Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The market has been acting sucky that I can't stand it anymore.  I need money right now!!! I want a better future and i want to get married with my honey but we have no money to prepare a wedding.. Don't even think about where to live afterwards...sigh!~ Money is not everything, but without money, we can't survive either! Why am i so poor? Why why why? How to make money in a fast way? I am so broke now!

I don't mind doing a part time job but I can't find one yet...sigh! This is bad~  Is it my destiny?

I just want my future to be smoother and i just want my family be happier too! Please help~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


The market has been acting sucky that I can't stand it anymore.  I need money right now!!! I want a better future and i want to get married with my honey but we have no money to prepare a wedding.. Don't even think about where to live afterwards...sigh!~ Money is not everything, but without money, we can't survive either! Why am i so poor? Why why why? How to make money in a fast way? I am so broke now!

I don't mind doing a part time job but I can't find one yet...sigh! This is bad~  Is it my destiny?

I just want my future to be smoother and i just want my family be happier too! Please help~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, September 29, 2008

Verizon Fios

I am satisfied with my current internet speed now....why? I just changed my internet service provider from twc to Verizon Fios last weekend and it worked perfectly.  It used to be slow when i was downloading and my honey was playing games but now i have no problem doing both, how fantastic! No more argument on this issue, yeah!

I highly recommend Fios...it's the same price as twc but have more services and functions...so why not switch to Fios!~ It's amazing~

Verizon Fios

I am satisfied with my current internet speed now....why? I just changed my internet service provider from twc to Verizon Fios last weekend and it worked perfectly.  It used to be slow when i was downloading and my honey was playing games but now i have no problem doing both, how fantastic! No more argument on this issue, yeah!

I highly recommend Fios...it's the same price as twc but have more services and functions...so why not switch to Fios!~ It's amazing~

Saturday, September 27, 2008


又有新劇啦~ 我呢d無聊人緊係有睇啦....而家睇緊神捕, 都ok啦...我諗都係睇下raymond lam jeh...不過佢又係做個無表情0既人, ummm.... 我覺得有少少似金田一個d 劇, 不過我一嬲都中意睇個類, 所以無問題~ 好唔中意吳唱k....佢個look真係.....以為自己真係冷血咩....點會用埋d咁0既名ga~~~奇怪!

而另一套...都ok0既, so far!~ 未有comment 住, 呵呵~~~~


又有新劇啦~ 我呢d無聊人緊係有睇啦....而家睇緊神捕, 都ok啦...我諗都係睇下raymond lam jeh...不過佢又係做個無表情0既人, ummm.... 我覺得有少少似金田一個d 劇, 不過我一嬲都中意睇個類, 所以無問題~ 好唔中意吳唱k....佢個look真係.....以為自己真係冷血咩....點會用埋d咁0既名ga~~~奇怪!

而另一套...都ok0既, so far!~ 未有comment 住, 呵呵~~~~

唉, 都係走唔"lut"

點解?點解咁對我? 我無病0既生涯就隨住個個人係office都病....而我都比人感染到啦! >_<  實在太慘!!! 本來可以串下我honey, 因為佢同我打賭我可以幾耐唔病, 點知....arr!

仲諗住今日可以出下街, 去下concert....可惡!!!!
病毒快d 走, 唔好纏住我.....
又會咁岩...連肚痛一齊來, 真係貪朋友多, 開party咩......激死我~ >_<
快d走啦..唔好煩我~~~~~我好比心機趕你走, 你就唔好返黎啦~~~ 我係時候威一次啦~

唉, 都係走唔&quot;lut&quot;

點解?點解咁對我? 我無病0既生涯就隨住個個人係office都病....而我都比人感染到啦! >_<  實在太慘!!! 本來可以串下我honey, 因為佢同我打賭我可以幾耐唔病, 點知....arr!

仲諗住今日可以出下街, 去下concert....可惡!!!!
病毒快d 走, 唔好纏住我.....
又會咁岩...連肚痛一齊來, 真係貪朋友多, 開party咩......激死我~ >_<
快d走啦..唔好煩我~~~~~我好比心機趕你走, 你就唔好返黎啦~~~ 我係時候威一次啦~

Friday, September 26, 2008

citibank sucks!

It's not about me. It's my friend's story.  She has a citibank credit card and she found out some unauthorized transactions on her card and then she stopped the card.  Unfortunately, she went back home yesterday and she received packages from whoever person used her credit card online.  Isn't it scary?  Identity is revealed and they know all her information - address, name, credit card #.... OMG! This is so scary~~  She called the credit card company wanted to know what she should do but they simply asked her to send back all the packages.  This is ridiculous!~ If they want to find out who the identity theft is, they have to track it through her account.  I guess they're not doing their jobs properly.  Anyway, I am going to the Precinct with her during lunch, and hopefully she'll be safe.  Think about it.. if someone knows where you live, and he/she can stalk you and break into your house and....something nasty can be happened. 

Be aware when you use your credit card from now on.  The scam can be anywhere!!!

citibank sucks!

It's not about me. It's my friend's story.  She has a citibank credit card and she found out some unauthorized transactions on her card and then she stopped the card.  Unfortunately, she went back home yesterday and she received packages from whoever person used her credit card online.  Isn't it scary?  Identity is revealed and they know all her information - address, name, credit card #.... OMG! This is so scary~~  She called the credit card company wanted to know what she should do but they simply asked her to send back all the packages.  This is ridiculous!~ If they want to find out who the identity theft is, they have to track it through her account.  I guess they're not doing their jobs properly.  Anyway, I am going to the Precinct with her during lunch, and hopefully she'll be safe.  Think about it.. if someone knows where you live, and he/she can stalk you and break into your house and....something nasty can be happened. 

Be aware when you use your credit card from now on.  The scam can be anywhere!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


What type are you? It's very true on mine...






A→你是個外冷內熱的人,除非是很熟的朋友,否則你絕對很少先主動對人表示熱絡之情。對你不的人,會覺得你蠻內向,也有點冰冷,但其實私底下在一堆熟人面前的你, 可是挺多話而且熱情,一點也不冰呢。





What type are you? It's very true on mine...






