Perhaps you feel tired because you are pregnant. When we bought our house, we looked at over 30 houses. For me, it was always nice to look at more for comparison. But in your case, i can understand it is not a pleasure because there are too many opinion/people involved. [版主回覆12/30/2011 01:33:29]yes, it's not a pleasure at all.....too many noises from others and i get annoyed easily!
慢慢睇啦, 考慮清楚先買, 好過買咗至嚟後悔呀 ~~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/30/2011 01:32:15]都睇過唔少間,呢間都OK,係唔明點解我同佢地都係選同一間屋,我個D就係草,佢地個D就係寶,真可憐!
Perhaps you feel tired because you are pregnant. When we bought our house, we looked at over 30 houses. For me, it was always nice to look at more for comparison. But in your case, i can understand it is not a pleasure because there are too many opinion/people involved.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/30/2011 01:33:29]yes, it's not a pleasure at all.....too many noises from others and i get annoyed easily!
這個 blog 很有意思。
ReplyDelete[渡鹰河 Yahoo 香港回覆12/30/2011 08:02:17]^^
[版主回覆12/30/2011 01:33:00]thanks.
買樓都是簡簡單單, 岩就得, 唔會顧慮咁多好d, 住落慢慢便適應, 不用咁煩
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/30/2011 22:49:43]係呀,我都係咁話,不過都要睇錢呀!
你大住肚搬會唔會唔好架?(你知d 老人幾煩架啦)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆12/31/2011 12:46:30]唔搬住, 睇定買完生完先搬呀!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/03/2012 22:42:48]一層有成起碼一千呎,而家有三層,都起碼有三千啦
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/03/2012 22:43:22]係呀,我同老公都好有共識,係同佢地成家無,哈哈!