Friday, July 24, 2009

the palm

琴日就去左呢間﹐ 本來都有restaurant week menu﹐ 但個menu好似唔係咁好﹐ 我地就叫左其他野食﹐ 價錢當然貴﹐ 但食得開心都OK啦!!! 不過為食0既我真係食完就咩都唔記得﹐ 留左張card係個度﹐ 勁白痴﹐ 仲要今朝先發覺﹐ 唉!!! 經一事長一智啦!!


懶係artistic﹐ 哈哈!!

我地0既lobster 2人套餐﹐ 好飽呀!!! 仲叫左個steak﹐ 不過食唔哂呀!!!浪費!!!!!

:) :( ;) :D :-/ :x :P :-* =(( :-O X( :7 B-) #:-S :(( :)) =)) :-B :-c :)] ~X( :-h I-) =D7 @-) :-w 7:P 2):) :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^


  1. 睇你唯食個樣...哈哈..
    [版主回覆07/27/2009 22:05:00]hahaha..come eat with me

  2. card? credit card?
    [版主回覆07/27/2009 22:05:00]yes, my credit card...stupid..haha

  3. you are very careless. So will you go back to the store to get it back?
    [版主回覆07/27/2009 22:41:00]i already did the day after...hehehe

  4. you left your credit card there?  so careless wor...
    [版主回覆07/28/2009 03:28:00] was an accident!!! but i took it back already

  5. 我係雲層度蕩失路喎..點算好?
    [版主回覆07/28/2009 23:45:00]都叫你買個gps ga la﹐ 講極都唔聽

  6. 得藏寶圖咋...打贏jack sparrow拎架..
    [版主回覆07/29/2009 00:48:00]咩藏寶圖呀??? 發緊夢?

  7. Have you checked with your bank to see if anybody used it?
    [版主回覆07/29/2009 21:40:00]i didn't report but i check my credit card activity and it looks ok..

  8. maybe啦haha
    [版主回覆07/29/2009 21:40:00]always dream......nowadays boys.....kakaka

  9. Watch out! Once, I paid my meal at a Japanese restaurant with my credit card at Union City. A week later, somebody spent thousands at Hayward and Oakland, while I was at L.A. The charges from two different locations almost at the same time triggered an alarm to the credit card company. The company blocked the usage and contacted me immediately. Though I didn't need to be responsible for any charges at Hayward and Oakland, it kept me busy enough. Don't worry, people at the restaurant that you visited may be honest! Just keep an eye on the coming statements from time to time.
    [版主回覆07/29/2009 22:39:00]yea..i m keeping already..but they seem to be ok! finger crossing! hehe