A→你是個外冷內熱的人,除非是很熟的朋友,否則你絕對很少先主動對人表示熱絡之情。對你不的人,會覺得你蠻內向,也有點冰冷,但其實私底下在一堆熟人面前的你, 可是挺多話而且熱情,一點也不冰呢。







閒逛期間,妳又會有甚麼舉動呢? 這問題正好考驗妳能否做一個好女友。

A. 一停下來,便不斷致電話。

B. 間中發短訊,希望他回覆。

C. 停止致電,靜待他的來電。

D. 到他的公司,等待他下班。

A. 野蠻女友


B. 不過不失









閒逛期間,妳又會有甚麼舉動呢? 這問題正好考驗妳能否做一個好女友。

A. 一停下來,便不斷致電話。

B. 間中發短訊,希望他回覆。

C. 停止致電,靜待他的來電。

D. 到他的公司,等待他下班。

A. 野蠻女友


B. 不過不失






Tuesday, September 23, 2008


是咩日子? 都無咩大不了啦...今年0既願望係....唔講得, 講左會唔寧, 呵呵呵~~
點解年年都有呢一日? 以前無所謂...而家....簡直唔想出街....一係就唔好過, 一係就快d咁過.....唔駛煩!!!!!

anyway....thank you咁多位.....


是咩日子? 都無咩大不了啦...今年0既願望係....唔講得, 講左會唔寧, 呵呵呵~~
點解年年都有呢一日? 以前無所謂...而家....簡直唔想出街....一係就唔好過, 一係就快d咁過.....唔駛煩!!!!!

anyway....thank you咁多位.....

Sunday, September 21, 2008


終於做完啦, 有d唔捨得tim~ 可能做完之後唔知幾時先有d好似咁好睇0既drama睇....
anyway, 一次睇哂真係正, 唔駛日日追, 追到成個傻左咁, 想當年睇'衝上雲霄", 我同honey簡直日日痴實個tv, 有次直情跑番屋企即開pc...哈哈, 都傻傻地!!! 仲有次睇套韓劇又係, 簡直為個劇而活咁, 諗起都有d白痴...呵呵~ 由一放工開始睇睇睇睇到零晨都唔想停, 不過無計, 之後要返工....真係想唔返工continue煲, 呵呵呵~~~~~

其實都估到ending會係咁, 不過thank you 中+欣 and 徐小山 ,因為係佢地2個, joe飽佢地先可以攞番家好月圓, 亞秋又會突然咁大義滅親, 哈哈~ 佢又會突然同番管家仔一齊, +美又會突然變好....好多好多都唔明, 不過最緊要睇得開心 jeh....呵呵~~ 仲有就係都無交代亞卡同月點開始...定係我miss左??? 唔緊要, 最緊要佢地一齊左, 真係開心, 呵呵~~開頭幾驚亞卡會死.....好彩.....

總結, 我最中意都係荷媽, 我中意佢可以為仔女咩都得, 又對付到red e 呢個人, 不過我都like red e ga, 我覺得佢做得真係幾好, 佢唔係成日都做奸角, 不過佢做就搞到我好 , sa e 雖然係貪, 但係佢最尾都幫番荷媽佢地....我睇好joe飽會有award攞, 佢演得真係入型入格~~~ 卡月我都like....佢2個都好好~~~~~

最唔like 緊係秋and dr ling...佢2個不知所謂!~ +美係奸, 不過最尾都良心發現... 我到而家都覺得秋唔配管家仔...

好啦...thank you!


終於做完啦, 有d唔捨得tim~ 可能做完之後唔知幾時先有d好似咁好睇0既drama睇....
anyway, 一次睇哂真係正, 唔駛日日追, 追到成個傻左咁, 想當年睇'衝上雲霄", 我同honey簡直日日痴實個tv, 有次直情跑番屋企即開pc...哈哈, 都傻傻地!!! 仲有次睇套韓劇又係, 簡直為個劇而活咁, 諗起都有d白痴...呵呵~ 由一放工開始睇睇睇睇到零晨都唔想停, 不過無計, 之後要返工....真係想唔返工continue煲, 呵呵呵~~~~~

其實都估到ending會係咁, 不過thank you 中+欣 and 徐小山 ,因為係佢地2個, joe飽佢地先可以攞番家好月圓, 亞秋又會突然咁大義滅親, 哈哈~ 佢又會突然同番管家仔一齊, +美又會突然變好....好多好多都唔明, 不過最緊要睇得開心 jeh....呵呵~~ 仲有就係都無交代亞卡同月點開始...定係我miss左??? 唔緊要, 最緊要佢地一齊左, 真係開心, 呵呵~~開頭幾驚亞卡會死.....好彩.....

總結, 我最中意都係荷媽, 我中意佢可以為仔女咩都得, 又對付到red e 呢個人, 不過我都like red e ga, 我覺得佢做得真係幾好, 佢唔係成日都做奸角, 不過佢做就搞到我好 , sa e 雖然係貪, 但係佢最尾都幫番荷媽佢地....我睇好joe飽會有award攞, 佢演得真係入型入格~~~ 卡月我都like....佢2個都好好~~~~~

最唔like 緊係秋and dr ling...佢2個不知所謂!~ +美係奸, 不過最尾都良心發現... 我到而家都覺得秋唔配管家仔...

好啦...thank you!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


好煩! 次次見到中+欣就即快, 無謂哂我時間!! 佢最中意就係...管家仔呀...blahblah..好鬼煩!! 我想見下管家仔, 但因佢0既關係搞到我都........有咩事就揾佢, 無事就走人..佢地2個係咪一齊左啦? 我見佢地好似咀得好開心咁..呵呵~~~ 不過都無用, 我肯定中+欣唔會有award今年, 因為實在唔得...呵呵!!

我個人都係中意亞月, 不過希望亞卡唔會死, 咁佢地有機會一齊...

red e 好衰, 要90%...真係lion開大口! 不過佢又真係做左咁多年餅...都唔知幫佢定唔幫佢好....我以前係school 個陣, 有個professor 話, 原來partner dissolve 0既最大% 原因係divorce! 呵呵...咁又岩喎, 如果2公婆意見不合, 做partner 更加唔駛講! 所以都係...唔好同honey 一齊做生意好, 呵呵呵~~~

tomorrow唔駛返工, 好野...不過都好多野做.....今個sat係我個friend's wedding, 我都唔知仲有咩做..到時先算啦...哈哈!

