 BB的出生感到十分開心,「所以佢哋透過我,想同大家分享佢哋嘅喜悅。據我所知,梁洛施因為要照顧
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
pre-wedding pic
pre-wedding pic
Monday, June 1, 2009
Missing French jet hit thunderstorms over Atlantic
SAO PAULO – A missing Air France jet carrying 228 people from Rio de Janeiro to Paris ran into a towering wall of thunderstorms over the Atlantic Ocean, officials said Monday, fearing that all aboard were lost.
God bless them!!!!!!!!!!
Missing French jet hit thunderstorms over Atlantic
SAO PAULO – A missing Air France jet carrying 228 people from Rio de Janeiro to Paris ran into a towering wall of thunderstorms over the Atlantic Ocean, officials said Monday, fearing that all aboard were lost.
God bless them!!!!!!!!!!