Wednesday, December 30, 2009


每次看完這套戲我都悲喜交集,剛開始時都抱住正常心情看,次次看到伯伯與女伴分開心情都好沉重,而且不禁會流淚,可能拍得太真實,所以令我想像到將來有一日都會是這樣。明白將來的事所有人都掌握不到﹐ 但都要做好自己本份﹐ 好喜歡一句說話: yesterday was history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift. 所以我經常覺得做人開心便好﹐ 一切都變得平淡﹐ 平淡是福!


每次看完這套戲我都悲喜交集,剛開始時都抱住正常心情看,次次看到伯伯與女伴分開心情都好沉重,而且不禁會流淚,可能拍得太真實,所以令我想像到將來有一日都會是這樣。明白將來的事所有人都掌握不到﹐ 但都要做好自己本份﹐ 好喜歡一句說話: yesterday was history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift. 所以我經常覺得做人開心便好﹐ 一切都變得平淡﹐ 平淡是福!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


好快就一年啦﹐ 時間過得真係快﹐ 以前讀書時就覺得時間過得好慢﹐ 而家。。話咁快就過! 好利害!! 新0既一年有新0既願望。 當然係希望結婚順順利利﹐ 努力讀書+快D揾到份新工+身體健康! 哈哈﹐ 係咪好貪心呢? 不過有推動力先有進步﹐ 希望所有野都順利啦!

無亞媽係NY take care係唔同D﹐ 有病都可以有個人煮野食﹐ 有湯水飲﹐ 有人收拾屋企﹐ 哈哈! 不過而家有時都去his mom屋企食飯﹐ 都好過無啦~ 好彩佢mom都好好人﹐ 有時情緒化D 不過唔關我事﹐ 都好
take care我呀~ 有時就煩D 不過無計﹐ 老人家係咁﹐ 想點?

仲有2日就2010年啦~ 原來唔經唔覺都過左黎NY 差唔多10年! 歲月不留人﹐ 真係開始老化! 對呢度0既感覺﹐ 其實都係咁﹐ 好似香港﹐ 不過香港就暖好多! 呢幾日都冷﹐ 要穿2pants & 2 socks先可以出去。 真係好辛苦呀~~~~~~ 好掛住summer!!!!


好快就一年啦﹐ 時間過得真係快﹐ 以前讀書時就覺得時間過得好慢﹐ 而家。。話咁快就過! 好利害!! 新0既一年有新0既願望。 當然係希望結婚順順利利﹐ 努力讀書+快D揾到份新工+身體健康! 哈哈﹐ 係咪好貪心呢? 不過有推動力先有進步﹐ 希望所有野都順利啦!

無亞媽係NY take care係唔同D﹐ 有病都可以有個人煮野食﹐ 有湯水飲﹐ 有人收拾屋企﹐ 哈哈! 不過而家有時都去his mom屋企食飯﹐ 都好過無啦~ 好彩佢mom都好好人﹐ 有時情緒化D 不過唔關我事﹐ 都好
take care我呀~ 有時就煩D 不過無計﹐ 老人家係咁﹐ 想點?

仲有2日就2010年啦~ 原來唔經唔覺都過左黎NY 差唔多10年! 歲月不留人﹐ 真係開始老化! 對呢度0既感覺﹐ 其實都係咁﹐ 好似香港﹐ 不過香港就暖好多! 呢幾日都冷﹐ 要穿2pants & 2 socks先可以出去。 真係好辛苦呀~~~~~~ 好掛住summer!!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009


感冒未清之下又要去一連串0既party, 真係好累~ 又係星期一﹐ 希望可以多多休息﹐ 唔想由2009病到2010呀~!!! 己經病左差不多有成個月﹐ 唉~ 唔好咁對我啦!!!!

今個christmas真係好累! 基本上由24晚開始就打MJ打到星期六晚﹐ 當然有返屋企訓﹐ 但連續打幾晚通宵MJ真係想死﹐ 不過其實我又唔打MJ﹐ 係佢同
佢D 朋友打﹐ 佢又唔想我自己一個﹐ 所以我又要去。其實有時都幾討厭﹐ 因為我無野做﹐ 只可以訓同傾計! ﹐ 不過算啦﹐ 都唔係可以玩好多年﹐ 結婚之後都無機會啦﹐ 哈哈!! 不過可能都係因為咁﹐ 所以個病都無咩起息。。唉!!

christmas 正日去左 see Avatar! 我地買左3:00﹐ 不過2點前就去到﹐ 好彩咋! otherwise 就好多人排隊﹐ 我地去lincoln center 間imax, 我好中意個到因為個screen實在太大﹐ 好正!! 所以一定要坐係最高個行~  真係唔錯! 雖然好多graphics, 但係D graphics 真係好正! 仲有D 3D真係好真!!! highly recommend~~~~ 之後食完飯就去左 rockafeller center 睇樹﹐ 雖然係無咩氣氛﹐ 但好過無啦~~~~ 只要同
佢一齊就開心! 嘻嘻!

今年同朋友又有個christmas party, 其實本來幾開心﹐ 不過病病地真係有D辛苦~ 我地年年都有交換禮物﹐ 今年我個christmas gift 好特別﹐ 哈哈!!! 本來都expect 有D野﹐ 點知又比人玩野!!! 我個little brother 今年又抽中我﹐ 我開頭都唔知﹐ 見到我份gift得一張爛紙真係唔知好嬲定好笑﹐ 開左之後原來係一張metrocard, then我就知一定係佢玩野! 因為
佢之前扮問我想送一份gift 比一個人﹐ 咁我又唔識佢就是但比個answer佢, 我又唔知點解會講metro card, 不過係真係有用﹐ 但係。。。。。真係好搞笑!!! 比佢激死我!!!!!


感冒未清之下又要去一連串0既party, 真係好累~ 又係星期一﹐ 希望可以多多休息﹐ 唔想由2009病到2010呀~!!! 己經病左差不多有成個月﹐ 唉~ 唔好咁對我啦!!!!

今個christmas真係好累! 基本上由24晚開始就打MJ打到星期六晚﹐ 當然有返屋企訓﹐ 但連續打幾晚通宵MJ真係想死﹐ 不過其實我又唔打MJ﹐ 係佢同
佢D 朋友打﹐ 佢又唔想我自己一個﹐ 所以我又要去。其實有時都幾討厭﹐ 因為我無野做﹐ 只可以訓同傾計! ﹐ 不過算啦﹐ 都唔係可以玩好多年﹐ 結婚之後都無機會啦﹐ 哈哈!! 不過可能都係因為咁﹐ 所以個病都無咩起息。。唉!!

christmas 正日去左 see Avatar! 我地買左3:00﹐ 不過2點前就去到﹐ 好彩咋! otherwise 就好多人排隊﹐ 我地去lincoln center 間imax, 我好中意個到因為個screen實在太大﹐ 好正!! 所以一定要坐係最高個行~  真係唔錯! 雖然好多graphics, 但係D graphics 真係好正! 仲有D 3D真係好真!!! highly recommend~~~~ 之後食完飯就去左 rockafeller center 睇樹﹐ 雖然係無咩氣氛﹐ 但好過無啦~~~~ 只要同
佢一齊就開心! 嘻嘻!