Chinese parents crowd hospitals, fear tainted milk

I am sick of the manufacturer!!!! How can they create such a formula and make the baby sick?????? They're innocent.... I know nothing about it.....

God Bless all the babies

SHIJIAZHUANG, China - Thousands of parents anxious over tainted baby
milk powder rushed their infants to hospitals for health checks on
Thursday as the government said that a fourth child had died in the
scandal that has engulfed one-fifth of the nation's formula makers.

Twenty percent of Chinese companies that produce milk powder have
been found with products tainted by the banned industrial chemical melamine, including the two biggest dairies. More than 6,000 babies have been sickened by the tainted formula.

Melamine, used in plastics, fertilizers and flame retardants,
has no nutritional value but is high in nitrogen, making products with
it appear higher in protein — a way to cut costs for the manufacturer. <--this really makes me sick!

At the Beijing Children's Hospital,
more than 1,000 parents waited for check-ups as they carried their
sleeping infants and toddlers. By 2 p.m, doctors had seen only half of
the 1,200 who waited in line.

Parents said their children had been drinking three major brands of
baby milk powder, all of which have been recalled after government
tests found melamine.

Fang Sunyi, 28, who was holding her 3-month-old son, said he had
been fed formula made by Sanlu Group Co. and Yashili since birth.

"I'm just praying there's nothing wrong with my son," she said. "We
first fed him Sanlu, then stopped because that was reported to be bad
quality, then we switched to Yashili, but now there's nothing left. We
don't know what's safe anymore and we don't want to take any chances."

In Shijiazhuang,
the new chairman and chief executive officer of Sanlu, the dairy
company whose milk powder has been linked to all of the known
illnesses, apologized at a news conference Thursday.

Zhang Zhenling said he wanted to "express deepest apologies" for the
tainted milk powder and for "harm and losses to consumers." He bowed
three times.

This is the second major case in recent years involving baby
formula. In 2004, more than 200 Chinese infants suffered malnutrition
and at least 12 died after being fed phony formula that contained no

The official Xinhua News Agency
said the latest death was a baby in the far western region of Xinjiang.
However, an official at the No. 2 Agriculture and Production Corps
Hospital in Yanqi, Xinjiang, said it was too early to say if the
8-month-old baby died of complications caused by the tainted milk

Shi Guizhong, spokesman for the police in Hebei
province, where Sanlu is based, said authorities were starting a 10-day
campaign to focus on melamine contamination. Suppliers to the dairy
companies are believed to have added the banned chemical to
watered-down milk.

Police in Hebei province said they had arrested 12 more people
Thursday, bringing the total to 18. Shi said six allegedly sold
melamine, while the other 12 were milk suppliers accused of adding the
chemical to milk.

Police also confiscated 660 pounds of suspected chemicals, including
490 pounds of melamine, he said. An additional 87 people were summoned
for questioning and 28 people have been detained, according to
Shijiazhuang Vice Mayor Zhang Meizhi.

One suspect, surnamed Su, told police that from February 2007 to
July 2008 he bought 200 44-pound sacks of melamine $29 each, and sold
them all to milk suppliers, Shi told a news conference.

Zhang, whose predecessor has been detained, pledged that Sanlu would
"turn pressure in motivation" to resolve the crisis properly.

Parents gathered outside Sanlu facilities in Shijiazhuang
to get refunds for their purchases of tainted milk powder. The mood was
calm but there was confusion as parents traded tips on what products
they thought were safe.

A 30-year-old mother who gave only her surname Wang said her
1-year-old daughter seemed healthy but that she was still worried. The
three major milk powder brands that she usually buys — Yili Industrial
Group Co., Mengniu Dairy Co. and Sanlu — have all been recalled.

"Of course as a mother, I was really nervous," she said. "Now
we have no idea what kind of milk to give the baby. They all have

The widening crisis has raised questions about the effectiveness of tighter controls China promised after a series of food safety scares in recent years over contaminated seafood, toothpaste and ingredients for pet food.

Meanwhile, regulators in Hong Kong ordered the recall of milk products from a Chinese dairy after finding melamine in eight of 30 sample products tested.

The Hong Kong
recall covers milk, yogurt, ice cream and all other products made by
Yili Industrial Group Co. and distributed in Hong Kong, said Constance
Chan, controller for the territory's Food Safety Center.

In addition to the recall in Hong Kong, Singapore authorities announced they were recalling an ice cream bar made by Shanghai Yili AB Foods after melamine was found in it.

Chinese parents crowd hospitals, fear tainted milk

I am sick of the manufacturer!!!! How can they create such a formula and make the baby sick?????? They're innocent.... I know nothing about it.....

God Bless all the babies

SHIJIAZHUANG, China - Thousands of parents anxious over tainted baby
milk powder rushed their infants to hospitals for health checks on
Thursday as the government said that a fourth child had died in the
scandal that has engulfed one-fifth of the nation's formula makers.

Twenty percent of Chinese companies that produce milk powder have
been found with products tainted by the banned industrial chemical melamine, including the two biggest dairies. More than 6,000 babies have been sickened by the tainted formula.

Melamine, used in plastics, fertilizers and flame retardants,
has no nutritional value but is high in nitrogen, making products with
it appear higher in protein — a way to cut costs for the manufacturer. <--this really makes me sick!

At the Beijing Children's Hospital,
more than 1,000 parents waited for check-ups as they carried their
sleeping infants and toddlers. By 2 p.m, doctors had seen only half of
the 1,200 who waited in line.

Parents said their children had been drinking three major brands of
baby milk powder, all of which have been recalled after government
tests found melamine.

Fang Sunyi, 28, who was holding her 3-month-old son, said he had
been fed formula made by Sanlu Group Co. and Yashili since birth.

"I'm just praying there's nothing wrong with my son," she said. "We
first fed him Sanlu, then stopped because that was reported to be bad
quality, then we switched to Yashili, but now there's nothing left. We
don't know what's safe anymore and we don't want to take any chances."

