Don't worry, it should be fine My doctor told me the cut off is 140. [版主回覆02/08/2012 23:41:56]yes, it'll be a 3 hours test but i'll see her next week first to get the referral letter and prob she'll explain to me in detail again. [yanyan回覆02/08/2012 23:26:56]did she tell you what kind of test it is? it may be more detail test. If so, you need to stay in the dr office for couple hours. [版主回覆02/08/2012 23:23:17]even though my doc said to eat anything...i still keep my own diet...going to do the test again next week and let see the result first. It's not so easy to be pregnant... [yanyan回覆02/08/2012 23:08:47]My friend's doc said it's 120. Seems like different doctors have different standard. I think mine is around 130too, but my doc said it should be fine for pregnancy women. But she told me i should be aware of diet [版主回覆02/08/2012 22:58:39]really? the lab said it's i m worried
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/08/2012 22:39:02]咁大家一齊努力啦! ^^
[Jo 姐姐回覆02/08/2012 07:29:35]係呀 之前咪同妳地講過 抽7筒血要拮13針呢 @@
雖然CY都21歲 但畢竟有潛在可能 加上年紀大 所以都要注意吓飲食 年年CHECK住咁囉 ~~
放鬆D 戒吓口 一定無事嘅 ^^
[版主回覆02/08/2012 07:02:25]你都係?擔心架,不過我覺得應該下次去無事!
[Jo 姐姐回覆02/08/2012 06:03:19]唔使擔心 我都係妊娠糖尿病患者 原因係懷孕引致內分泌失調 所以只要飲食控制得好 生咗BB再驗多次血糖 大部份都會無事架 ~~
[版主回覆02/08/2012 04:57:35]算啦,我都吾知,唯有自己努力啦!
[海棠回覆02/08/2012 04:35:26]如果你家族有糖尿病史、如果你多食少運動、如果你有過不明原因流產、如果你有左之後體重爆增......等,咁你有妊娠糖尿病機會就高好多。
[版主回覆02/08/2012 04:28:43]而家都只可以食少D糖份既食物,不過我已經食好少好少飯同麵,真係好多野都無得解釋。
[海棠回覆02/08/2012 04:26:39]又唔使咁灰心,都要努力下。少食甜、多運動、合理膳食點都有用。就算真係妊娠糖尿病都有得醫,不過最好避免啦。
[版主回覆02/08/2012 04:19:03]我知呀,不過而家都無得可以避免,盡量食少D糖份既野啦
[海棠回覆02/08/2012 04:12:50]如果下次做75克口服糖耐量試驗唔合格就係妊娠糖尿病啦,有3成妊娠糖尿病人5-10年後會轉變成II型糖尿病,生完都要小心啊!
[版主回覆02/08/2012 04:03:56]仲未知,所以要去check多次,好驚。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/08/2012 22:37:22]希望啦,接電話時真係有D沮喪
Mrs.Wu: 會唔會係依邊d醫生比較緊張d,應該係再make sure多次,無事架!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/08/2012 22:36:54]其實岩岩係邊緣都吾係一件好事,不過我會努力去控制食物啦
不用担心.....那些報告只是參考指標, 最重要是妳自己感覺身體情況是正常健康就得...!!.
ReplyDeletejojo 姐講得岩, 多食菜類, 少食澱粉質的食物....咁糖尿就不高...!!
[版主回覆02/08/2012 22:36:15]其實我都明,但要我吾擔心又難D,始終係一個問題,不過我會好努力控制食野 ^^
Don't worry, it should be fine
ReplyDeleteMy doctor told me the cut off is 140.
[版主回覆02/08/2012 23:41:56]yes, it'll be a 3 hours test but i'll see her next week first to get the referral letter and prob she'll explain to me in detail again.
[yanyan回覆02/08/2012 23:26:56]did she tell you what kind of test it is? it may be more detail test. If so, you need to stay in the dr office for couple hours.
[版主回覆02/08/2012 23:23:17]even though my doc said to eat anything...i still keep my own diet...going to do the test again next week and let see the result first. It's not so easy to be pregnant...
[yanyan回覆02/08/2012 23:08:47]My friend's doc said it's 120. Seems like different doctors have different standard.
I think mine is around 130too, but my doc said it should be fine for pregnancy women. But she told me i should be aware of diet
[版主回覆02/08/2012 22:58:39]really? the lab said it's i m worried
多d 運動下, 唔好食咁甜r, 同咁多carbohydrates..., 食多d vege loh
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/10/2012 01:44:55]我知呀,不過已經盡量少吃。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/13/2012 23:14:56]努力緊呀,真係媽媽吾易做,就由大肚開始!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/13/2012 23:16:14]睇下做咩啦,多數都係行路,因為其他運動吾多適合。可以做YOGA或游水,不過邊有咁多時間呀!