Wednesday, December 31, 2008

happy new year all~

Wish everyone a very happy new year!!!! See you all in 2009...hehehhee!

happy new year all~

Wish everyone a very happy new year!!!! See you all in 2009...hehehhee!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Merry Christmas, everyone!! Hope everything goes smooth next year with everyone and let's hope for 2009 will be a good year for everybody - love, money, work, study, family....etcetc....

2008 is not a good year for me but there is something that i am happy with.  I was able to spend my time with my family, i know a very good friend that become one of my closest friends.  Even though i don't have much to talk about my bf currently, we still are happy together.

Last night we had a fight. It was a stupid fight that I started with.  I called him an idiot and he got furious.  Then he was cursing at me and started to get pissed.  Anyway, it wasn't a big deal and he made it such a big deal and he always thinks he's right and i am wrong.  Well, i am sick of it.  I told him many times that i didn't like to get cursed by him but he doesn't listen and he blamed me that everytimes i started to piss him off first.  Oh well, what can u say?  He doesn't like me telling people about his life but sometimes i like to share my feeling with my close friends.  I don't listen to him all the time when i think he's not doing it right.  And he always gets annoyed when i tell him to do something.   Anyway, we're fine now but still...i need to train him to be a better man!!!

OK!~ Have fun tonight everyone and don't get drunk...heheheh!!!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Merry Christmas, everyone!! Hope everything goes smooth next year with everyone and let's hope for 2009 will be a good year for everybody - love, money, work, study, family....etcetc....

2008 is not a good year for me but there is something that i am happy with.  I was able to spend my time with my family, i know a very good friend that become one of my closest friends.  Even though i don't have much to talk about my bf currently, we still are happy together.

Last night we had a fight. It was a stupid fight that I started with.  I called him an idiot and he got furious.  Then he was cursing at me and started to get pissed.  Anyway, it wasn't a big deal and he made it such a big deal and he always thinks he's right and i am wrong.  Well, i am sick of it.  I told him many times that i didn't like to get cursed by him but he doesn't listen and he blamed me that everytimes i started to piss him off first.  Oh well, what can u say?  He doesn't like me telling people about his life but sometimes i like to share my feeling with my close friends.  I don't listen to him all the time when i think he's not doing it right.  And he always gets annoyed when i tell him to do something.   Anyway, we're fine now but still...i need to train him to be a better man!!!

OK!~ Have fun tonight everyone and don't get drunk...heheheh!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Jay's concert

You cannot use a word to describe how great the concert was...even though my seat wasn't the closest but i had a fun time with him and my friends.  OMG!~ i can't wait to see him again, hehehe~

We drove to the casino on Saturday and watched the concert @ 2am.  I was actually tired but i got so excited to see him my first time... we got there almost 1am and we walked around the casino for a little while and we went to the show.  It was packed..omg~ i didn't expect so many people were in the concert.  The concert itself was kinda short though.  It lasted probably 2 hours  only which i expected to have at least 2.5 hours.. anyway, it was a great time!

When we left the casino, it was almost 6:30am.  It was snowing out and my honey was too tired to drive, so he put me on the table that i had to drive.  Well, obviously i was tired too and it was snowing out and i got so scared.  I was scared of the snowstorm and i was scared of falling asleep.  I was exhausted too...sigh!~ whatever! i thank God for bringing us home safe.

Anyway, we got home around 11am (should have got home by 10am if there was no snowstorm) and i was sooooooooooooooooooo tired~~~

I'll upload more pics later!! hehe~

Jay's concert

You cannot use a word to describe how great the concert was...even though my seat wasn't the closest but i had a fun time with him and my friends.  OMG!~ i can't wait to see him again, hehehe~

We drove to the casino on Saturday and watched the concert @ 2am.  I was actually tired but i got so excited to see him my first time... we got there almost 1am and we walked around the casino for a little while and we went to the show.  It was packed..omg~ i didn't expect so many people were in the concert.  The concert itself was kinda short though.  It lasted probably 2 hours  only which i expected to have at least 2.5 hours.. anyway, it was a great time!

When we left the casino, it was almost 6:30am.  It was snowing out and my honey was too tired to drive, so he put me on the table that i had to drive.  Well, obviously i was tired too and it was snowing out and i got so scared.  I was scared of the snowstorm and i was scared of falling asleep.  I was exhausted too...sigh!~ whatever! i thank God for bringing us home safe.

Anyway, we got home around 11am (should have got home by 10am if there was no snowstorm) and i was sooooooooooooooooooo tired~~~

I'll upload more pics later!! hehe~

Friday, December 19, 2008

Real snow is coming

Weather forecast is expecting 3-6 inches of snow in my area...whoa! This is a pretty big deal because 3-6 inches isn't small...Am i happy? i can say yes because i want to see snow but at the same time, we're going to drive a long way to see Jay tomorrow night...hopefully everything will be fine! I can't wait to see him, hehehehehhehe

Can't believe Christmas is one week away... but i am not prepared because i still haven't finished xmas shopping, haha! Hopefully i'll get something tomorrow before we go see's gonna be a busy weekend....whoa!~  Tonight we're having a christmas party at friend's house and tomorrow we're going to see Jay and won't be back until Sunday morning, haha! It sounds crazy~~~

Real snow is coming

Weather forecast is expecting 3-6 inches of snow in my area...whoa! This is a pretty big deal because 3-6 inches isn't small...Am i happy? i can say yes because i want to see snow but at the same time, we're going to drive a long way to see Jay tomorrow night...hopefully everything will be fine! I can't wait to see him, hehehehehhehe

Can't believe Christmas is one week away... but i am not prepared because i still haven't finished xmas shopping, haha! Hopefully i'll get something tomorrow before we go see's gonna be a busy weekend....whoa!~  Tonight we're having a christmas party at friend's house and tomorrow we're going to see Jay and won't be back until Sunday morning, haha! It sounds crazy~~~

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It's snowing right now!! i hope it'll snow on xmas day so i can enjoy my first white xmas, hehe!

