Thursday, September 9, 2010


不知不覺又9月啦﹐ 原來距離我生日仲有2個星期。不過因為結婚用$$太多﹐ 所以今年生日我都無要求(其實年年生日我都唔想過!! 哈哈) 佢問我想要咩﹐ 我話咩都唔要﹐ 你煮飯比我食就夠。 其實一年365日內﹐ 我都起碼煮足300日﹐ 有時去佢屋企人度食飯﹐ 而家都好少出街食啦! 一係去朋友屋企HEA﹐ 可能大家都大﹐ 需要0既野都唔同。 而家都係儲緊$$﹐ 睇下買唔買樓啦~ 不過一個3家庭﹐ 起碼 1MIL﹐ 如果2家庭﹐ 都要成700K。 唉﹐ 你話點會唔頭痛!! 又話遲D 生小朋友﹐ 都唔知有無$$養﹐ 真係到時賣血咩?? 好擔心﹐ 唉!!!! 算啦算啦﹐ 煮到埋黎就食 (只可以咁樣安慰自己啦)

:) :( ;) :D :-/ :x :P :-* =(( :-O X( :7 B-) #:-S :(( :)) =)) :-B :-c :)] ~X( :-h I-) =D7 @-) :-w 7:P 2):) :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^


  1. Why do you need 3 families house? Will u live with in-law?
    [版主回覆09/10/2010 21:38:00]still planning.... i don't mind but it really depends.... do you have your own house?

  2. so you can live by yoursleves without in-laws. Is it possible?
    [版主回覆09/11/2010 01:58:00]the whole situation is complicated..... they want to sell their house and buy another house to live together so we have enough down payment to buy a house.  i really don't know.... coz it's getting more complicated when involve with his family and brother.... they seem to have their own idea but not telling us and i duno what they're thinking.  and my hubby doesn't want to get involved either sigh..... tough

  3. it's your hubby job. He should try to communicate with them.
    [版主回覆09/13/2010 23:28:00]he authorized me to do such a nasty job....

  4. 咁去買件西餅俾自己當蛋糕囉haha!舊年我無乜錢都係咁celebrate 架咋~!
    [版主回覆09/20/2010 23:00:00]唔駛買﹐ 打算自己整個比自己

  5. woo我要試食.!xd
    [版主回覆09/21/2010 23:16:00]你? 排下隊啦!! 大把人等緊 XD 呢排整得太多﹐ 我都食唔落 lol