今年同朋友又有個christmas party, 其實本來幾開心﹐ 不過病病地真係有D辛苦~ 我地年年都有交換禮物﹐ 今年我個christmas gift 好特別﹐ 哈哈!!! 本來都expect 有D野﹐ 點知又比人玩野!!! 我個little brother 今年又抽中我﹐ 我開頭都唔知﹐ 見到我份gift得一張爛紙真係唔知好嬲定好笑﹐ 開左之後原來係一張metrocard, then我就知一定係佢玩野! 因為
佢之前扮問我想送一份gift 比一個人﹐ 咁我又唔識佢就是但比個answer佢, 我又唔知點解會講metro card, 不過係真係有用﹐ 但係。。。。。真係好搞笑!!! 比佢激死我!!!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Almost Christmas

Holiday mood is so strong in my blood...i don't want to work at all, haha! I've been spending 2 much and now should start saving!~~~~ This friday is christmas already...whoa, time flies! We're going to see movie "Avatar" @ Imax..hopefully it will be a nice one, hehe~  Tomorrow will be a quiet day and hopefully can leave early and do some last minute shopping!! hehe~~~

Time to go home, yah!!~

Almost Christmas

Holiday mood is so strong in my blood...i don't want to work at all, haha! I've been spending 2 much and now should start saving!~~~~ This friday is christmas already...whoa, time flies! We're going to see movie "Avatar" @ Imax..hopefully it will be a nice one, hehe~  Tomorrow will be a quiet day and hopefully can leave early and do some last minute shopping!! hehe~~~

Time to go home, yah!!~

Monday, December 21, 2009

it's amazing that this website offers us discounted price for dinner, and now for xmas holiday, they offer us $2 for $25 gift certificate! I think it is a great deal!!!
Just enter SANTA at checkout and you'll get your discounted gift certificate.  I never tried it but i think i am going to try to get 1 or 2....see how it works! hehe

RIP - Brittany Murphy


FRIENDS of Hollywood actress
Brittany Murphy said she "definitely had a drug problem" amid fears she
may have died from taking the same prescription drugs as Michael

32, was reportedly hooked on prescription drugs, including Vicodin,
after a series of plastic surgery operations made her dependent on

"We have been very worried something like this was about to happen," a friend told The Sun.

"Brittany has been living life on the edge. She definitely had a drug
problem and we have all begged her to seek help. Sadly our words fell
on deaf ears."

Murphy was taking prescription medication for flu-like symptoms she had been experiencing for several days, sources have told TMZ.

The actress was very ill in the hours before she went into cardiac
arrest and was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre, where she was
pronounced dead on arrival at 10.04am local time (Monday 5.04am AEDT).

TMZ reported Murphy began vomiting early Sunday morning and told family members she was feeling very sick.

Various prescriptions were found in the home - written for Murphy, her husband Simon Monjack, and Murphy's mother.

A source told TMZ: "There were a lot ... a lot of prescriptions in the house."

Monjak has reportedly asked that officials do not conduct an autopsy on her, despite her death being shrouded in mystery.

But despite his wishes, the LA County Coroner's office will perform an autopsy and toxicology report on the actress.

Earlier, Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter said the cause of Murphy's death appeared "to be natural".

RIP - Brittany Murphy


FRIENDS of Hollywood actress
Brittany Murphy said she "definitely had a drug problem" amid fears she
may have died from taking the same prescription drugs as Michael

32, was reportedly hooked on prescription drugs, including Vicodin,
after a series of plastic surgery operations made her dependent on

"We have been very worried something like this was about to happen," a friend told The Sun.

"Brittany has been living life on the edge. She definitely had a drug
problem and we have all begged her to seek help. Sadly our words fell
on deaf ears."

Murphy was taking prescription medication for flu-like symptoms she had been experiencing for several days, sources have told TMZ.

The actress was very ill in the hours before she went into cardiac
arrest and was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre, where she was
pronounced dead on arrival at 10.04am local time (Monday 5.04am AEDT).

TMZ reported Murphy began vomiting early Sunday morning and told family members she was feeling very sick.

Various prescriptions were found in the home - written for Murphy, her husband Simon Monjack, and Murphy's mother.

A source told TMZ: "There were a lot ... a lot of prescriptions in the house."

Monjak has reportedly asked that officials do not conduct an autopsy on her, despite her death being shrouded in mystery.

But despite his wishes, the LA County Coroner's office will perform an autopsy and toxicology report on the actress.

Earlier, Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter said the cause of Murphy's death appeared "to be natural".

Blizzard in nyc

Whoa, blizzard was in nyc last weekend.  It was pretty scary and accumulated a lot of snow in front of my house.  Thank god I went shopping pretty early on Saturday, otherwise I couldn't make it back home~

We were trying to go out on Saturday night to meet friends.  We went out and the weather was pretty nasty but my honey insisted so we started driving.  It wasn't a long drive because when we got to highway, I made an executive decision not to go out because we couldn't drive at all.  The vision was low, and it was very dangerous actually.  We better just stayed home and relaxed.  Thank god we got home safe.  It was pretty scary and if we really went out to the city, i don't know how we could make it home that night.  What an adventure with my honey, haha! He always brings me to do something crazy.  I didn't tell my mom i was going out in that kind of weather. my mom would have yelled at me, haha!

Blizzard in nyc

Whoa, blizzard was in nyc last weekend.  It was pretty scary and accumulated a lot of snow in front of my house.  Thank god I went shopping pretty early on Saturday, otherwise I couldn't make it back home~

We were trying to go out on Saturday night to meet friends.  We went out and the weather was pretty nasty but my honey insisted so we started driving.  It wasn't a long drive because when we got to highway, I made an executive decision not to go out because we couldn't drive at all.  The vision was low, and it was very dangerous actually.  We better just stayed home and relaxed.  Thank god we got home safe.  It was pretty scary and if we really went out to the city, i don't know how we could make it home that night.  What an adventure with my honey, haha! He always brings me to do something crazy.  I didn't tell my mom i was going out in that kind of weather. my mom would have yelled at me, haha!

Friday, December 18, 2009


Snowstorm is coming this weekend and i have to go shopping this weekend.  Hopefully i can finish everything i have to shop and rest @ home over the weekend and ready to work again next week.

christmas is coming next week, OMG! time flies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Xmas in advance!~

Xmas Gift from Honey

My camera was broken in HK so my honey decided to buy me a camera as a Xmas gift...lovely lovely!!! i've been thinking to get a new one but had no excuse because it was working fine. 

Thanks honey!! I Love it

Xmas Gift from Honey

My camera was broken in HK so my honey decided to buy me a camera as a Xmas gift...lovely lovely!!! i've been thinking to get a new one but had no excuse because it was working fine. 

Thanks honey!! I Love it

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Xmas gift

Since i just came back from my trip and i m running low of money, so this year i am not buying any xmas gift for my honey... haha! but i still need to buy gift for my coworkers...really a headache~

i have 6 people i need to buy xmas gift for...