Anyway, i am ok with him now.  Perhaps we misunderstood each other that he wasn't jealous of his friend, he was just upset with his job.  His friend and I are still growing our friendship and my honey and i are growing our relationship.  One night i asked him about our future, and he said he would marry me in 2 years.  That made me excited because he finally told me his plan.  He said he always had plan about wedding but just never told me then i told him you should have told me earlier..i am not his worm inside his stomach, he has to let me know about his feeling.  Anyway, our wedding plan is easy.... haha! i dont have any detail to share yet but i am happy and i can't wait..hehe!

i can't wait to see him tonight!


It's snowing right now!! i hope it'll snow on xmas day so i can enjoy my first white xmas, hehe!

Anyway, i am ok with him now.  Perhaps we misunderstood each other that he wasn't jealous of his friend, he was just upset with his job.  His friend and I are still growing our friendship and my honey and i are growing our relationship.  One night i asked him about our future, and he said he would marry me in 2 years.  That made me excited because he finally told me his plan.  He said he always had plan about wedding but just never told me then i told him you should have told me earlier..i am not his worm inside his stomach, he has to let me know about his feeling.  Anyway, our wedding plan is easy.... haha! i dont have any detail to share yet but i am happy and i can't wait..hehe!

i can't wait to see him tonight!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Last night his friend came to visit to pick up something that i bought him from hk, and he didn't feel so comfortable with his friend.  I don't know why and now he's like mad at me for nothing.  Perhaps he thought we had something behind him but we're plainly friends.  Sigh~ Sometimes he's being so selfish that i can't have my own friend.  Before i was avoiding all his friends but now when i become a close friend of one of his friends, and he's not happy.  i don't know what i can do to grow our relationship.  I am trying to put as much effort as i can but he's trying to ruin it... Love is important, but i think he should respect me too. 

God, please tell me what i can do.....


Last night his friend came to visit to pick up something that i bought him from hk, and he didn't feel so comfortable with his friend.  I don't know why and now he's like mad at me for nothing.  Perhaps he thought we had something behind him but we're plainly friends.  Sigh~ Sometimes he's being so selfish that i can't have my own friend.  Before i was avoiding all his friends but now when i become a close friend of one of his friends, and he's not happy.  i don't know what i can do to grow our relationship.  I am trying to put as much effort as i can but he's trying to ruin it... Love is important, but i think he should respect me too. 

God, please tell me what i can do.....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

2009 十二生肖運程

owenki - mine is not bad...hehe!!  Thanks for your link....







2009 十二生肖運程

owenki - mine is not bad...hehe!!  Thanks for your link....







Wednesday, December 10, 2008

this Friday~

This Friday i am going to a cocktail party held by LV..kaka! I am so excited because i want to buy a bag and what if i see some rich guys...kakaka! then i'll be rich also....if there's another Moses Chan..that will be sooooooooo sweet!!

I've been so busy at work also...doing all the stupid works!!! booooooo... i hate it!

Last night i cooked for my honey and he said he was so fortunate to have me around..kaka!! just because i cooked for him..he's so stupid   He should be glad that i am back from hk..even though i don't need to cook for him..kaka!

this Friday~

This Friday i am going to a cocktail party held by LV..kaka! I am so excited because i want to buy a bag and what if i see some rich guys...kakaka! then i'll be rich also....if there's another Moses Chan..that will be sooooooooo sweet!!

I've been so busy at work also...doing all the stupid works!!! booooooo... i hate it!

Last night i cooked for my honey and he said he was so fortunate to have me around..kaka!! just because i cooked for him..he's so stupid   He should be glad that i am back from hk..even though i don't need to cook for him..kaka!

Monday, December 8, 2008

finally i m back

Finally i am back to my normal life.  Today is my first day to work after my trip and i am exhausted.  I didn't sleep long enough last night because of jetlag.  >_<
Now i become a panda...very scary!!!! And super sleepy too~~~~~ but still need to get back to work....

During the trip, i spent most of the time with my family - it was lovely! love them so much~~~ but of course, i still miss my honey too!! Haven't seen him for 2 weeks and the first day i saw him i was so happy!!!

I ate 2 much past 2 weeks and i really have to stop eating. My stomach is getting weak...aahahhaa!!  very crazy!!!!!!!!!

I miss hk~~~~~~~~~~~~

finally i m back

Finally i am back to my normal life.  Today is my first day to work after my trip and i am exhausted.  I didn't sleep long enough last night because of jetlag.  >_<
Now i become a panda...very scary!!!! And super sleepy too~~~~~ but still need to get back to work....

