Tuesday, June 30, 2009

岩 岩睇完一D野

岩 岩開EMAIL﹐ 見到有個FRIEND FORWARD左一個EMAIL比我﹐ 我開黎睇原來係一D 以前中国人比日本人欺負0既相﹐ 我覺得好嘔心﹐ 我本來都對曰本人無咩感覺﹐ 一路都知呢D HISTORY﹐  睇完D相之後真係覺得好核突。  以前D 女人比佢地捉左之後強姦﹐ 係一種變態行為。 我唔知點解香港人咁中意日本仔野﹐ 但我覺得作為中国人0既我地應該做D野。 我老公睇左一套戲叫南京!南京!。 佢本身係一個勁唔中意日本人0既人﹐ 睇左之後更什。 好彩我無睇﹐ 見到D女人比日本人淩辱簡直係可恥。 個D人應該一死再死3死都唔夠呀!

總括﹐ 我諗我有排都唔會去食日本餐!

:) :( ;) :D :-/ :x :P :-* =(( :-O X( :7 B-) #:-S :(( :)) =)) :-B :-c :)] ~X( :-h I-) =D7 @-) :-w 7:P 2):) :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^


  1. 我記得我看過一篇史料,是兩個日本人的比賽,鬥殺中國人多。其中一個殺了106個中國人,另一個殺了105個,還被日本傳媒大篇報道在頭條。後來這2個人因為證據確鑿(也許還得感謝記者幫他們拍下證據),被國際軍事法庭處死。
    [版主回覆06/30/2009 23:41:00]唉﹐ 唔係我唔想食﹐ 係佢唔想食。 不過佢見到日本仔怕會發癲﹐ 哈哈

  2. 講起段歷史都嬲到死...都未見過有人侵略到咁暴力血猩淫賤.....
    [版主回覆07/01/2009 00:14:00]係﹐ 我都覺得幾無恥﹐ 敢做唔敢認﹐ 咩事WOR!

  3. 佢地更唔乘認
    [版主回覆07/01/2009 21:07:00]係﹐ 無D 責任心。。。。

  4. Too bad that this generation of Japanese didn't know their grandfathers did many bloody things. Japanese education is not good.
    Wanna ask you about Manhattan Bridal (MB). My friend wanna hire MB's MUA to help her for make up and set different hair updo with different hair accessories at the restaurant. Carol (MB's boss) said only "Fook Chow man" need this service, HK people ddin't do this. ALso she  said she just provide ONE hair accessory (this accessory should be perals or rhinestones) for all day look including "qwa". Did your friend hire any MUA from MB? Also, how many hair accessories they provide for your friend? Thanks
    [版主回覆07/01/2009 21:10:00]what's MUA?? Ummm...i think she had one for her wedding gown, one for her chinese dress... not a lot and their accessories aren't too good either.

  5. 原來係佢
    講講下都好肚餓  仲未食野
    [版主回覆07/01/2009 21:07:00]幾點呀﹐ 仲未食飯???

  6. MUA = makeup artist.
    My friend said they are giving attitude to her yesterday.
    [版主回覆07/01/2009 21:35:00]oh..my friend didn't hire a makeup artist but i m sure my friend had at least 2 hair accessories... yea, i told you their service sucks! We (the bridesmaid) helped her to put on the hair accessories during that day.  Plus, i don't think only fook chow man hire, a lot of HK brides hire for all day...

  7. My friend is very upset, and she said Carol and the photographer's attitude are very bad. She said only "fook chow man" will do decoration for Limo, only "fook chow man" needs MUA. Also, she said she will not give her red hair accessory for the"qwa". She said it's very strange to wear red thing when you are wearing the "qwa".
    [版主回覆07/01/2009 22:18:00]They're so bad... but it's too late to change the bridal salon.... maybe she can use real flower.   i see some brides with real flowers are pretty nice! or can she shop around??

  8. I don't like Carol too. She's so mean. One day, I pretend I am interested in her package. She sounds like she can give me many things, many good service that other bridal salon cannot provide etc BS stuff.
    I don't know what my friend's decision, she may hire my MUA who do make up for my pre-wedding pictures.
    Talking about her pre-wedding picture. I can tell it's not very good as I thought. The makeup is not good for her. MUA said my friend was going to do outdoor, so she will use natural look for her. Natural look = no fake eyelashes, but use BLUE eyeshadow???? Her hairdo is a diaster (for me). It's making her too old.
    [版主回覆07/01/2009 22:36:00]Oh no.... that will be too bad if she doesn't like it at all.  how did she pick this salon at the first place? well, my friend didn't hire MUA but she did go back to do more make up after taking the pics. natural look = no fake eyelashes? i think they should go make up school to upgrade themselves.  that's why i don't recommend this place at all...

  9. My friend regrets to pick this salon, and she said she must be "ghost cover eyes"
    Right now, she cannot show her attitude to them, because her BD is next week. She told me when she's in this salon, seems like everyone in this salon yell at her.
    I will not recommend my friends to this one. I told my brother her story too, and ask him to tell his friends not to pick this one too.
    [版主回覆07/01/2009 22:52:00]oh...if it's next week, then there's no way to change... it's frustrated already getting ready for the wedding and now getting screw up from them! I guess unless your friend pays more for extra service, otherwise they'll treat her like that until next week is over. 

  10. If my friend hire MUA from MB, Carol said she will charge her $200. At first she said it's 300, but her lcoation is in Ctown, so charge her 200 bucks. The other MUA receive about 100-150. My friend said even though she wanna pay, she will not pay them anymore.
    [版主回覆07/01/2009 23:14:00]oh, which one charges only 100-150? i need one myself also, hehehe.... yea, i would rather put my money in the "salty water sea"...they don't deserve my money!

  11. YOu need MUA for night, right? My MUA said NYC cost is 150, and LI is 200. I am sure about the whole day service. My friend's mom is MUA, and she charges 350 for the whole day in NYC.
    [版主回覆07/01/2009 23:30:00]no, actually i may just need one for the morning, coz my friend can do my make up during the day but i m afraid if only one person to do all bridesmaid make up, it may be too much for her.  so the minimum charge is $150 in nyc?

  12. I can help you to ask my MUA. 150 bucks is for the night, and bride only. She also have hair updo for chinese gown and EG.
    Tell me what you want, and I can ask her when I see her next time.
    [版主回覆07/01/2009 23:47:00]where's ur MUA? i just need MUA for morning, maybe hair also.... can you ask the price for me?

  13. Did you decide your BD?
    [版主回覆07/02/2009 00:14:00]still waiting ah....very annoying but basically we have the overall idea...just waiting for my parents to confirm the date

  14. I don't know where she lives, but she works in Flushing. I can ask her about the price, and what she can do.
    [版主回覆07/02/2009 00:23:00]ya, please...thanks!

  15. Anyway, i will ask her.
    [版主回覆07/02/2009 01:52:00]thx

  16. yeah!!!! 最憎0的死蘿蔔頭!!!!
    [版主回覆07/02/2009 21:16:00]calm down...小強!!

  17. 嗰陣既婦女真係好淒涼,嗰陣d日本人真係好過份,冇人性﹗
    http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/alvis-1020/article?mid=4430 我好友生日,請嚟留個cm