1) Allie - i already bought her sth in hk

2) Carl - i bought him tea from HK...he loves tea, haha

3) Pat - she requested a bottle of wine....that's easy!

4) RAB - i think i am getting her a comfort slipper @ brookstone

5) LH - i think i am getting him a laptop cushion @ brookstone

6) Indo - i have no idea what to get her....need to shop around first, haha! she should be easy actually!!!

by the way, the 2 people i don't like in office...they're not receiving anything from me, because they're selfish.  they always take our stationery and not returning and they don't share...boooo

We are having a xmas party next Sat with friends, but i alrdy bought a gift for my secret santa receiver hehehe!

I heart Xmas, yeah!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Captain's Ketch

Our office went to lunch @ Captain's ketch today for my engagement.  It's been late but i really appreciate it.  At the same time, the guy that i hate in the office announced that he was engaged too and getting married in April...Boooooo!  He just likes to follow the others, but i don't really care now.  Whatever he does, i don't give a damn, hahaha!

Too bad that my camera was broken during my trip in HK.  I have to search for another camera.  i took my parent's camera for now but i don't know how to transfer pics yet...too bad!! i have a lot of pics to upload!! >_<

During my trip in HK, i saw a lot of silk flowers! they're gorgeous and i am making my bouquet there.  Most of the decoration will be silk flowers because he said he had such a bad allergy on flowers and he can't stand the smell....Well well, i don't really mind and the silk flowers in hk are so real!! haha~ I am not picky so i am ok! right now i just want to get it over with....i can't wait to get married so i can enjoy my life again.  Honestly, i am not saying i don't want to get married, but the process is not really enjoyable... haha, i guess i am different from other brides!

Overall my mission was accomplished in HK.  We did a lot of wedding shopping and finally we got back to the States, yay!! i can't wait for another vacation because i am so tired from my trip to HK.  I am hoping to stay home and relax on Xmas day, i can't stand the busy life anymore. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cough Cough

2nd day back to work and i still don't get used to it.  I don't feel like working at all, haha!  My honey is still home resting but thank god he's been cleaning up a bit at home...i m so proud of him, haha! 

Last night i went to bed right after shower.  I was so sick and tired but happy to see my honey again.. hehe... get used to seeing him everyday when i was in hK.. and now have to see him only after sad...

i hate the new yahoo blog authorization because it's so annoying!! whenever i have to leave a message, i have to type the password and sometimes it's not too clear that i have to do it 2nd time, 3rd time...very annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cough Cough

2nd day back to work and i still don't get used to it.  I don't feel like working at all, haha!  My honey is still home resting but thank god he's been cleaning up a bit at home...i m so proud of him, haha! 

Last night i went to bed right after shower.  I was so sick and tired but happy to see my honey again.. hehe... get used to seeing him everyday when i was in hK.. and now have to see him only after sad...

i hate the new yahoo blog authorization because it's so annoying!! whenever i have to leave a message, i have to type the password and sometimes it's not too clear that i have to do it 2nd time, 3rd time...very annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Back from vacation

Finally i am back from vacation.  i really need a vacation from my vacation because this time it was so busy with everything.  Everyday i had to run out to do this and that....OMG! i m very tired already.  

I was sick since the day i arrived but it got better after i took some herbal tea but on the day that we departed, i got sick again on the plane.    i hope to get well soon.....

Thank god Christmas is coming so i can enjoy being @ home again.  I still haven't unpacked's a mess at home!!! wish mom was here so i don't need to worry about it, hahaha!!

already missing my mom coz she took good care of me and him when we were back.  i miss my friends too!!!! love them all~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Back from vacation

Finally i am back from vacation.  i really need a vacation from my vacation because this time it was so busy with everything.  Everyday i had to run out to do this and that....OMG! i m very tired already.  

I was sick since the day i arrived but it got better after i took some herbal tea but on the day that we departed, i got sick again on the plane.    i hope to get well soon.....

Thank god Christmas is coming so i can enjoy being @ home again.  I still haven't unpacked's a mess at home!!! wish mom was here so i don't need to worry about it, hahaha!!

already missing my mom coz she took good care of me and him when we were back.  i miss my friends too!!!! love them all~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


聽日呢個時候我己經係plane啦﹐ 本來好開心不過一早就比人破壞哂﹐ 唉!! 同家姐嘈左2句﹐ 不過係internet到﹐ 好無聊。 其實我心態係一家人開開心心﹐ 但佢就有個句講個句﹐ 講講下話連我個wedding都唔去﹐ 邊個傷心D? 個個都就哂佢個schedule, 而家話唔黎﹐ 對我真係好~ 有時做人講野係可以有技術﹐ 唔駛講到無彎轉﹐ 既然講到咁我都無野講﹐ 唔去就唔去﹐ 我可以點? 

好jealous 人地一家開開心心﹐ 不過我屋企就。。。希望將來我有小朋友時都會開開心心啦﹐ 唔好好似我而家咁! ~唉﹐ 好淡! 咩心情都無哂﹐ 希望快D忘記啦~


聽日呢個時候我己經係plane啦﹐ 本來好開心不過一早就比人破壞哂﹐ 唉!! 同家姐嘈左2句﹐ 不過係internet到﹐ 好無聊。 其實我心態係一家人開開心心﹐ 但佢就有個句講個句﹐ 講講下話連我個wedding都唔去﹐ 邊個傷心D? 個個都就哂佢個schedule, 而家話唔黎﹐ 對我真係好~ 有時做人講野係可以有技術﹐ 唔駛講到無彎轉﹐ 既然講到咁我都無野講﹐ 唔去就唔去﹐ 我可以點? 

好jealous 人地一家開開心心﹐ 不過我屋企就。。。希望將來我有小朋友時都會開開心心啦﹐ 唔好好似我而家咁! ~唉﹐ 好淡! 咩心情都無哂﹐ 希望快D忘記啦~

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What to bring back HK for my family?

Time flies and i can't believe i am going back in almost a week!! OMG~

What should i bring back to HK for my family? Even my mom said don't get anything, i usually bring them back something. 

1) i was thinking to get them some Yankees t-shirt or cap since they won world series this year.

2) thinking to buy some gift set from bath and body works

3) thinking to buy them some chocolate

4) thinking to buy them some ginseng....etc

Umm...what should i get them? and my sis just graduated.. should i get her sth too?

What to bring back HK for my family?

Time flies and i can't believe i am going back in almost a week!! OMG~

What should i bring back to HK for my family? Even my mom said don't get anything, i usually bring them back something. 

1) i was thinking to get them some Yankees t-shirt or cap since they won world series this year.

2) thinking to buy some gift set from bath and body works

3) thinking to buy them some chocolate

4) thinking to buy them some ginseng....etc

Umm...what should i get them? and my sis just graduated.. should i get her sth too?

Limited computer access day2

I am still have limited computer access on my work computer.  It doesn't mean i have nothing to do but something i can't really do.  Anyway, i am so tired already because we're under the client's pressure to complete a consolidated statement and draft the audit report.  Oh well, it's not my client and i should not be dealing with but my coworker usually comes in late so i was doing her job this morning and i am so tired already and i left office pretty late last night to finish up another project.  OMG~ i miss my bed! i guess having a vacation soon is a good idea. 