In Shijiazhuang,
the new chairman and chief executive officer of Sanlu, the dairy
company whose milk powder has been linked to all of the known
illnesses, apologized at a news conference Thursday.

Zhang Zhenling said he wanted to "express deepest apologies" for the
tainted milk powder and for "harm and losses to consumers." He bowed
three times.

This is the second major case in recent years involving baby
formula. In 2004, more than 200 Chinese infants suffered malnutrition
and at least 12 died after being fed phony formula that contained no

The official Xinhua News Agency
said the latest death was a baby in the far western region of Xinjiang.
However, an official at the No. 2 Agriculture and Production Corps
Hospital in Yanqi, Xinjiang, said it was too early to say if the
8-month-old baby died of complications caused by the tainted milk

Shi Guizhong, spokesman for the police in Hebei
province, where Sanlu is based, said authorities were starting a 10-day
campaign to focus on melamine contamination. Suppliers to the dairy
companies are believed to have added the banned chemical to
watered-down milk.

Police in Hebei province said they had arrested 12 more people
Thursday, bringing the total to 18. Shi said six allegedly sold
melamine, while the other 12 were milk suppliers accused of adding the
chemical to milk.

Police also confiscated 660 pounds of suspected chemicals, including
490 pounds of melamine, he said. An additional 87 people were summoned
for questioning and 28 people have been detained, according to
Shijiazhuang Vice Mayor Zhang Meizhi.

One suspect, surnamed Su, told police that from February 2007 to
July 2008 he bought 200 44-pound sacks of melamine $29 each, and sold
them all to milk suppliers, Shi told a news conference.

Zhang, whose predecessor has been detained, pledged that Sanlu would
"turn pressure in motivation" to resolve the crisis properly.

Parents gathered outside Sanlu facilities in Shijiazhuang
to get refunds for their purchases of tainted milk powder. The mood was
calm but there was confusion as parents traded tips on what products
they thought were safe.

A 30-year-old mother who gave only her surname Wang said her
1-year-old daughter seemed healthy but that she was still worried. The
three major milk powder brands that she usually buys — Yili Industrial
Group Co., Mengniu Dairy Co. and Sanlu — have all been recalled.

"Of course as a mother, I was really nervous," she said. "Now
we have no idea what kind of milk to give the baby. They all have

The widening crisis has raised questions about the effectiveness of tighter controls China promised after a series of food safety scares in recent years over contaminated seafood, toothpaste and ingredients for pet food.

Meanwhile, regulators in Hong Kong ordered the recall of milk products from a Chinese dairy after finding melamine in eight of 30 sample products tested.

The Hong Kong
recall covers milk, yogurt, ice cream and all other products made by
Yili Industrial Group Co. and distributed in Hong Kong, said Constance
Chan, controller for the territory's Food Safety Center.

In addition to the recall in Hong Kong, Singapore authorities announced they were recalling an ice cream bar made by Shanghai Yili AB Foods after melamine was found in it.


不知所謂...... + 美簡直唔係人...............
sa e 好野!!!!呵呵呵~~~


不知所謂...... + 美簡直唔係人...............
sa e 好野!!!!呵呵呵~~~

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

funny pic

haha..this is so funny! you can key your head into there too!!!

haha....you can do it too!
Go to www.yearbookyourself.com and upload your pic, then you can create your own!!~~~~~

funny pic

haha..this is so funny! you can key your head into there too!!!

haha....you can do it too!
Go to www.yearbookyourself.com and upload your pic, then you can create your own!!~~~~~

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

joe 飽, 你好型呀!!!!

本來無時間打, 但係睇完之後覺得joe 飽好型呀!!! 今日放工返黎睇 34集, 真係又感動又開心, 因為joe 飽終於趕走個紅e, 趕走埋面油強, 趕走哂全部牛鬼蛇神, 真係睇得心涼, 呵呵~ 開頭仲驚緊佢地會點賣個鋪, 點知joe飽 就算睇唔到野, 佢到偷走出黎, 愛死佢!!!!!!

"你洗定個8月15坐監啦"...哈哈哈!! 真暢快!!!!

雖然亞圓會坐監, 但係我覺得joe飽咁做係件好事, 因為要比人forever要脅真係好難頂!! 就算佢坐, 佢地一家人都會好團結一齊!!!! 真係要學下~

面油強好煩, 成日糟糠之妻糟糠之妻咁, 佢唔煩0既咩? 不過紅e唔係joe飽個糟糠之妻, 呵呵~~~~~~~~~~~ 勁抵死!!!

+美, 走啦.....佢個肚都唔知係唔係亞圓0既!~ 佢勁乞人憎!~ 幫外人都唔幫自己人..賤格~~ 話時話..佢真係好肉酸....5d摺埋啦!!!!!

好啦, 下次先再講!!!哈哈~~~~~

joe 飽, 今年個視帝非你莫屬, 呵呵呵!!

joe 飽, 你好型呀!!!!

本來無時間打, 但係睇完之後覺得joe 飽好型呀!!! 今日放工返黎睇 34集, 真係又感動又開心, 因為joe 飽終於趕走個紅e, 趕走埋面油強, 趕走哂全部牛鬼蛇神, 真係睇得心涼, 呵呵~ 開頭仲驚緊佢地會點賣個鋪, 點知joe飽 就算睇唔到野, 佢到偷走出黎, 愛死佢!!!!!!

"你洗定個8月15坐監啦"...哈哈哈!! 真暢快!!!!

雖然亞圓會坐監, 但係我覺得joe飽咁做係件好事, 因為要比人forever要脅真係好難頂!! 就算佢坐, 佢地一家人都會好團結一齊!!!! 真係要學下~

面油強好煩, 成日糟糠之妻糟糠之妻咁, 佢唔煩0既咩? 不過紅e唔係joe飽個糟糠之妻, 呵呵~~~~~~~~~~~ 勁抵死!!!

+美, 走啦.....佢個肚都唔知係唔係亞圓0既!~ 佢勁乞人憎!~ 幫外人都唔幫自己人..賤格~~ 話時話..佢真係好肉酸....5d摺埋啦!!!!!

