Friday, April 13, 2012



佢之前同我講過,唐人街有間銀行都可以搞,不過要收$60手續費,而家只需要朋友幫我開個香港戶口,我個$6000就袋袋平安,好野,下次返到HK有錢洗,哈哈! 佢話而家申請仲可以拎多$200,嘻嘻,下次返HK有錢比亞B洗啦,yeah! 

:) :( ;) :D :-/ :x :P :-* =(( :-O X( :7 B-) #:-S :(( :)) =)) :-B :-c :)] ~X( :-h I-) =D7 @-) :-w 7:P 2):) :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^


  1. Pandora 香傭講法文April 13, 2012 at 12:14 PM

    [版主回覆04/14/2012 04:17:07]thank you

    [版主回覆04/16/2012 21:32:28]check with Bank of America....i heard they may be doing it now.
    [yanyan回覆04/16/2012 06:33:35]But my coworker said HSBC charges you $2xx, and only for savings more than 100k. Not sure it's true, but will check with it later
    [版主回覆04/15/2012 13:17:46]Hsbc charge like 2xx...but I guess better than nth lor
    [小陳太回覆04/15/2012 04:43:50]So, what a u going to do yan yan?
    [yanyan回覆04/14/2012 07:45:57]Yes, my coworker told me Bank of China doesn't want to do it now. I didn't check with HSBC, someone siad HSBC can do it. BUt the fee is very expensive.
    [小陳太回覆04/14/2012 07:33:36]O... really bank of China does not do it anymore... I was going to do it thru them...
    [版主回覆04/14/2012 04:36:44]oh really.... have you got yours then??
    [yanyan回覆04/14/2012 04:29:18]bank of china will not do it anymore.
    [版主回覆04/14/2012 04:18:19]my friend works in citibank...but she doesn't do it for business, only for friends. but you can try to ask bank of china if they do it there. Are you planning to get yours?

  3. 20 pages papers.... but you are lucky, you can apply here, I might go back HK in the summer.
    [版主回覆04/15/2012 13:18:44]Yah I feel very lucky to ask my friend at the time when she called...but it's always good to visit hk too

  4. 填成20頁資料
    [版主回覆04/15/2012 13:19:30]係呀,不過係個朋友填,唔駛我

  5. online banking 咪得囉, 你冇香港account 咩?
    [版主回覆04/15/2012 13:20:07]就係無呀,所以先咁煩

  6. 真呀, 好在有朋友幫你呀~~~ VERY GOOD!
    [版主回覆04/15/2012 13:20:56]係,唔可以益左香港政府六千元,哈哈

  7. 香港既銀行開戶口好嚴, 個人親身返到香港, 有香港身份證, 都要有地址證明(水電媒月結單之類, 可以是海外地址) 至俾開戶, 你唔駛返香港, 居然可以俾你開到, 你朋友真係好幫忙啦.
    [版主回覆04/15/2012 13:22:08]因為比哂資料佢搞,我都唔清楚,手續應該煩

  8. BTW... Does your friend work in citi in NK or citi in US?
    [版主回覆04/15/2012 13:22:27]She works in ny citi

  9. yes right, I just did it too, one of my citi bank friends just notice that they can open HK account for Gold Customer in NY city and did it for me last week, she told me my citi ATM card in USA can get money from HK citibank too, the worst thing is you have to let US government know that you have accounts overseas and may be they can trace your overseas income and tax your income from all over the world. thanks for your info.
    [版主回覆04/16/2012 21:33:56]i don't have any income outside of the US except this 6K, but they only concern how much interest i have when i file tax return, which is not going to be much.

  10. 你唔講我都差d唔記得左,我個份都未拎 ......
    [小友回覆04/25/2012 03:57:05]你幾時先返啊?生完會唔會帶bb返香港走返轉?
    [版主回覆04/24/2012 03:33:34]你就好,玩得開心D
    [小友回覆04/21/2012 02:54:54]會啊,一年無返啦。
    [版主回覆04/19/2012 22:05:44]你今年夏天會返HK嗎?

  11. 我的六千元一早已洗了.....
    妳現在才申請又可多二百元...!! 多好呢[img](applause)
    [冬日 Winter回覆04/20/2012 08:22:10]我十二月尾收錢的, 但一月頭就要幫女兒交大學學費.......因此都只是和家人吃了次日本剌身大餐後, 餘數都唔知去了那處囉....
    [版主回覆04/19/2012 23:56:46]你都可以等到而家先拎呀! 你點洗你既六千?

  12. 哈哈我都差點唔記得左要申請6000蚊呀!! :D 多謝你提醒~ ;)
    [版主回覆04/24/2012 03:33:59]哈哈,吾該客氣
