Thursday, October 7, 2010


救命呀﹐ 點解近排D蟲蟲咁活躍?????????
連續2晚去個櫃都見到蟲蟲﹐ OMG!!!!!!!!!! 好核突呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

唉﹐ 見到即刻尖叫﹐ 之後就同老公一齊, 睇下點解會咁﹐ 因為發生係包米上面﹐ 就開包米看看﹐ 本來諗住可能係個別例子﹐ 但看到最尾﹐ 見到有條蟲蟲係包米內﹐ 我地2個即刻2話不說throw away呢包可惡0既米!
頂﹐ 呢包米最好貴GA﹐ 卑鄙!!!!!!!!!! 可能近日成日落雨﹐ 搞到屋企好潮濕啦﹐ 好唔開心呀!! 開始擔心有bedbugs, 即刻換左張床﹐ 門口又有死貓
﹐ 而家連我成日用0既kitchen都有問題﹐ 有無天理呀??????


:) :( ;) :D :-/ :x :P :-* =(( :-O X( :7 B-) #:-S :(( :)) =)) :-B :-c :)] ~X( :-h I-) =D7 @-) :-w 7:P 2):) :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^


  1. 呢排唔係好濕咋喎....定係你包米冇煮好耐?
    [版主回覆10/08/2010 21:47:00]我唔係hk住﹐ 所以天氣唔同﹐ 之前落左成2個星期雨﹐ 可能d 蟲蟲特別 活躍啦﹐ 包米新買ga!!! 激死我! anyway, nice to meet you here

  2. Bugs usually hide at the clefts of the wall, the frame of the bed,  clothes, or suitcase (if you stayed in a hotel recently). How is it now?
    [版主回覆10/09/2010 00:43:00]i cleaned the frame thoroughly so it's ok now..... and i don't see anything there.... the reason why we thought there was bug because he got itched by sleeping on the mattress.. i think probably it was flea @ home