During the trip, i spent most of the time with my family - it was lovely! love them so much~~~ but of course, i still miss my honey too!! Haven't seen him for 2 weeks and the first day i saw him i was so happy!!!

I ate 2 much past 2 weeks and i really have to stop eating. My stomach is getting weak...aahahhaa!!  very crazy!!!!!!!!!

I miss hk~~~~~~~~~~~~

Friday, December 5, 2008


唔知幾時先有機會返呢?? 後會有期啦~~~~~~~~~~~~


唔知幾時先有機會返呢?? 後會有期啦~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thursday, November 27, 2008


呢排有2個識0既朋友係感情上有問題, 其實如果唔岩0既話, 早日分開下都未嘗唔係好事, 當然大家都需要時間冷靜下.  我好慶幸我同我0既男友無事, 雖然之前都有經歷d唔開心0既事, 但係我相信時間可以沖淡, 而且我覺得我地而家都好開心, 究竟係唔係時候諗下將來呢? 講真, 結婚係女人都想, 仲要同自己中意0既人結, 邊個唔想, 但我係唔係時候諗下? 定係我需要多d空間? 我真係唔知.....

話自己com唔commit到真係好難講, 我會用我所能去take care佢, 但無$$又真係好大問題. 好煩~~ 我唔係要一個勁大0既別墅, 至緊要有個安安樂樂0既家咁已經足夠. 不過其實我地已經住埋一齊咁多年, 同結婚又有咩分別? 我都唔知...順其自然啦. 我唔想大家比咁多pressure大家, 至緊要at this moment 大家開心and 擁有大家已經好好. 

life is too short, 如果唔襯早做哂所有野, 到年老時先做就太遲啦~~~
千萬唔好 - 愛得太遲......


呢排有2個識0既朋友係感情上有問題, 其實如果唔岩0既話, 早日分開下都未嘗唔係好事, 當然大家都需要時間冷靜下.  我好慶幸我同我0既男友無事, 雖然之前都有經歷d唔開心0既事, 但係我相信時間可以沖淡, 而且我覺得我地而家都好開心, 究竟係唔係時候諗下將來呢? 講真, 結婚係女人都想, 仲要同自己中意0既人結, 邊個唔想, 但我係唔係時候諗下? 定係我需要多d空間? 我真係唔知.....

話自己com唔commit到真係好難講, 我會用我所能去take care佢, 但無$$又真係好大問題. 好煩~~ 我唔係要一個勁大0既別墅, 至緊要有個安安樂樂0既家咁已經足夠. 不過其實我地已經住埋一齊咁多年, 同結婚又有咩分別? 我都唔知...順其自然啦. 我唔想大家比咁多pressure大家, 至緊要at this moment 大家開心and 擁有大家已經好好. 

life is too short, 如果唔襯早做哂所有野, 到年老時先做就太遲啦~~~
千萬唔好 - 愛得太遲......


睇完今晚個習覺得中+欣好煩, 佢成日都以為自己有$$大哂, 想點呀!!佢個look好唔得呀!! 其實成套劇都係講$$, 好煩~~佢亞媽成日都痴埋佢d有$$人到, 真係唔知點解.

今日涼左呀, 都唔知點算. 真係唔夠衫但係可以點? 好多衫係hk 穿得但係us就唔得, why? 因為呢度0既冬天實在太唔同, 有時好涼, 有時好熱. 好似我剛剛落機時真係熱, 仲要穿短袖衫, 而家又要穿scarf, 又要外褸, 真係好煩呀!! 不過hk買野真係好, 又平又靚又正, 就算係牌子d衫, 有時有唔知邊張credit card就可以有discount, 勁開心!! 要平0既好多boutique又有, 真係好呀!!

今日見到對boot都幾想買, 但係好貴呀!成$1500蚊...佢就勁sell我, 但我真係要hesitate下, 我honey話太貴wor!~ 唉, 睇黎我都要諗下先, 哈哈~~~~

好搞笑, 見到d UGG 0既毛毛 boot, 我心諗...hk真係咁cold咩? 我地落哂雪咁緊係要啦, 但hk....真係唔點需要lor

前幾日同sister去crabtree 買野, 因為佢有50% off, 但其實discount左都係貴lor!~ 而且我都無用0既好多野, 不過見到好長line, 真係諗 economy咁好咩...d 人咁捨得, 哈哈~~~ 我見佢地個個都買10樣8樣, 好利害...哈哈~~~~

我honey岩岩話我抽到一個人做secret santa...我都唔識佢, 都唔知買咩....好煩!!!!!等佢諗啦, 哈哈哈~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



睇完今晚個習覺得中+欣好煩, 佢成日都以為自己有$$大哂, 想點呀!!佢個look好唔得呀!! 其實成套劇都係講$$, 好煩~~佢亞媽成日都痴埋佢d有$$人到, 真係唔知點解.

今日涼左呀, 都唔知點算. 真係唔夠衫但係可以點? 好多衫係hk 穿得但係us就唔得, why? 因為呢度0既冬天實在太唔同, 有時好涼, 有時好熱. 好似我剛剛落機時真係熱, 仲要穿短袖衫, 而家又要穿scarf, 又要外褸, 真係好煩呀!! 不過hk買野真係好, 又平又靚又正, 就算係牌子d衫, 有時有唔知邊張credit card就可以有discount, 勁開心!! 要平0既好多boutique又有, 真係好呀!!