Back to my wedding planning.  I spoke with my honey last night and we both agree that we should just stick with our plan.  We can either adjust the guest list to have fewer guests or we can put more tables but maybe the dancing floor we have to move around the tables after dinner.  I guess that's not a big deal, at least we both like the place and it's under our budget.  Looking for another reception site is a headache and i have enough going on already.  Hopefully everything will be set before i leave to HK!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Computer problem

My computer at work has a problem, so i am using someone else's computer but still have no access to my email.  well, it means i have nothing to do right now, haha! going on facebook doesn't really kill my time, and i don't really want to think about the wedding.  i'll be dead soon if i keep thinking.  We spoke a little bit of the wedding last night and it came up he had to control his guest list, otherwise we have to find another space for our wedding.  I asked many places already, normally, for american wedding, it costs around $150 per person.  I can't say it's a lot of money for a wedding but we have to spend other money on other things, so...$150 is pretty over my budget right now.  I can afford spending $150 per person but it means i will have nth left in my bank after the wedding.  i rather save up something for future. 

Hope everything will be solved soon so i can enjoy my trip to HK. (well, i can't say enjoy becuz it will be so busy but at least i have no work, haha!)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


唉﹐ 點解成日都好煩ga? 我真係好唔想再煩啦~ 本來諗住己經揾好個reception﹐ 點知而家可能又太多人﹐ 唔可以請咁多人﹐ 我就無所謂﹐ 因為我都唔係好多人要請﹐ 但佢個邊就多人D﹐ 一係就CUT D人﹐ 一係就揾0個個地方﹐ 唉﹐ 我唔想再經歷呢個process啦﹐ 好辛苦。 佢話係唐人餐館都無所謂﹐ 不過我有呢﹐ 所以我就要揾個地方我中意0既﹐ 嘩﹐ 一個波推埋我度緊係無所謂啦你﹐ 又話錫我﹐ 我而家連訓都訓得唔好呀﹐ 實在太stress啦。 又要low budget, 又要地方近﹐ 又要容納到多D人﹐ 簡直係一個字﹐ 難!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 快D打救我啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~救命呀~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, November 9, 2009

cute cute baby

i love these 2 pics....She's my honey's niece and should be our flower girl next year on our wedding day... hehe, she's adorable!! really make me smile when i see her smile.

cute cute baby

i love these 2 pics....She's my honey's niece and should be our flower girl next year on our wedding day... hehe, she's adorable!! really make me smile when i see her smile.


好開心呀﹐ 又可以返HK﹐ 又唔駛返工﹐ 哈哈! 最想就係咁。 時間過得真係快﹐ 好快又到2010啦﹐ 我就仲有8個月結婚﹐ 好驚呀! 佢成日都話我有婚前恐懼症﹐ 哈哈﹐ 一D都唔出奇呀﹐ 我成日擔心呢樣個樣﹐ 不過我都唔想﹐ 有時得閒就諗下﹐ 咪搞成咁LOR.

一個weekend過得好快呀~ 不過last weekend好忙﹐ 又唔係好舒服﹐ 唉! 而家仲有D頭痛﹐ 好煩呀!!! 快D 離開我!!! 唔寫啦﹐ 無心情!!


好開心呀﹐ 又可以返HK﹐ 又唔駛返工﹐ 哈哈! 最想就係咁。 時間過得真係快﹐ 好快又到2010啦﹐ 我就仲有8個月結婚﹐ 好驚呀! 佢成日都話我有婚前恐懼症﹐ 哈哈﹐ 一D都唔出奇呀﹐ 我成日擔心呢樣個樣﹐ 不過我都唔想﹐ 有時得閒就諗下﹐ 咪搞成咁LOR.

一個weekend過得好快呀~ 不過last weekend好忙﹐ 又唔係好舒服﹐ 唉! 而家仲有D頭痛﹐ 好煩呀!!! 快D 離開我!!! 唔寫啦﹐ 無心情!!

Friday, November 6, 2009


終於做完啦個parade﹐ 真係好累。條街又多人﹐ 又冷﹐ 相都影得唔多﹐ 不過就錄左video, 哈哈!! 好彩有個video, 先有D野﹐ 用眼睇係咩都睇唔到!! 而家好累啦~ 好想訓覺同食熱野﹐ 哈哈~~~~ 懶精!! 咩WOR﹐ 星期五緊係唔想做野﹐ 拿拿臨有得走就好!哈哈~ 等我遲D 睇下個video再影低D相啦~

Once again, Congrats Yankees! Good job!!


終於做完啦個parade﹐ 真係好累。條街又多人﹐ 又冷﹐ 相都影得唔多﹐ 不過就錄左video, 哈哈!! 好彩有個video, 先有D野﹐ 用眼睇係咩都睇唔到!! 而家好累啦~ 好想訓覺同食熱野﹐ 哈哈~~~~ 懶精!! 咩WOR﹐ 星期五緊係唔想做野﹐ 拿拿臨有得走就好!哈哈~ 等我遲D 睇下個video再影低D相啦~

Once again, Congrats Yankees! Good job!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


真係好開心呀﹐ 終於都到yankees啦!!! 今次係第27次champion, 我好為佢地自豪 可能唔係個個都睇baseball, 覺得好悶﹐ 而事實上有時一個波都run唔到係比較悶﹐ 但琴日場波真係精采﹐ 日本仔琴晚真係超勁﹐ 好似發左癲咁﹐ 最終做埋今個series0既MVP!! 雖然平時無點留意﹐ 但超水盡0既表現令琴晚場波生色不少!

聽日就有parade啦!! 等左差唔多有10年﹐ 好彩我做野係downtown, 可以有機會睇呀!! 正呀~~~ 上次係giants parade, 都好正!!雖然係超far, 咩都睇唔到﹐ 但有機會成為一份子都己經好開心啦~~~~~

勁呀﹐ Jeter, A-Rod, 我最中意0既係Andy, hehehhe....佢 stable0既投球真係strike out左好多人﹐ 好野呀!!!!! ANDY PETTITTE!!!!!!!!

can't wait for tomorrow, hehehe  Congrats Yankees!!


真係好開心呀﹐ 終於都到yankees啦!!! 今次係第27次champion, 我好為佢地自豪 可能唔係個個都睇baseball, 覺得好悶﹐ 而事實上有時一個波都run唔到係比較悶﹐ 但琴日場波真係精采﹐ 日本仔琴晚真係超勁﹐ 好似發左癲咁﹐ 最終做埋今個series0既MVP!! 雖然平時無點留意﹐ 但超水盡0既表現令琴晚場波生色不少!

