都未見過D人cheap成咁﹐ 佢真係cheap中0既cheap精。話說我地今日要幫手搬D boxes 落 building 樓下﹐ 咁我office 3個人就夾手夾腳搬哂落去比我老細。 之前咪講有個新請返黎0既男人。 如果佢係度就當然要幫手啦﹐ 不過咁岩佢唔係度就唔駛幫手。 本來都無所謂﹐ 點知我地搬完唔夠5分鐘佢就出現﹐ 明眼人都睇得出啦。 當我地傻0既咩???? 佢平時一係就好早返(起碼8點幾)﹐ 一係就唔返。 點都無試過10點幾返。 佢之前又知我地今日要搬boxes﹐ 一個正常人都唔會度得咁盡啦﹐ 佢。。。。真係無野講!!! 好似有時佢用完D 紙又唔會搬成盒返黎﹐ 當我地係亞4咩? 白痴。 無呀﹐ 下次佢用完D咩唔該自己搞番。 有時copier jam左又問我地﹐ 我地唔係做維修呀﹐ 無腦!
He's so cheap. He asked you question, you can ignore him.
ReplyDeleteGet something from internet, hope this info is good for you.
What: Lela Rose Wedding Why: Fifteen styles of white gowns are $500-$3,000 (that’s up to 80 percent off). When: July 15-17. Wed.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Where: 224 W. 30th St., b/t Seventh & Eighth Aves., 13th flr.
[版主回覆07/10/2009 04:44:00]thanks...i got that too from my friend, but i can't go during weekdays...so i have to pass this one!!!
No problem, if I find something, i will let you kow.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/10/2009 05:06:00]thanks!!!
wah, so cheap wor.... 係咪男人黎架? 甘cheap....
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/15/2009 03:19:00]都可能唔係﹐ 哈哈哈!!!! 無人知。。。 早排 佢 去左哥倫比亞﹐ 可能已經變左做女人