今日見到對boot都幾想買, 但係好貴呀!成$1500蚊...佢就勁sell我, 但我真係要hesitate下, 我honey話太貴wor!~ 唉, 睇黎我都要諗下先, 哈哈~~~~

好搞笑, 見到d UGG 0既毛毛 boot, 我心諗...hk真係咁cold咩? 我地落哂雪咁緊係要啦, 但hk....真係唔點需要lor

前幾日同sister去crabtree 買野, 因為佢有50% off, 但其實discount左都係貴lor!~ 而且我都無用0既好多野, 不過見到好長line, 真係諗 economy咁好咩...d 人咁捨得, 哈哈~~~ 我見佢地個個都買10樣8樣, 好利害...哈哈~~~~

我honey岩岩話我抽到一個人做secret santa...我都唔識佢, 都唔知買咩....好煩!!!!!等佢諗啦, 哈哈哈~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Wednesday, November 26, 2008


今日係感恩節, 雖然我唔係美國同我honey一齊慶祝, 我都好想同佢過. 今晚佢去朋友屋企開party, 希望佢玩得開心d 啦~~~~ 其實我都唔想留低佢一個人係個邊, 不過佢又放唔到假, 唔緊要啦~~~ 我好快就返, 唔好心急呀, 哈哈~

今晚同屋企人去左小肥羊食dinner, 講真, 我覺得無咩特別, 我想去都係想睇下同美國個間有咩分別, 佢個湯真係好多味精, 唔太得, 食完後真係要係咁飲水. 不過最唔得0既係個條友仔加湯個陣, 都唔知係咪short左, 係咁高到加, 入到我亞媽隻眼, 不知所謂. 都唔知係唔係路. 好心啦~ 明知d 湯熱, 咁就唔好係咁高到加啦~~~~即刻搵左部長投訴, 佢係咁唔好意思, 好煩&好假....下次都唔去!!!! 我覺得美國個湯低好d, 起碼無咁多味精啦! 雖然有時service係差d, 起碼都小心d啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

我相信今次返來一定肥左好多, 成日食食食.....好似飲食團咁.....不過返到個邊又無機會lu...


今日係感恩節, 雖然我唔係美國同我honey一齊慶祝, 我都好想同佢過. 今晚佢去朋友屋企開party, 希望佢玩得開心d 啦~~~~ 其實我都唔想留低佢一個人係個邊, 不過佢又放唔到假, 唔緊要啦~~~ 我好快就返, 唔好心急呀, 哈哈~

今晚同屋企人去左小肥羊食dinner, 講真, 我覺得無咩特別, 我想去都係想睇下同美國個間有咩分別, 佢個湯真係好多味精, 唔太得, 食完後真係要係咁飲水. 不過最唔得0既係個條友仔加湯個陣, 都唔知係咪short左, 係咁高到加, 入到我亞媽隻眼, 不知所謂. 都唔知係唔係路. 好心啦~ 明知d 湯熱, 咁就唔好係咁高到加啦~~~~即刻搵左部長投訴, 佢係咁唔好意思, 好煩&好假....下次都唔去!!!! 我覺得美國個湯低好d, 起碼無咁多味精啦! 雖然有時service係差d, 起碼都小心d啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

我相信今次返來一定肥左好多, 成日食食食.....好似飲食團咁.....不過返到個邊又無機會lu...

Sunday, November 23, 2008


咁早又係我, 訓唔到又肚餓, 哈哈~~~~~~
好多人應該唔知我係HK, 不過我真係係HK呀, 好開心見到我D FAMILY~~我掛住佢地, 原因就唔想講, 但無返一陣子HK都依然係咁...

搭機個陣真係好唔得.....我今次搭CONTINENTAL, 佢地係廢GA!! 我一早去到CHECK IN, 諗住CHECK IN 完可以食下野陪下我HONEY, 點知佢地仲未開工, 要我等等等, 個問題係我check in 左, 不過要等check baggage, 咁點解要有個地方比我check in先 之後都依然要check baggage, 實在太stupid啦! 個airport又無野食, 美國所有d airport都係咁, 無野食又無野行...不知所謂...

算啦, 都唔係好major...最major個d 係我上到機先.  話說我係friday 個日call 佢地confirm and reassign 我個位, 咁我開頭想問下有無exit位, 佢話有, 咁我諗住take0個個位, 之後我諗諗下我想用laptop kill下time, 問佢個exit位有無power plug比我plug我部laptop, 佢話無, 咁佢assign 左個位比我係有0既, 咁我話ok啦~~~~

上到去, 都好期望咁諗住睇下tv, 點知.... 唉, 唔駛問啦, 即刻灰哂!! 勁無奈...都唔知可以點, 如果佢一早同我講, 我一定take個exit位, 唔駛煩 and 可以訓得舒服d..而家..真係.... 個位又窄, d movie又悶, 野食又唔得...真係激到我..... 無就唔好扮有啦, 握左我, 勁無聊!! 悶足16個hours...............................唉!!!!!!!!!!! d 空姐夠"得"啦....全部都係亞"無".....仲要係chinese無.....omg!



咁早又係我, 訓唔到又肚餓, 哈哈~~~~~~
好多人應該唔知我係HK, 不過我真係係HK呀, 好開心見到我D FAMILY~~我掛住佢地, 原因就唔想講, 但無返一陣子HK都依然係咁...