聽日就有parade啦!! 等左差唔多有10年﹐ 好彩我做野係downtown, 可以有機會睇呀!! 正呀~~~ 上次係giants parade, 都好正!!雖然係超far, 咩都睇唔到﹐ 但有機會成為一份子都己經好開心啦~~~~~

勁呀﹐ Jeter, A-Rod, 我最中意0既係Andy, hehehhe....佢 stable0既投球真係strike out左好多人﹐ 好野呀!!!!! ANDY PETTITTE!!!!!!!!

can't wait for tomorrow, hehehe  Congrats Yankees!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


次次講開結婚d野總係會嗌交收場, 我真係唔想wor! 佢就覺得我成日發脾氣, 但佢唔會覺得自己有問題. 都係一個guest list jeh, 搞得咁唔開心, 真係有時覺得唔搞好過搞, 我都唔係十分注重結婚, 只要大家開心咪得lor. 而家開始搞, 但佢又成日好bossy. 唔係所有野都要依佢個套做野ga!!!! 我有我做野原則, 我覺得ok咪得lor. 我成日偷偷地係office搞wedding d野, 我做好又話我做得唔好, 個guest list我係無將d人排好係邊張枱, 但只係一個draft, 仲重要係知道有幾多人先, 我唔覺得太重要住wor! 真係好辛苦, 好唔開心, 我寧願自己搞好哂仲好!!! 佢覺得我做唔到野, 咁佢又好好咩? 我唔想再令自己唔開心, 我決定唔理! 既然佢覺得我唔搞, 咁由佢搞哂仲好啦! 我又唔駛煩, 佢又可以做自己中意0既野, 一舉兩得, 就咁決定! 無事一身輕, 呵呵!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pissed at work

Ever since that jerk came working with us, the nightmare was coming.  Bosses listen to him with everything, and he tries to act like a boss in the office but i don't give a shit.  He's trying to change everything at work, like system and policy but i don't give a shit about what he said.  when i see him, i pay him no attention.  His voice is the most annoying thing in the world.  His face is the most devil thing among this planet.  Nothing can be worse than him...... AWWW!!! He recently hired a new person assisting him/us but she is another dumber too! hahaha.... both are dumb and dumber.... cannot stand anymore but glad i was out of the office almost the whole day, haha! at least i don't have to see/talk to them for the whole day.  i want to throw up when i see them.  Our computer technician came the day before and she was giving him attutide already and requesting tonnes of stationery and supplies from our office manager.   Oh well, i don't give a shit anymore.  I will look for jobs and find another peaceful environment to work.  who push me out of the window? the new jerk~~~ haahhahahaha.  the work that i've been working on and now giving it to the new girl and they're giving all the credits to her as if i did nothing.  WTF~!! if there is no appreciation on all my work, why should i even bother to help?

PS: when i m typing this, he's walking back n forth in my office...but i am not afraid of him because he's an asshole!!! i have nothing to lose and i don't care anymore, wahahha!!!!!

Pissed at work

Ever since that jerk came working with us, the nightmare was coming.  Bosses listen to him with everything, and he tries to act like a boss in the office but i don't give a shit.  He's trying to change everything at work, like system and policy but i don't give a shit about what he said.  when i see him, i pay him no attention.  His voice is the most annoying thing in the world.  His face is the most devil thing among this planet.  Nothing can be worse than him...... AWWW!!! He recently hired a new person assisting him/us but she is another dumber too! hahaha.... both are dumb and dumber.... cannot stand anymore but glad i was out of the office almost the whole day, haha! at least i don't have to see/talk to them for the whole day.  i want to throw up when i see them.  Our computer technician came the day before and she was giving him attutide already and requesting tonnes of stationery and supplies from our office manager.   Oh well, i don't give a shit anymore.  I will look for jobs and find another peaceful environment to work.  who push me out of the window? the new jerk~~~ haahhahahaha.  the work that i've been working on and now giving it to the new girl and they're giving all the credits to her as if i did nothing.  WTF~!! if there is no appreciation on all my work, why should i even bother to help?

PS: when i m typing this, he's walking back n forth in my office...but i am not afraid of him because he's an asshole!!! i have nothing to lose and i don't care anymore, wahahha!!!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009


唔經唔覺就10月尾啦﹐ 數數下原來仲有唔多日子就到結婚0既日子。 心情有好有唔好啦~ 當然想快D拿拿臨結婚﹐ 但好似仲有好多野未做好﹐ 唉! 成日同佢傾0既時候都好似唔知點﹐ 可能大家都有唔同0既意見啦~ 但我都希望佢可以尊重我同鼓勵我﹐ 我做好個budget佢又話唔明﹐ 又話做得咁難明﹐ 咁叻﹐ 你自己做啦!!! 我叫佢不如你咩都唔好做﹐ 到時出席同比$$咪算lor, 唔駛煩!! 反正都唔點需要佢幫手﹐ 無聊!

打算12月頭返HK﹐ 不過仲未買機票!!! 好快啦~~~~~ 到時大把野要做!!!!! 好煩呀!!!!


唔經唔覺就10月尾啦﹐ 數數下原來仲有唔多日子就到結婚0既日子。 心情有好有唔好啦~ 當然想快D拿拿臨結婚﹐ 但好似仲有好多野未做好﹐ 唉! 成日同佢傾0既時候都好似唔知點﹐ 可能大家都有唔同0既意見啦~ 但我都希望佢可以尊重我同鼓勵我﹐ 我做好個budget佢又話唔明﹐ 又話做得咁難明﹐ 咁叻﹐ 你自己做啦!!! 我叫佢不如你咩都唔好做﹐ 到時出席同比$$咪算lor, 唔駛煩!! 反正都唔點需要佢幫手﹐ 無聊!

打算12月頭返HK﹐ 不過仲未買機票!!! 好快啦~~~~~ 到時大把野要做!!!!! 好煩呀!!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


呢個人係公司基本上係神憎鬼厭﹐ 無邊個中意﹐ 除左我老細。 不知所謂!!!! 我本來叫佢做0既野﹐ 佢就同我老細講唔得閒﹐ 我老細就問我有無時間做。 講真﹐ 我唔係介意做﹐ 我係介意佢次次都有籍口話唔得閒﹐ 都我做完之後又要review我0既野﹐ 指指點點!!!! 我真係好憎佢﹐ 見佢後面﹐ 憎佢前面。 我係好唔想同佢講野!!!! 最好以後都唔煩我!!!!


呢個人係公司基本上係神憎鬼厭﹐ 無邊個中意﹐ 除左我老細。 不知所謂!!!! 我本來叫佢做0既野﹐ 佢就同我老細講唔得閒﹐ 我老細就問我有無時間做。 講真﹐ 我唔係介意做﹐ 我係介意佢次次都有籍口話唔得閒﹐ 都我做完之後又要review我0既野﹐ 指指點點!!!! 我真係好憎佢﹐ 見佢後面﹐ 憎佢前面。 我係好唔想同佢講野!!!! 最好以後都唔煩我!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009