好啦, 下次先再講!!!哈哈~~~~~

joe 飽, 今年個視帝非你莫屬, 呵呵呵!!


kinda funny..hehe!

Monday, September 15, 2008


September already..this is quick!

This Wednesday is our anniversary but we just don't have any plan yet.  Well, there's not much we can do anyway in here!~ boring boring city, haha!   He was telling me to take a dayoff on Wednesday to shop but i don't know why..he's weird..haha!

Yesterday was mid-autumn festival... did you all have mooncake? Well, i didn't eat any because i am not a fans of mooncake.  We didn't do much anyway...just went out for dinner with his family, that's all.

This weekend is my friend's wedding.  As her bridesmaid, i need to prepare a lot for her especially prepare to be yelled by her on that day, haha!  It's ok, whatever she feels happy..hehe!

Super sleepy..............


September already..this is quick!

This Wednesday is our anniversary but we just don't have any plan yet.  Well, there's not much we can do anyway in here!~ boring boring city, haha!   He was telling me to take a dayoff on Wednesday to shop but i don't know why..he's weird..haha!

Yesterday was mid-autumn festival... did you all have mooncake? Well, i didn't eat any because i am not a fans of mooncake.  We didn't do much anyway...just went out for dinner with his family, that's all.

This weekend is my friend's wedding.  As her bridesmaid, i need to prepare a lot for her especially prepare to be yelled by her on that day, haha!  It's ok, whatever she feels happy..hehe!

Super sleepy..............

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


真開心,又睇完啦!! 紅e 好衰呀, 知道亞好中意佢個女, 就叫零生追番自己個女. 痳痳好勁, 有病都仲幫亞好, 佢真係好錫亞好, 佢地嘈時爆哂亞秋d野出黎, 我相信亞秋唔會原諒佢亞媽, 因為係佢亞媽挑起佢d野講! 紅e好自私呀!! 不過本人係唔中意睇呢段感情線, 因為中小姐實在太唔掂, 喊苦喊忽咁, 好煩! 搞到亞好都為左佢而唔開心, 真慘! 查實零生個女友係唔係知亞秋0既存在? 點解佢要揾亞秋出黎飲野? 唔明~~~~~~~

講完呢樣, 想講番我今日係tiffany0既遭遇 ---
查實都唔係一件大事, 不過我覺得真係好waste我d 時間.  我今日起碼浪費左45分中係0個度, 個問題係一件refund咁簡單0既事, 我唔明點解可以搞咁耐.

話說我男友買左條手鏈比我, 咁我唔係咁中意, 我就去exchange, 之後諗諗下都係唔想要, 咁我咪去refund lor, 唔係好難jeh! 咁我第一次去exchange 第2個item, 咁我就比左extra $50 (因為本身佢買時係$225, 我去exchange個條係$275), 咁我今日去同佢講return 個item, 佢話ok!~等一陣...等下等下, 都等左我成15分中, 之後佢返黎同我講話因為我之前exchange過, 咁我只可以refund番50比我, 我當時真係... 你講咩呀, 我exchange左個50元係比extra, 咁我而家return 番比你, 你只可以refund得50元?? 我真係好興lor, 咁簡單0既野你同我搞左成個中, 仲要佢想convince我係錯, 佢係岩!! 我當時係興, 不過我都已經好有patient咁同佢講and explain, 不過佢都係唔明, 咁我已經好tired and starving, 我同佢講, let me talk to your manager! 佢話sure, 不過佢個manager始終都無同我講, but at least 佢都有return 返比我!!!~如果佢死都唔肯, 我就死都唔走, 痴線!! 即係好似1+1=2 咁simple, 佢要將simple野complicated化!! 我今日send左個email比tiffany, 佢reply我叫我比d information佢....我諗緊, 比唔比佢好? 其實我只想佢地知, 佢地請左個豬頭丙做野, 做少少野都慢10拍!! 我好少咁興, 不過我呢次真係..... 夠啦! 我頂佢唔順!~~~~~~~~~ 我發覺d 鬼做野好stupid, d maths又差, esp 黑人.....(今日serve我個個就係!)...唉!!! 我應唔應該比info tiffany呢?


真開心,又睇完啦!! 紅e 好衰呀, 知道亞好中意佢個女, 就叫零生追番自己個女. 痳痳好勁, 有病都仲幫亞好, 佢真係好錫亞好, 佢地嘈時爆哂亞秋d野出黎, 我相信亞秋唔會原諒佢亞媽, 因為係佢亞媽挑起佢d野講! 紅e好自私呀!! 不過本人係唔中意睇呢段感情線, 因為中小姐實在太唔掂, 喊苦喊忽咁, 好煩! 搞到亞好都為左佢而唔開心, 真慘! 查實零生個女友係唔係知亞秋0既存在? 點解佢要揾亞秋出黎飲野? 唔明~~~~~~~

講完呢樣, 想講番我今日係tiffany0既遭遇 ---
查實都唔係一件大事, 不過我覺得真係好waste我d 時間.  我今日起碼浪費左45分中係0個度, 個問題係一件refund咁簡單0既事, 我唔明點解可以搞咁耐.

話說我男友買左條手鏈比我, 咁我唔係咁中意, 我就去exchange, 之後諗諗下都係唔想要, 咁我咪去refund lor, 唔係好難jeh! 咁我第一次去exchange 第2個item, 咁我就比左extra $50 (因為本身佢買時係$225, 我去exchange個條係$275), 咁我今日去同佢講return 個item, 佢話ok!~等一陣...等下等下, 都等左我成15分中, 之後佢返黎同我講話因為我之前exchange過, 咁我只可以refund番50比我, 我當時真係... 你講咩呀, 我exchange左個50元係比extra, 咁我而家return 番比你, 你只可以refund得50元?? 我真係好興lor, 咁簡單0既野你同我搞左成個中, 仲要佢想convince我係錯, 佢係岩!! 我當時係興, 不過我都已經好有patient咁同佢講and explain, 不過佢都係唔明, 咁我已經好tired and starving, 我同佢講, let me talk to your manager! 佢話sure, 不過佢個manager始終都無同我講, but at least 佢都有return 返比我!!!~如果佢死都唔肯, 我就死都唔走, 痴線!! 即係好似1+1=2 咁simple, 佢要將simple野complicated化!! 我今日send左個email比tiffany, 佢reply我叫我比d information佢....我諗緊, 比唔比佢好? 其實我只想佢地知, 佢地請左個豬頭丙做野, 做少少野都慢10拍!! 我好少咁興, 不過我呢次真係..... 夠啦! 我頂佢唔順!~~~~~~~~~ 我發覺d 鬼做野好stupid, d maths又差, esp 黑人.....(今日serve我個個就係!)...唉!!! 我應唔應該比info tiffany呢?