搭機個陣真係好唔得.....我今次搭CONTINENTAL, 佢地係廢GA!! 我一早去到CHECK IN, 諗住CHECK IN 完可以食下野陪下我HONEY, 點知佢地仲未開工, 要我等等等, 個問題係我check in 左, 不過要等check baggage, 咁點解要有個地方比我check in先 之後都依然要check baggage, 實在太stupid啦! 個airport又無野食, 美國所有d airport都係咁, 無野食又無野行...不知所謂...

算啦, 都唔係好major...最major個d 係我上到機先.  話說我係friday 個日call 佢地confirm and reassign 我個位, 咁我開頭想問下有無exit位, 佢話有, 咁我諗住take0個個位, 之後我諗諗下我想用laptop kill下time, 問佢個exit位有無power plug比我plug我部laptop, 佢話無, 咁佢assign 左個位比我係有0既, 咁我話ok啦~~~~

上到去, 都好期望咁諗住睇下tv, 點知.... 唉, 唔駛問啦, 即刻灰哂!! 勁無奈...都唔知可以點, 如果佢一早同我講, 我一定take個exit位, 唔駛煩 and 可以訓得舒服d..而家..真係.... 個位又窄, d movie又悶, 野食又唔得...真係激到我..... 無就唔好扮有啦, 握左我, 勁無聊!! 悶足16個hours...............................唉!!!!!!!!!!! d 空姐夠"得"啦....全部都係亞"無".....仲要係chinese無.....omg!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008





A、草莓2分 B、蘋果3分 C、西瓜5分 D、鳳梨10分 E、橘子15分


A、郊外2分 B、電影院3分 C、公園5分 D、商場10分 E、酒吧15分 F、練



A、有才氣的人2分 B、依賴你的人3分 C、優雅的人5分 D、善良的人10分 E、性情豪放的人15分


A、貓2分 B、馬3分 C、大象5分 D、猴子10分 E、狗15分 F、獅子20分


A、游泳5分 B、喝冷飲10分 C、開空調15分


A、蛇2分 B、豬5分 C、老鼠10分 D、蒼蠅15分


A、懸疑推理類2分 B、童話神話類3分 C、自然科學類5分 D、倫理道德類10分



A、打火機2分 B、口紅2分 C、記事本3分 D、紙巾5分 E、手機10分


A、火車2分 B、自行車3分 C、汽車5分 D、飛機10分 E、步行15分


A、紫2分 B、黑3分 C、藍5分 D、白8分 E、黃12分 F、紅15分


A、瑜珈2分 B、自行車3分 C、乒乓球5分 D、拳擊8分 E、足球10 F、蹦極15 分


A、湖邊2分 B、草原3分 C、海邊5分 D、森林10分 E、城中區15分


A、雪2分 B、風3分 C、雨5分 D、霧10分 E、雷電15分


A、七層2分 B、一層3分 C、二十三層5分 D、十八層10分 E、三十層15分


A、麗江1分 B、拉薩3分 C、昆明5分 D、西安8分 E、杭州10分 F、北京15分
























A、草莓2分 B、蘋果3分 C、西瓜5分 D、鳳梨10分 E、橘子15分


A、郊外2分 B、電影院3分 C、公園5分 D、商場10分 E、酒吧15分 F、練



A、有才氣的人2分 B、依賴你的人3分 C、優雅的人5分 D、善良的人10分 E、性情豪放的人15分


A、貓2分 B、馬3分 C、大象5分 D、猴子10分 E、狗15分 F、獅子20分


A、游泳5分 B、喝冷飲10分 C、開空調15分


A、蛇2分 B、豬5分 C、老鼠10分 D、蒼蠅15分


A、懸疑推理類2分 B、童話神話類3分 C、自然科學類5分 D、倫理道德類10分



A、打火機2分 B、口紅2分 C、記事本3分 D、紙巾5分 E、手機10分


A、火車2分 B、自行車3分 C、汽車5分 D、飛機10分 E、步行15分


A、紫2分 B、黑3分 C、藍5分 D、白8分 E、黃12分 F、紅15分


A、瑜珈2分 B、自行車3分 C、乒乓球5分 D、拳擊8分 E、足球10 F、蹦極15 分


A、湖邊2分 B、草原3分 C、海邊5分 D、森林10分 E、城中區15分


A、雪2分 B、風3分 C、雨5分 D、霧10分 E、雷電15分


A、七層2分 B、一層3分 C、二十三層5分 D、十八層10分 E、三十層15分


A、麗江1分 B、拉薩3分 C、昆明5分 D、西安8分 E、杭州10分 F、北京15分




























◎ 診斷分析 ◎









Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.

I really like this quote because i think it's so true.
When you start your relationship, it's always sweet...
During the relationship, it grows stronger with a kiss...
When you end your relationship, it's always bitter and sad...

Last night received a call from my friend and i was surprised that she called but it wasn't any good news for me.  Well, i felt upset for her too but sometimes it may be better to let it go! I hope she'll feel better soon!

No matter what, I still love you, my friend~~~~~

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.

I really like this quote because i think it's so true.
When you start your relationship, it's always sweet...
During the relationship, it grows stronger with a kiss...
When you end your relationship, it's always bitter and sad...