由於抽菸會消耗體內大量的維他命 C,所以有必要經常補充。


這類的人需要特別補充維他命 B群,因為維他命B群是讓脂肪轉化成熱能的重要物質。


熬夜時腎上腺素的分泌會增加,而腎上腺素的合成也需要維他命C ,所以要適量補充維他命C。


看電腦螢幕的時間長, 工作耗眼力及精神壓力與肉體勞動的疲勞有所不同,必須適量補充維 他命A


懷孕時由於母體與胎兒組織快速生長,葉酸轉換增加並且缺乏維他命 B6,應該每日補充。不過, 維他命D 的量就不需要增加了,因為額外攝食會使嬰兒的血鈣過多。


長期吃素的人由於不吃動物類食品,容易缺乏維他命D 、維他命B12。


老年人腸胃的吸收不比年輕人好,加上許多營養素容易流失, 又有偏食的習慣,因此有必要每天補充一顆綜合維他命。


由於成長發育期需要的營養素比任何時期多,而維他命D對於骨骼的 發育及成長有很大的關係,所以需要多補充。


維他命E、B 群對你而言猶如卡通影片中大力水手要吃的菠菜。能使你動作機敏、 爆發力強、精力十足。




嘴唇和口中黏膜的發炎可以藉由補充有「抗口腔炎維他命」別稱的維 他命B2


身體所吸收的當中有40%被利用於保持肌肉或心臟的正常收縮, 運動員每天必須攝取300mg。


對抗壓力的臨戰態勢之前,一定要補充維他命C以及 維他命B群,以及鈣、鎂


奔波於炎熱的大太陽下,水溶性維他命C會隨著汗液從體內大量的流 失,維他命B1能促進分解肌肉中所積存的乳酸等疲勞物質的機能。









營養結構  能預防、治療的疾病  

豬肉      維他命B1、B2、菸酸、蛋
質    疲勞、神經過敏、咳嗽、體質虛弱  

牛肉      蛋白質、脂肪、維他命B1、B2、氨基酸、鐵質  虛弱體質、貧血、手腳冰冷  

雞肉      蛋白質、維他命A、B2、B1、菸酸  消化不良、恢復體力、癌症  

雞翼      維他命A、成膠原  強化血管、有利皮膚  

雞胸肉  蛋白質、不飽和脂肪酸  防口腔炎、胃炎  

雞湯      消除疲勞、病後恢復體力、改善髮質  

雞蛋      維他命A、B2、D、鐵質、蛋白質  皮膚問題、心臟病、糖尿病、老化  

豬肚      維他命A、B12、鐵質  貧血、強肝  

豬腿      蛋白質、維9
6命B  防血栓、有利皮膚  

羊肉      維他命B1、B2、E、鐵質  手腳冰冷、滋補強健、貧血  

牛蒡      鈣質、纖維、磷、維他命C  抗癌、治便秘、利尿  

營養結構  能預防、治療的疾病  

秋刀魚  維他命D、菸酸、脂肪、蛋白質、維他命A  貧血、眼睛疲勞、癌症、骨骼疏鬆症、高血壓  

沙甸魚  維他命B2、D、脂肪、蛋白質、鈣  中風、骨骼疏鬆症、動脈硬化  

鰻魚      維他命A 、B1、B2、D、E  食欲不振、胃腸病、感冒、夜盲  

鮭魚      維他命B2、D、E、蛋白質、脂肪  利尿、體力衰退  

鱈魚      蛋白質E3維他命D、A、B2、鈣  貧血、水腫、視力減退、感冒  

烏賊      蛋白質、鉀  中風、糖尿病、癌症  

蜆          鐵、維他命B2、B12、鈣  貧血、肝病、骨骼疏鬆病、宿醉  

蛤仔      含豐富鐵質、維他命B12、蛋白質  肝病、貧血、浮腫  

扇貝      維他命B2、E、蛋白質  頭痛、暈眩、肩膀痠痛  

牡蠣      維他命B2、氨基酸、鐵質  抑制膽固醇、高血壓、貧血  

章魚      蛋白質、氨基酸  降膽固醇、維持血壓正常  

鮑魚      蛋白質、脂肪、鈣  滋陰清熱、養肝明目  

海苔      鈣、葉綠素、維他命A
B、礦物質  降膽固醇  

營養結構  能預防、治療的疾病  

牛奶      鈣、磷、維他命B2、脂肪  骨骼疏鬆症、老化、護膚  

芝士      鈣、脂肪、蛋白質、維他命A、B2  骨骼疏鬆症、便秘、壓力、口角炎  

酸乳酪  鈣、維他命A、B2、蛋白質、脂肪  便秘、腹瀉、老化、癌症、骨骼疏鬆症


蘋果      維他命C、鉀、糖質  疲勞、神經過敏、咳嗽、體質虛弱  

檸檬      維他命C、鉀、維他命B1、鈣  肌膚問題(美白)、疲勞、高血壓、宿醉  

提子乾  維他命C、鈣、鉀、鎂、磷  心藏病、中風、骨骼疏鬆症 &nb

士多啤梨  維他命C  肝斑、雀斑、皮膚問題、感冒、牙周病  

芒果      維他命A、C、E  防止視力衰退、保護眼睛、抗氧化、滋潤肌膚防止視力衰退、 保護眼睛、抗氧化、滋潤肌膚  

山竹      葉酸  防止貧血  

柿子      維他命C、A、鉀  暈車浪、感冒、高血壓  

奇異果  維他命C、A、E、鈣  消除疲勞、感冒、消化不良、便秘  

西瓜      維他命C、A、鉀  腎病、高血壓、浮腫  

木瓜      維他命C  整腸  

菠蘿      維他命C、B、鈣  消化不良、便秘、腹瀉、夏暑食欲不振、疲勞  

香蕉      維他命C0鉀、鎂、糖質  便秘、感冒、發燒、皮膚問題  

蘋果      維他命C、鉀、糖質  便秘、腹瀉、宿醉、防高血壓  

葡萄      最鹼性水果第一名  膽固醇、心臟病、中風、骨骼疏鬆症  

葡萄乾  礦物質、鐵質、鈣質     葡萄柚  維他命C、鉀  美顏、促進新陳代謝  

蜜柑      維他命C、檸檬酸、纖維  預防便秘、暈車浪、強健血管  

番石榴  維他命C、纖維、胡蘿蔔素、鉀  糖尿病、血壓、心臟病  

木瓜      維他命C、胡蘿蔔素、纖維、鉀  消化不良、感冒  

蜜桃      纖維、胡蘿蔔素、鉀  防腸癌  
0A荔枝      維他命C、葡萄糖、蛋白質、檸檬酸  護膚、防雀斑  

啤梨      纖維、維他命C、鉀  便秘、腸癌檸檬  維他命C、B、鉀、鈣  皮膚問題、疲勞、高血壓  

藍莓      維他命A、E、鉀  腹瀉、心臟病、防癌  

榴槤      脂肪、纖維  通便  

蜜瓜      纖維、維他命C、B胡蘿蔔素  防癌、心臟病、白內障、消化問題

蜜糖      鈣、鉀、鐵  降血壓、預防貧血、疲乏  

牛奶      維他命B2、鈣、磷、蛋白質、脂肪  骨胳疏鬆症、老化、燥鬱症  

咖啡      咖啡因  提神、治消化不良、解酒  

茶   &nbs
p;      礦物質、鉀、維他命C  減肥、抗癌、戒煙、利尿、提神  

綠茶      維他命A、C、B1、B2、鐵  嗜睡、高血壓、癌症、感冒  

蜂蜜      鈣、鉀、鐵  幫助消化、恢復體力、延緩老化  

營養結構  能預防、治療的疾病  