IQ Question

Q1 房間的時鐘響了十三聲之後,你知道該做什麼事嗎?

Q2 長滿荒草的山坡突然發生火警,火借風勢,迅速地延燒向遊人。由於山坡左右兩邊是深淵,若不自救,必死無疑!要是你會怎樣做才可以逃出生天呢?


Q4 一私人所建的橋一向不准其它任何人穿越,所以在橋上設有一警衛。由於走完橋須時十分鐘,而偷懶的警衛每五分鐘必會醒來一次,所以跑得再快的人也必會被警衛趕回。到底用什麼方法才可以騙過警衛而不用繞道而行呢?

Q5 怎樣才可以蓋一座四面都向南的房子呢?


Q7 水結為冰時,體積會增加 1/11,當冰再溶為水時,體積也會減少 1/11。你說對嗎?

Q8 在實驗室裡,有兩個容量相同的瓶子。第一個培養了一個細胞,而第二個則培養了二個細胞。細胞每分裂一次,需要三分鐘時間。當第二個瓶子內充滿細胞需要三小時,那麼,第一個瓶子也充滿細胞,共要多才時間?

Q9 有三個箱子,分別貼上了「橘子」,「柳丁」和「橘子和柳丁」,但全都貼錯了。現在,若你只準在其中一個箱子中拿出一個水果,那麼該選擇那一個箱子,才可把所有標貼換對呢?

Q10 我沒有兄弟姐妹,這人的父親是我父親的兒子,這人究竟是誰呢?

Q11 颱風帶來豪雨,河上兩座橋,一高一低,都被兩次的洪水淹沒了。但高橋被淹了兩次,而低橋只淹了一次,為什麼會這樣呢?

Q12 會游泳的媽媽。〔猜一動物〕

Q13 小明和朋友們一起玩捉迷藏,他藏在石頭後面,只探個頭出來,請問他向著那一邊呢?〔猜一字〕

Q14 鹿頭向南,鹿尾向什麼方向?

Q15 有一個人外出,突然下雨,而他沒有帶雨具,但他的頭髮卻沒有濕,為什麼?

Q16 一個農夫,每天用兩隻蛋做早餐,但他沒有養雞,又沒有去買,亦沒有人送給他,點解他有蛋做早餐?

Q17 一隻貓坐在玻璃前看窗外景物,窗外景物有公園,大廈,馬路,那一物件與貓最接近?

Q18 小明個老豆有三個仔,大仔叫大毛,老二叫二毛,問三仔叫什麼?

Q19 有五個人外出,一起只有一把雨傘,但返家後,各人的衣服均沒有濕,為什麼?

Q20 有兩個賊,甲賊是乙賊的兒子的爸爸,問甲,乙兩人有什麼關係?

Q21 什麼動物唔夠人打?

Q22 兩個爸爸和兩個孩子去釣魚,每人釣了一條魚,但結果只有三條魚,為什麼呢?

Q23 如果亞洲是世界最大的洲,未發現亞洲時,最大的洲在那裡?

Q24 有兩間屋,一間甲,一間乙,甲屋有三個燈制,乙屋有三個燈泡,甲屋是看不到乙屋,而甲屋的每一個燈制是控制乙屋的其中一個燈泡,問你怎樣可以只停留在甲屋一次,停留在乙屋一次,而可以知道那個燈制是控制那個燈泡呢?

Q25 有4個人(甲,乙,丙,丁)晚上過橋,現得電筒一枝,過橋時一定需要有電筒才能過到橋的對面,而同一時間只可以有兩個人在橋上,而甲乙丙丁過橋所需的時間分別為1,2,5,10分鐘,問他們最小要需用幾多時間才可過完橋呢?

Q26 有一條限載5噸車輛的橋,現有一貨車連貨剛剛5噸駛過這橋,當過了橋的一半時,突然有一隻蒼蠅飛站在貨車上,問橋為什麼不會倒下呢?

Q27 為什麼陳先生泊了自己的車輛在黃太太的間酒店門外時,陳先生已知道自己已經破了產?

Q28 為何小明到小華家需要一小時的車程,而小華到小明家要兩個半小時的車程呢?

Q29 在大雨時,讀中學的哥哥撐雨傘身體濕了一半,為何讀小學的弟弟穿雨衣卻濕透了?

Q30 有兩個人長得一模一樣而且同時出生,但卻不是雙胞胎,為什麼?

Q31 一輛車在公路上飛馳,但沿途冇街燈,冇月亮,冇開車頭燈,但點解唔會撞車呢?

Q32 有一架車,時速最高二百公里,經常響公主道出沒,車主個名叫小明,司機個名叫小強,What is the name of the car,架車叫乜名?

Q33 為何小明到小華家需要一小時的車程,而小華到小明家要兩個半小時的車程呢?

Q34 點解暑假會長過寒假?

Q35 有三個人走,A係B前面,B係C前面,A<B<C,A話B係佢後面,B話C係佢後面,但係C又話A係佢後面,點解呢?

Q36 有一條橋,橋兩邊都各有一塊牌寫住『不准過橋』,亦都每邊各有一個看更守住條橋,但係D人係咁過橋呢兩個看更都唔理,究竟點解?

Q37 從前有隻狗,狗前面有隻貓,貓前面有隻老鼠,咁狗後面有D乜?

Q38 一打EGG有幾多?

Q39 有什麼東西爸爸媽媽有是的,但係哥哥姐姐就冇的?