Last night received a call from my friend and i was surprised that she called but it wasn't any good news for me.  Well, i felt upset for her too but sometimes it may be better to let it go! I hope she'll feel better soon!

No matter what, I still love you, my friend~~~~~

Thursday, November 13, 2008


又係時侯講下套劇啦~ 其實都唔係好特別, 不過一套咁長0既劇真係要慢慢睇, 希望ok啦~~~~~ 不過勁唔中意亞發, 佢0既打扮真係令我好討厭, 以為自己好有型, 又以為自己好有$$, 唔該啦~ 你都係rely on 人地ja..唔好咁inch啦!!! 都唔明黎姿點會中意佢....ewww! 都係同moses match d~~~~ 仲有呀, 佢叫佢個名...constance....係con-s-tan-ce....聽到都....本來個名都ok, 比佢叫到.....

遲d jessica 會同moses個亞爸一齊, 都幾surprise wor! 不過我覺得martin都唔係咁差jeh, 呵呵呵~~~係老左d 不過有$$$$, 哈哈哈哈哈....上次同我honey講, 佢問我..識男仔最緊要係咩...我話....有$$$lor....呵呵~~~ 而家呢個時勢 ,有個$$$好d~~~

sunny都唔係咁差jeh, 我覺得佢仲型過林保怡...唔明唔明點解佢唔紅...
不過講型, 都係moses!!!!!! 唔知點解, 平時覺得佢only ok, 但係佢做有$$仔時, 又真係幾得wor!! umm....我都想識個咁0既人....哈哈哈~~~~做個朋友jeh


又係時侯講下套劇啦~ 其實都唔係好特別, 不過一套咁長0既劇真係要慢慢睇, 希望ok啦~~~~~ 不過勁唔中意亞發, 佢0既打扮真係令我好討厭, 以為自己好有型, 又以為自己好有$$, 唔該啦~ 你都係rely on 人地ja..唔好咁inch啦!!! 都唔明黎姿點會中意佢....ewww! 都係同moses match d~~~~ 仲有呀, 佢叫佢個名...constance....係con-s-tan-ce....聽到都....本來個名都ok, 比佢叫到.....

遲d jessica 會同moses個亞爸一齊, 都幾surprise wor! 不過我覺得martin都唔係咁差jeh, 呵呵呵~~~係老左d 不過有$$$$, 哈哈哈哈哈....上次同我honey講, 佢問我..識男仔最緊要係咩...我話....有$$$lor....呵呵~~~ 而家呢個時勢 ,有個$$$好d~~~

sunny都唔係咁差jeh, 我覺得佢仲型過林保怡...唔明唔明點解佢唔紅...
不過講型, 都係moses!!!!!! 唔知點解, 平時覺得佢only ok, 但係佢做有$$仔時, 又真係幾得wor!! umm....我都想識個咁0既人....哈哈哈~~~~做個朋友jeh

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

texas holdem

近日迷上左玩texas holdem 呢個game, 哈哈~~~不過唔駛擔心, 都只係係facebook到玩jeh, 其實都係kill下time jeh, 不過玩玩下都幾好玩, 呵呵~~~ 當然, 如果要錢就唔玩lu...我都唔中意gamble0既... 大家得閒都可以玩2手呀!

texas holdem

近日迷上左玩texas holdem 呢個game, 哈哈~~~不過唔駛擔心, 都只係係facebook到玩jeh, 其實都係kill下time jeh, 不過玩玩下都幾好玩, 呵呵~~~ 當然, 如果要錢就唔玩lu...我都唔中意gamble0既... 大家得閒都可以玩2手呀!

Monday, November 10, 2008

i thought i would easily let go~

i thought it would be easy to let go but it's not quite.
thanks for everyone though~~~ love you all!

I am ok now! Thanks everyone!

i thought i would easily let go~

i thought it would be easy to let go but it's not quite.
thanks for everyone though~~~ love you all!

I am ok now! Thanks everyone!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


係唔係所有男人都係咁煩? 我自己本身自己都好煩, 而呢個男人就成日比煩野我, 真係...可唔可以理下我感受呀? 好煩呀! 有咩事咪自己同你屋企人講lor, 做咩我要做中間人, 好煩呀~ 我唔係佢slave呀, 咩都要做...點解唔可以呵護下我, 錫下我wor? 煩煩煩~

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New President

finally finally....the United States Of America has a new president who makes history that he's the first black president in the United States. 
Well, i think i am proud of him because he's the first black to be elected as president and obviously his speech is much better than McCain.  Of course most of the Americans they didn't want to vote for Obama because of his color.  But then, since the competitor is too weak, there's no way Obama not gonna win... I am happy for him!

I voted last night and i voted for Obama.  I am not supporting black community but i think he does a better job than McCain.  He's not as cunning as McCain and i believe he can fight for more right for Americans.

Anyway, let's hope for the best!

New President

finally finally....the United States Of America has a new president who makes history that he's the first black president in the United States. 
Well, i think i am proud of him because he's the first black to be elected as president and obviously his speech is much better than McCain.  Of course most of the Americans they didn't want to vote for Obama because of his color.  But then, since the competitor is too weak, there's no way Obama not gonna win... I am happy for him!

I voted last night and i voted for Obama.  I am not supporting black community but i think he does a better job than McCain.  He's not as cunning as McCain and i believe he can fight for more right for Americans.