朱古力  脂肪、碳水化合物、蛋白質、維他命A、鐵、礦物質  提神、解愁  

營養結構  能預防、治療的疾病  

鹽         氯化鈉  幫助胃酸分泌  

醋         鈣、纖維  消除疲勞、增進食欲、促進消化  

豉油     維他命B  促進新陳代謝、增進食欲  

日本芥辣(Wasabi)    維他命C  

植物油  亞麻酸、脂肪  刺激腸管、保持皮膚光滑  

奶油      亞麻酸、維他命A  幫助消化、調節血壓  

營養結構  能預防、治療的疾病  

核桃      蛋白質、脂肪、維他命B1、E、鈣  咳嗽、便秘、老化、躁鬱症、手腳發冷、保持頭髮光澤  

花生      維他命E、B1、B2、脂肪、蛋白質  手腳冰冷、凍傷、消化不良  

杏仁      維他命E、單不飽和脂肪酸、脂肪、鈣  心臟病、膽固醇  

營養結構  能預防、治療的疾病  

糯米      維他命B、澱粉質  暖胃、補益內臟  

糙米      維

意粉      葉酸、鐵、維他命B1、B2、碳水化合物    

芋頭      鉀、維他命C、B1、B2、蛋白質  胃潰瘍、支氣管炎、腎病、老化  

番薯      維他命C、E、B1鉀  肝斑、雀斑、感冒、便秘  

椰菜      維他命C、鉀、鈣  胃潰瘍、十二指腸潰瘍、便秘、骨骼疏鬆症椰菜花  維他命C、纖維  感冒、癌症、皮膚問題、便秘  

芹菜      鉀、維他命A、C  精神不振、頭痛、食欲不振、消化不良、高血壓、防牛皮癬  

豆苗      維他命B1、B2、E、鈣、蛋白質  =E

小松菜  維他命A、C、鈣、鐵  抗癌、牙痛、貧血、骨質疏鬆症  

西蘭花  維他命C、A、B2、鉀、纖維  癌症、感冒、皮膚問題、糖尿病  

菠菜      維他命A、C、B1、鐵質、鈣、胡蘿蔔素  感冒、高血壓、癌症  

西洋甘藍菜    纖維、維他命A、B1、B2、C、鐵質  癌症、感冒、便秘、皮膚問題  

豆芽菜  鉀、維他命B1、B2、C  高血壓、食欲差、便秘、肥胖、痛風韭菜花  胡蘿蔔素  癌症、動脈硬化  

韭菜      維他命A、C、E、B1、B2  疲勞、感冒、手腳冰冷、便秘、腹瀉、消化不良

生菜  維他命C、鎂、鉀  壞血

空心菜(蕹菜)    葉綠素、蛋白質、脂肪、醣類  降血壓、消腫、止鼻血、治暑熱  

莧菜      蛋白質、脂肪、碳水化合物、鈣、磷、鐵、胡蘿蔔素、 維他命B1、B2、C  消熱、涼血  

白菜      維生素C、鉀、B胡蘿蔔素、鈣  防癌、心臟病、血壓、牙齒骨骼健康  

芥菜      維他命C、鐵、鈣、胡蘿蔔素  抗癌、心臟病、貧血  

芋頭      鉀、維他命C、B1、B2、蛋白質  支氣管炎、胃潰瘍、腎病、肝病、老化  

山芋      蛋白質、澱粉  酵素 腸胃病  

冬菇      維他命D、B1、B2、菸酸E3纖維  便秘、癌症、皮膚問題  

蘑菇      維他命D、B2、菸酸、鉀  便秘、癌症、皮膚問題馬鈴薯  維他命C、B1、鉀、菸酸  便秘、癌症、皮膚問題  

番薯      維他命C、E、B1、鉀  便秘、大腸癌、感冒、肝斑、雀斑  

辣椒      維他命C、A、菸酸、鉀、纖維  夏天食欲不振、腸胃問題、高血壓、糖尿病

大蒜  維他命B1、C、胡蘿蔔素、纖維  癌症、手腳冰冷、消化不良、消除疲勞、感冒  

洋蔥      維他命C、鉀、鈣、磷  失眠、精神不振、疲勞、高血壓  

芫荽      維他命A、C  癌症  

白蘿蔔  維他命A、C8
0E、鉀、鈣、酵素  胸口鬱悶、消化不良、大腸癌  

紅蘿蔔  維他命A、C、B、鉀  癌症、高血壓、腹瀉、便秘、眼睛疲勞  

竹筍      纖維、鉀、維他命E、C、B2  大腸癌、高血壓、便秘  

蘆筍      維他命C、A、B1、B2、E、胡蘿蔔素  高血壓、利尿、恢復疲勞、感冒  

粟米      維他命B1、B2、C、鉀、纖維  便秘、急性腎炎、浮腫  

番茄      維他命C、A、B、鉀  癌症、高血壓、消化不良  

茄子      維他命C、鉀  高血壓、暈眩  

蓮藕      維他命C、B1、鉀、鐵、纖維  腸胃病、感冒、高血壓  

昆布      維他DB1、B2、鉀、鈣、纖維  肝病、貧血、浮腫、高血壓  

紫菜      鐵、碘  防甲狀腺腫脹、防貧血  

蘆薈      維他命A、B、C、E、礦物質、胺基酸、酵素 燒燙傷、腸胃病、支氣管炎、通便、美顏  

蔥          維他命C、A、鉀、鈣、鐵  感冒、疲勞、夏天食欲不振、腹瀉  

薑          鉀、鈣  感冒、中毒、發燒、胃痛、食欲不振

青椒  維他命C、A、鉀  夏暑食欲差、疲勞、感冒、高血壓、皮膚問題  

紅辣椒  維他命A、B1、B2、C、鐵  手腳冰冷、食欲不振、消化不良、肥胖  

蒟蒻      鈣、鐵、鉀、纖維  便E7、肥胖、糖尿病  

芝麻      鉀、磷、鐵、維他命B1、E、纖維、鈣  高血壓、精神不穩、骨骼疏鬆症  

豆腐      鈣、鐵、蛋白質、脂肪、氨基酸、亞油酸  暑夏食欲不振、腸胃不適、動脈硬化  

腐皮      蛋白質、鐵、氨基酸  整腸、抗癌  

味噌      鐵、磷、鈣、鉀、蛋白質、維他命E  便秘、腹瀉、肩膀痠痛、高血壓、癌症  

紅豆      維他命B1、鐵、鉀、磷、纖維  疲勞、食欲不振、便秘、浮腫、高血壓  

大豆(黃豆)    維他命B1、鐵、鈣、磷  高血壓、糖尿病、癡呆症  

青豆      維他命C、胡B
F蔔素、鐵、纖維、鉀  防腸癌、心臟病、降血壓、膽固醇

青豆角  蛋白質、維他命C、B1、B2    

薏仁  蛋白質、脂肪、鈣、鐵、維他命B1、B2、胺基酸  促進新陳代謝、防黑斑、雀斑

小黃瓜  鉀、維他命A、B1、B2、鈣  發燒、喉嚨乾渴

絲瓜  蛋白質、脂肪、醣質、鈣、鐵、胡蘿蔔素、維他命B1、B2、C  化痰、涼血、解毒  

冬瓜      蛋白質、脂肪、醣質、鈣、磷、鐵、胡蘿蔔素、維他命B1、 B2、C 水腫、中暑、肥胖消痰、清熱、解毒  

胡瓜      蛋白質、脂肪、鈣、磷、鐵、胡蘿蔔素、維他命B1、B2、C  清熱利尿  

5瓜      維他命C、E、A、鈣、胡蘿蔔素 癌症、感冒、手腳冰冷、胃潰瘍

birthday gift

今年好開心有一班人同我慶祝之餘﹐ 仲夾份送左呢份禮比我!! 真係好開心呀~~~~

今年係最後一個單身0既生日會﹐ 哈哈!!下年生日己經係人地老婆啦!  有咩生日願望? 希望身體健康﹐ 讀書順利啦!!!!