Q40 有一日,五個人平排在街上行街,突然有一個店舖招牌下跌到這五人,為什麼有其中3個死了,另外2個生存呀?

Q41 有些月份有三十一日,有些月份有三十日。有幾多個月份有二十八日呢?


Q43 你要把一件很珍貴的物件寄給你的朋友。你有一個適合裝不同種類鎖的箱,幾個鎖和它們的鑰匙。可是你的朋友卻沒有你那些鎖的鑰匙。怎樣才能把那物件安全地寄給你的朋友呢?

Q44 在一宗車禍當中,傷者是一個父親和他的兒子。父親只得輕傷,所以回你家中休息。兒子卻較為嚴重,需要到醫院做手術。但醫生來了卻說:『這是我的兒子,我怎能替他做手術呢?』為什麼?

Q45 高先生住係十三樓,佢出街時可以搭電梯直達地下,但如果返屋企既時候得佢自己一個搭電梯,佢一定搭到十二樓再上一層樓梯,點解呢?

Q46 世上有甚麼哺乳類動物不會跳?

Q47 人體上最細少的細胞是什麼?

Q48 世上只有那種鳥才能看見藍色?

Q49 蝴蝶用甚麼來試味?

Q1答案 該拿去修理了!

Q2答案 就地放火,讓大火順風勢向前燒,而自己跟在後面跑。

Q3答案 兔子坐在猴子身上。

Q4答案 走上橋上在警衛起來前,轉身向走來的方向走回去。

Q5答案 把房子建在北極點上便行了。

Q6答案 1.沒有四季  2.太陽和月亮每半年才交替一次  3.只有北方

Q7答案 水變冰,體積增加 1/11;冰變水,體積減少 1/12。

Q8答案 三小時又三分鐘。

Q9答案 在「橘子和柳丁」的箱子中取一個水果。

Q10答案 這人是我的兒子。

Q11答案 第一次洪水退時,在低橋還沒露出前,第二次洪水便來了。

Q12答案 水母。

Q13答案 「右」字。

Q14答案 向下。

Q15答案 光頭。

Q16答案 因農夫有養鴨或其他會生蛋的家禽。

Q17答案 玻璃。

Q18答案 小明。

Q19答案 沒有下雨。

Q20答案 夫婦。

Q21答案 斑馬。

Q22答案 爺爺,爸爸和仔仔。

Q23答案 仍是亞洲。

Q24答案 你先去甲屋開一個燈制,等一會,然後關掉它,再開另一個燈制,再走到乙屋,熱而不亮的一個燈泡是第一個燈制所控制,亮的便是第二個,不亮又不熱的便是第三個燈制所控制了。

Q25答案 17分鐘。甲乙先過橋,甲帶電筒回去,丙丁再過橋,乙帶電筒回去,然後甲乙再一起過橋。

Q26答案 因為貨車過橋時會用掉汽油,所以輕了的汽車加上蒼蠅也不會使橋倒下。

Q27答案 他們正在玩大富翁。

Q28答案 因為小華到小明家係需要兩個"半小時",即是一小時。

Q29答案 因為這場雨太大,把整個國小的弟弟都浸過了。

Q30答案 他們是三胞胎。

Q31答案 白天,因為白天有太陽有足夠的光線。

Q32答案 What就是那架車的名字。

Q33答案 二個半小時=一小時。

Q34答案 因為冷縮熱脹。

Q35答案 因為C講大話。

Q36答案 『不准過橋』就是橋名。

Q37答案 從=蟲。

Q38答案 一隻都冇。因為全部都打破了。

Q39答案 嘴唇,講說話的時候。

Q40答案 因為那個是麥當勞的招牌。

Q41答案 十二個月份都有二十八日。

Q42答案 是第2個,因為當在最後的時候,他諗如果頭2個是相同色,第3個早已估中,而他無估,他便可知頭2個是不同色,只要看頭個是嘜顏色,他答相反,便一定中啦。

Q43答案 首先把物件放入箱中,用你的鎖鎖上並寄給你的朋友。當你的朋友收到後便把箱子用他的鎖鎖上再把箱子寄回。然後你便把你鎖解開再寄回。他便可把他的鎖解開了。

Q44答案 這醫生是兒子的母親。

Q45答案 因為高先生太矮,只係夠高"咁"到十二樓個制。

Q46答案 大象。

Q47答案 精子。

Q48答案 貓頭鷹。

Q49答案 腳。

super pissed!!

I get so pissed after going to return my bangles at Tiffany!!!!!
Because she was the stupidest person i've ever met!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me tell you the story...few weeks ago my honey bought me something there, and i didn't like it so i decided to  exchange to something else.  However, the bangle cost higher, so i paid the extra...ok, no problem.  Then today i went to return my bangle and she wouldn't refund me the whole amount i.e. $275 (the bangle costs $275) because she said i used up all my value when i did my exchange at the first place.  I was furious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It doesn't make sense at all! I bought something for $275 dollars and now you can only refund me the difference..i.e. $50????????? this is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she was trying to convince me that she was right, i was wrong! This is bullshit!~ then i argued with her and i insisted to speak to the manager but she wouldn't let me. 

I don't understand....this is a simple maths....i paid $275 and i get refund of $275! how complicated???????????????????? i really feel no hope with her!~

Meanwhile she didn't apologize...she just simply gave us the receipts after she finally figured it out with the manager! OMG! I was and am still pissed@@@@@
such an idiot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~and it causes me stomach ache.......

SUPER IDioT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

super pissed!!

I get so pissed after going to return my bangles at Tiffany!!!!!
Because she was the stupidest person i've ever met!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me tell you the story...few weeks ago my honey bought me something there, and i didn't like it so i decided to  exchange to something else.  However, the bangle cost higher, so i paid the extra...ok, no problem.  Then today i went to return my bangle and she wouldn't refund me the whole amount i.e. $275 (the bangle costs $275) because she said i used up all my value when i did my exchange at the first place.  I was furious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It doesn't make sense at all! I bought something for $275 dollars and now you can only refund me the difference..i.e. $50????????? this is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she was trying to convince me that she was right, i was wrong! This is bullshit!~ then i argued with her and i insisted to speak to the manager but she wouldn't let me. 