Anyway, let's hope for the best!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


finally it's time to say goodbye..
I'll pray all the time!!


finally it's time to say goodbye..
I'll pray all the time!!

nail polish

I bought a nail polish last night and i tried it on last night....
when i was done, i was like..OMG!!!!!!!!!! scare the hell out of me~~~~~~
i bought a ruby red color yesterday..haha!  I usually wear something light and this time i want to try something new but ewwwwwwwww....i don't think i'll do it again!~  I think light color fits me better, haha!

nail polish

I bought a nail polish last night and i tried it on last night....
when i was done, i was like..OMG!!!!!!!!!! scare the hell out of me~~~~~~
i bought a ruby red color yesterday..haha!  I usually wear something light and this time i want to try something new but ewwwwwwwww....i don't think i'll do it again!~  I think light color fits me better, haha!




為什麼人要這麼的脆弱 墮落




珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有


還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑

微微笑 小時候的夢我知道

不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠

回家吧 回到最初的美好


不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的

追不到的夢想 換個夢不就得了

為自己的人生鮮艷上色 先把愛塗上喜歡的顏色

笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的


童年的紙飛機 現在終於飛回我手裡

所謂的那快樂 赤腳在田裡追蜻蜓追到累了

偷摘水果被蜜蜂給叮到怕了 誰在偷笑呢


哦 哦 午後吉它在蟲鳴中更清脆

哦 哦 陽光灑在路上就不怕心碎

珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有


還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑

微微笑 小時候的夢我知道

不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠

回家吧 回到最初的美好

喬克叔叔 - Jay chou

Lately i like this song.... dunno why....i find the chrous kinda funny

and usually i can't remember the lyrics and i hum whatever the melody is and my honey is like....what r u singing....ahahaa

作詞:黃俊郎 作曲:周杰倫

親愛的 別嚇到閉上了眼睛 小丑把戲 不是大家都可以
誇張眼影 藍色憂傷的淚滴 丟丟刀 噴噴火 踩高蹺吹笛
跌倒失手燒到眉毛我故意 哈哈你笑的開心我可是在玩命
撲克牌裡 我的肖像才一兩張 你看你看我的重要性

彩色的 大捲髮 紅鼻子 最滑稽 的步法 這樣的快樂你學會了嗎
用笨拙 又驚險 的雜耍 繼續對 你裝傻 所有的悲傷通通忘了吧

聽我說 拿出你的鈔票 笑平常買不到 先生小姐們趕快來 趕快來
再慢就看不到 座位沒剩多少 還能跟喬克叔叔拍 一張照

我只是 卑微的小丑 翻幾個跟斗 就等你拍一拍手
人群散了後 夜色多朦朧 月光也會跟著我
我不是 孤獨的小丑 你笑了之後 不需要記得我
燈熄的時候 滿天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞

下著雨 我躲在 面具裡 偷偷地 在哭泣 因為看了不能說的祕密
魔術師 我恨你 搶走我 的生意 別忘記 蝙蝠俠靠我才票房冠軍

聽我說 拿出你的鈔票 笑平常買不到 先生小姐們趕快來 趕快來
再慢就看不到 座位沒剩多少 還能跟喬克叔叔拍 一張照

我只是 卑微的小丑 翻幾個跟斗 就等你拍一拍手
人群散了後 夜色多朦朧 月光也會跟著我
我不是 孤獨的小丑 你笑了之後 不需要記得我
燈熄的時候 滿天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞

我只是 卑微的小丑 翻幾個跟斗 就等你拍一拍手
人群散了後 夜色多朦朧 月光也會跟著我
我不是 孤獨的小丑 你笑了之後 不需要記得我
燈熄的時候 滿天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞

喬克叔叔 - Jay chou

Lately i like this song.... dunno why....i find the chrous kinda funny

and usually i can't remember the lyrics and i hum whatever the melody is and my honey is like....what r u singing....ahahaa

作詞:黃俊郎 作曲:周杰倫

親愛的 別嚇到閉上了眼睛 小丑把戲 不是大家都可以
誇張眼影 藍色憂傷的淚滴 丟丟刀 噴噴火 踩高蹺吹笛
跌倒失手燒到眉毛我故意 哈哈你笑的開心我可是在玩命
撲克牌裡 我的肖像才一兩張 你看你看我的重要性

彩色的 大捲髮 紅鼻子 最滑稽 的步法 這樣的快樂你學會了嗎
用笨拙 又驚險 的雜耍 繼續對 你裝傻 所有的悲傷通通忘了吧

聽我說 拿出你的鈔票 笑平常買不到 先生小姐們趕快來 趕快來
再慢就看不到 座位沒剩多少 還能跟喬克叔叔拍 一張照

我只是 卑微的小丑 翻幾個跟斗 就等你拍一拍手
人群散了後 夜色多朦朧 月光也會跟著我
我不是 孤獨的小丑 你笑了之後 不需要記得我
燈熄的時候 滿天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞

下著雨 我躲在 面具裡 偷偷地 在哭泣 因為看了不能說的祕密
魔術師 我恨你 搶走我 的生意 別忘記 蝙蝠俠靠我才票房冠軍

聽我說 拿出你的鈔票 笑平常買不到 先生小姐們趕快來 趕快來
再慢就看不到 座位沒剩多少 還能跟喬克叔叔拍 一張照

我只是 卑微的小丑 翻幾個跟斗 就等你拍一拍手
人群散了後 夜色多朦朧 月光也會跟著我
我不是 孤獨的小丑 你笑了之後 不需要記得我
燈熄的時候 滿天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞

