your mum will bring the stuff to you? Sometimes, the postage fee is more expensive than the stuff. [版主回覆12/08/2011 06:53:06]She's coming to take care of me next year so she'll bring all the stuff :)
I really like the first product also ar. What does it call? I want to see if my mom can get it for me too. My mom is just like your mom, she bought so much clothes and asked me not to buy any... I want to buy BB clothes also ma... Ai... [版主回覆12/09/2011 22:09:53]it's called mom bought it somewhere in kowloon and i think it's around HKD150....if u need the exact location, i can ask my mom.
[版主回覆12/08/2011 00:12:20]好的!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/08/2011 00:11:59]我真係覺得佢好錫我同家姐,有咩事都會幫,雖然有時肯定有嗌交,但我知道佢好錫我地,真係好幸運有個咁錫我地既媽媽。
你媽咪係咪第一次做婆婆/嫲嫲?你估阿B出世前你搬咗未呢?我都買咗條 doggie strap 比阿B,又係有排先用得。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/08/2011 00:49:01]係呀,第一次,不過之前反應一般,而家成日係HK幫我搜羅BB用品。 唔會咁早搬啦,一來都未搵到好地方,二來裝修呀,closing呀,我相信都要幾個月,所以起碼生完先搬啦!我都想我亞媽過來幫我手搞搬屋同裝修。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/08/2011 01:00:10]u're welcome
your mum will bring the stuff to you? Sometimes, the postage fee is more expensive than the stuff.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/08/2011 06:53:06]She's coming to take care of me next year so she'll bring all the stuff :)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/09/2011 00:25:40]應該都係啦,第一個呀,哈哈
Mrs.Wu :做婆婆當然特別緊張d......我鐘意第一張相個BB product.好實用呀!係邊度都用得.而家啲BB products 真係好多元化........你媽咪會飛過黎美國倍你生?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/09/2011 00:20:58]係呀,真係好實用,所以亞媽已經買左,好快手! 而家真係好多BB用品,又多元化又靚,而家D人真係好捨得洗錢呀!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/09/2011 00:19:06]哈哈,佢真係見到咩都想買,我叫佢冷靜D,唔駛咩都係HK買既,哈哈!
哈哈 婆婆好心急喎 一定係好恨抱孫呢 ^^ 家陣啲BB用品越來越新穎 我都覺得嗰個product好實用呀 ~~ 遲啲媽媽係咪會過嚟幫忙照顧妳呀 ~~
ReplyDelete[Jo 姐姐回覆01/13/2012 01:24:59]我有HK朋友想買Totseat 想問吓妳知唔知 妳媽媽係响邊度買到架?
[版主回覆12/09/2011 22:11:04]嘻嘻,係呀, 亞媽就係我陪月員 :P
I really like the first product also ar. What does it call? I want to see if my mom can get it for me too. My mom is just like your mom, she bought so much clothes and asked me not to buy any... I want to buy BB clothes also ma... Ai...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/09/2011 22:09:53]it's called mom bought it somewhere in kowloon and i think it's around HKD150....if u need the exact location, i can ask my mom.
[版主回覆12/20/2011 06:52:14]會呀,無左佢唔得,嘻嘻