I don't understand....this is a simple maths....i paid $275 and i get refund of $275! how complicated???????????????????? i really feel no hope with her!~

Meanwhile she didn't apologize...she just simply gave us the receipts after she finally figured it out with the manager! OMG! I was and am still pissed@@@@@
such an idiot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~and it causes me stomach ache.......

SUPER IDioT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Small Potato

Honestly it wasn't a big deal but he blew it....anyway, remembe he bought me something from tiffany and now i wanted to return it.  I went Tiffany yesterday and i wanted to return it but they said i needed to bring the person who bought the gift for me to return it.  Then i thought..um..ok...i could bring him this weekend to return it. I told him what happened and he told me it was my friend bought it for him....i was like.... basically he paid for it but he asked MY friend to buy it....why? no time? I just don't like the fact that he simply asked my friend to buy it and gave me as a gift?? Receiving gift is a happy thing, but i rather he bought it himself....at least show some respects on me! or buy it with me...then i will be happy too!!! Sigh~~ Maybe i am just too sensitive!~

That's how we started our fight last night........ oh well, too bad~ u lose!!!

Small Potato

Honestly it wasn't a big deal but he blew it....anyway, remembe he bought me something from tiffany and now i wanted to return it.  I went Tiffany yesterday and i wanted to return it but they said i needed to bring the person who bought the gift for me to return it.  Then i thought..um..ok...i could bring him this weekend to return it. I told him what happened and he told me it was my friend bought it for him....i was like.... basically he paid for it but he asked MY friend to buy it....why? no time? I just don't like the fact that he simply asked my friend to buy it and gave me as a gift?? Receiving gift is a happy thing, but i rather he bought it himself....at least show some respects on me! or buy it with me...then i will be happy too!!! Sigh~~ Maybe i am just too sensitive!~

That's how we started our fight last night........ oh well, too bad~ u lose!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


本來好好地一日就咁又告終...換來又係一d 冷諷熱嘲!~ 冷戰期....!! 好~ 唔理咁多, 訓覺!~~~~  

咁又點...又如何, 嘩哈哈~~~~~~

喊?為你? 好難呀!!!!! byebye你條尾~~~



本來好好地一日就咁又告終...換來又係一d 冷諷熱嘲!~ 冷戰期....!! 好~ 唔理咁多, 訓覺!~~~~  

咁又點...又如何, 嘩哈哈~~~~~~

喊?為你? 好難呀!!!!! byebye你條尾~~~



I think they are all very useful







洗髮精→不喜歡的洗髮精別丟掉,它和衣領清潔劑功效差不多。 →怎麼洗也洗不乾淨的白襪子,不妨也交給洗髮精。















I think they are all very useful







洗髮精→不喜歡的洗髮精別丟掉,它和衣領清潔劑功效差不多。 →怎麼洗也洗不乾淨的白襪子,不妨也交給洗髮精。














Monday, September 8, 2008


真係頂唔順!!!個8婆美咁樣屈亞月都得!!睇到我想打鑊佢!!!!!! 好心啦, 有個仔咪認左佢lor, 我唔信而家呢個年代d人仲會因為你有個仔而唔要你, 好, 唔好話有個仔, 呀sa e 話佢拖都未拍過...come on, 有腦0既人都唔信啦!!! 你個女咁姣, 佢點會揾唔到仔介? 真係誇張! 岩0既, 自己又唔係靚, 緊係要好努力咁去"溫'仔, 如果唔係d 仔實走夾唔頭啦!!! 哈哈~~~~~~

佢係頂唔順...但呀中小姐都不相伯仲!! 佢同淩生0既戲真係一絕, 絕到我連隔夜飯都嘔埋出黎....tbb d 編劇簡直係攞我地條命黎交非!唉....快d走哂佢地啦, 咁我地就唔駛受罪, 哈哈哈~~~~~~~


真係頂唔順!!!個8婆美咁樣屈亞月都得!!睇到我想打鑊佢!!!!!! 好心啦, 有個仔咪認左佢lor, 我唔信而家呢個年代d人仲會因為你有個仔而唔要你, 好, 唔好話有個仔, 呀sa e 話佢拖都未拍過...come on, 有腦0既人都唔信啦!!! 你個女咁姣, 佢點會揾唔到仔介? 真係誇張! 岩0既, 自己又唔係靚, 緊係要好努力咁去"溫'仔, 如果唔係d 仔實走夾唔頭啦!!! 哈哈~~~~~~

佢係頂唔順...但呀中小姐都不相伯仲!! 佢同淩生0既戲真係一絕, 絕到我連隔夜飯都嘔埋出黎....tbb d 編劇簡直係攞我地條命黎交非!唉....快d走哂佢地啦, 咁我地就唔駛受罪, 哈哈哈~~~~~~~


Past weekend we went camping! It was fun but tiring. Friday night we drove to the camp and we got there around 12am.  Then we decided to settle down and walked around and camp and had fun...by the time we went to bed, it was already 4am...OMG!

But then next day we woke up like 7am because one of the guys couldn't sleep and he woke everybody up!! we were all so pissed!! but we were glad that he woke us up because if we didn't wake up that early, we couldn't do all the outdoor activities before the storm hit us....

Anyway, it was a fun weekend and yesterday (Sunday), i woke up, made something to eat and slept again until 6pm....OMG! hahaha~ lazy!!!!! but it was so relaxing...

we took this pic @ camp...i like it!!! but we both looked tired..hehhee!


Past weekend we went camping! It was fun but tiring. Friday night we drove to the camp and we got there around 12am.  Then we decided to settle down and walked around and camp and had fun...by the time we went to bed, it was already 4am...OMG!

But then next day we woke up like 7am because one of the guys couldn't sleep and he woke everybody up!! we were all so pissed!! but we were glad that he woke us up because if we didn't wake up that early, we couldn't do all the outdoor activities before the storm hit us....

Anyway, it was a fun weekend and yesterday (Sunday), i woke up, made something to eat and slept again until 6pm....OMG! hahaha~ lazy!!!!! but it was so relaxing...

we took this pic @ camp...i like it!!! but we both looked tired..hehhee!