我只是 卑微的小丑 翻幾個跟斗 就等你拍一拍手
人群散了後 夜色多朦朧 月光也會跟著我
我不是 孤獨的小丑 你笑了之後 不需要記得我
燈熄的時候 滿天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞

Monday, November 3, 2008

Over the weekend

Over the weekend we went shopping...haha!
Well, i didn't spend that much (not as much as i expected) but i did buy something.  We got employees discount from CK and we bought a lot from there, haha! So crazy~~~~~~~~~~~ My bf bought a leather jacket just under $100.... Original price was $350.... i was like..OMG! what a deal~~~~~~~~~~~ haha! I should buy one for my dad next time if i know his size

Anyway, time passes so fast and it's monday again..........wuwu!! it's time to work again~~~~ sucks!!!!!!!!!!

How was halloween everybody?? I didn't go trick or treat that night at all~~ we just went out for dinner and went back home to rest~~ nothing special for us!! but it's always good that we gotta relax

Over the weekend

Over the weekend we went shopping...haha!
Well, i didn't spend that much (not as much as i expected) but i did buy something.  We got employees discount from CK and we bought a lot from there, haha! So crazy~~~~~~~~~~~ My bf bought a leather jacket just under $100.... Original price was $350.... i was like..OMG! what a deal~~~~~~~~~~~ haha! I should buy one for my dad next time if i know his size

Anyway, time passes so fast and it's monday again..........wuwu!! it's time to work again~~~~ sucks!!!!!!!!!!

How was halloween everybody?? I didn't go trick or treat that night at all~~ we just went out for dinner and went back home to rest~~ nothing special for us!! but it's always good that we gotta relax

it&#39;s not easy

it's not easy....
i am afraid everyday....
what can i do????
God Bless!

it&#39;s not easy

it's not easy....
i am afraid everyday....
what can i do????
God Bless!

Friday, October 31, 2008

very interesting






























































very interesting






























































sex and the city

<Sex and the City>

It used to be a very famous tv series.  Anyone care for this series?  I bet there are.. Well, this time they were shooting a film which i don't really care about it.  I never was a sex and the city fans but i did watch a few.  Anyway, last night i watched this movie..i was like..OMG~

Why? it took me more than 2 hours to finish this movie and i still had a lot of things to do after the movie i.e. cleaning, ironing, etc.... Anyway, the movie itself was just around the 4 nyc women... 4 different stories...

Honestly, it was ok but it was getting long-winded because it just kept telling me the same story over and over again... and there were some nude scenes that i was like..OMG~~~ one of the women (i forgot her name,haha!) was really into sex and she always looks at different men to satisfy herself....i think she's crazy!!! And I can't believe they're 40 something..........!!!!!

Well, i do appreciate all the fancy clothings.. it was like a fashion show..haha! One part was about Carrie (the main character) was moving in with her bf and they found a place which was very nice - a penthhouse next to Central Park!! OMG~~ Can you imagine living there @ a penthhouse??????? It gotta be expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And she complained that the closet was too small and he made a super nice closet for her!!!!!!!! I was so jealous...hahahhahaha!! and my honey and I both said..... of cos they can do it...coz they're rich!!!! when you're rich, you can have a nice apartment in Manhattan and you can have a closet as big as you want....... hahhahaha!!That was our conclusion from last night and i told him this have money because they reach their 40's.  Well, i guess if i buy lotto from now on until i reach 40....i bet i should have won something by then.... LOL   He thinks i m crazy!!!!

I think there's no harm to dream in the morning ,right?

sex and the city

<Sex and the City>

It used to be a very famous tv series.  Anyone care for this series?  I bet there are.. Well, this time they were shooting a film which i don't really care about it.  I never was a sex and the city fans but i did watch a few.  Anyway, last night i watched this movie..i was like..OMG~

Why? it took me more than 2 hours to finish this movie and i still had a lot of things to do after the movie i.e. cleaning, ironing, etc.... Anyway, the movie itself was just around the 4 nyc women... 4 different stories...

Honestly, it was ok but it was getting long-winded because it just kept telling me the same story over and over again... and there were some nude scenes that i was like..OMG~~~ one of the women (i forgot her name,haha!) was really into sex and she always looks at different men to satisfy herself....i think she's crazy!!! And I can't believe they're 40 something..........!!!!!

Well, i do appreciate all the fancy clothings.. it was like a fashion show..haha! One part was about Carrie (the main character) was moving in with her bf and they found a place which was very nice - a penthhouse next to Central Park!! OMG~~ Can you imagine living there @ a penthhouse??????? It gotta be expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And she complained that the closet was too small and he made a super nice closet for her!!!!!!!! I was so jealous...hahahhahaha!! and my honey and I both said..... of cos they can do it...coz they're rich!!!! when you're rich, you can have a nice apartment in Manhattan and you can have a closet as big as you want....... hahhahaha!!That was our conclusion from last night and i told him this have money because they reach their 40's.  Well, i guess if i buy lotto from now on until i reach 40....i bet i should have won something by then.... LOL   He thinks i m crazy!!!!

I think there's no harm to dream in the morning ,right?