birthday gift

今年好開心有一班人同我慶祝之餘﹐ 仲夾份送左呢份禮比我!! 真係好開心呀~~~~

今年係最後一個單身0既生日會﹐ 哈哈!!下年生日己經係人地老婆啦!  有咩生日願望? 希望身體健康﹐ 讀書順利啦!!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

what is the problem being sad?

why can't he understand me more? i am just sad but he thinks i should not be emotional.  I failed my exam, but i can retake it...i know that, but doesn't mean i can't be sad right now.  Can i just pamper myself for a night?? he's being so irrational all the time.  I am not you, i can't control my emotion easily.  I didnt tell him i was sad because i didn't want to bother him! Sigh...but end up fighting with him like this....i m sad on both matters!! sigh.....

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


頂!寫完一大輪野又比yahoo blog 玩死!!好煩!!~

之前想講都係個reception hall....唔寫啦!! 自己睇相啦~

Gallery for my cocktail party

Buffet section

Top Deck

view of Brooklyn bridge

Chapel for my ceremony


頂!寫完一大輪野又比yahoo blog 玩死!!好煩!!~

之前想講都係個reception hall....唔寫啦!! 自己睇相啦~

Gallery for my cocktail party

Buffet section

Top Deck

view of Brooklyn bridge

Chapel for my ceremony

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to myself, hahaha, yeah! How am i gonna celebrate today? Honestly, nothing much, just take a break from cooking and i m happy already.  My honey is bringing me out for dinner, whatever it long as i don't need to cook and get served....wonderful!!  This saturday we're going to have my bday party..hehe! i love it~~ i don't want to get old but it's happy to hang out with friends! 

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to myself, hahaha, yeah! How am i gonna celebrate today? Honestly, nothing much, just take a break from cooking and i m happy already.  My honey is bringing me out for dinner, whatever it long as i don't need to cook and get served....wonderful!!  This saturday we're going to have my bday party..hehe! i love it~~ i don't want to get old but it's happy to hang out with friends! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

全球十大怪食 台灣豬血糕名列第一













Monday, September 14, 2009


都唔知點開始講﹐ 雖然唔關我事﹐ 但我覺得真係頂唔順。有個女人﹐ 真係可以認錢唔認人。有$$就同你好傾D﹐ 無錢就理你死。 好唔中意呢種人﹐
 不過一樣米係飼百樣人﹐ 真係講得岩。自己生左個女﹐ 好心就擺多D時間﹐ 一有時間就同個
老公去拍拖﹐ 留番個女比老公個媽"秋"。 咩人黎呀? 你個女好細咋!
以為自己係princess? 無可能。 仲要衰到想連人地屋企人間屋都打緊算盤﹐ 無咁易!!!
 成日話自己無錢﹐ 緊係啦﹐ 你買哂D名牌比自己同個女﹐ 一歲大0既人仔有得穿juicy
同 polo, 我都係要自己出黎做野先有咋! 唉﹐ 真係可憐!~ 唔係我可憐﹐ 係個女人。

Thursday, September 3, 2009

what a day~

my mood is confused... first i m happy that weekend is coming soon and we're going to Cape May for long weekend with friends, but at the same time, i am pretty upset. Why? At the beginning i booked a house for 7 of us (including one kid) but then his friend just called today and told us she had to bring her daughter too, so now we have 8 people in total.  I am not sure how strict the rule is with the landlord but i already signed a lease with the landlord with 7 people.  I really don't know what to say.  My fiance said one more person should not be a big problem but law is law, i signed the lease with landlord if anything happens, i am responsible.  Sigh...i understand why she has to bring her daughter but why can't she tell us earlier? how many days before we go on a trip? it's thursday already and we're going on Sat.  I am pretty upset.  I am the person who likes to plan ahead and my fiance keeps saying it should not be a big deal!! I dunno, i really dunno.  He probably would think of my feeling but at the end...what could be the result? I don't want him to be in the middle between me and his friends, but i want them to respect me also.  I am the person who's in charge and they would not call me, they would call him and let him tell me.  Remember, it's TELL, not ask.  They already made all the arrangement and excuses to cover this but who cares about how i feel? this is what upset me.... but it doesn't matter now, coz it won't change the fact... my heart is broken....

what a day~

my mood is confused... first i m happy that weekend is coming soon and we're going to Cape May for long weekend with friends, but at the same time, i am pretty upset. Why? At the beginning i booked a house for 7 of us (including one kid) but then his friend just called today and told us she had to bring her daughter too, so now we have 8 people in total.  I am not sure how strict the rule is with the landlord but i already signed a lease with the landlord with 7 people.  I really don't know what to say.  My fiance said one more person should not be a big problem but law is law, i signed the lease with landlord if anything happens, i am responsible.  Sigh...i understand why she has to bring her daughter but why can't she tell us earlier? how many days before we go on a trip? it's thursday already and we're going on Sat.  I am pretty upset.  I am the person who likes to plan ahead and my fiance keeps saying it should not be a big deal!! I dunno, i really dunno.  He probably would think of my feeling but at the end...what could be the result? I don't want him to be in the middle between me and his friends, but i want them to respect me also.  I am the person who's in charge and they would not call me, they would call him and let him tell me.  Remember, it's TELL, not ask.  They already made all the arrangement and excuses to cover this but who cares about how i feel? this is what upset me.... but it doesn't matter now, coz it won't change the fact... my heart is broken....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

reception hall

原來要揾一個我中意﹐ 又平又有位0既reception hall 唔係咁容易﹐  上網做過research, 有D幾好但又太貴 (我覺得!) 但其他平0既我又覺得唔得﹐ 唉! 好愁。 我好驚再係咁我有排都揾唔到﹐ D人話多數要1年前book定﹐ 而家咁講我邊有1年? 好驚呀!!! 我唔想是但揾個地方﹐ 點都要我中意啦! 唉~~~~ 幫幫我啦~~~

reception hall

原來要揾一個我中意﹐ 又平又有位0既reception hall 唔係咁容易﹐  上網做過research, 有D幾好但又太貴 (我覺得!) 但其他平0既我又覺得唔得﹐ 唉! 好愁。 我好驚再係咁我有排都揾唔到﹐ D人話多數要1年前book定﹐ 而家咁講我邊有1年? 好驚呀!!! 我唔想是但揾個地方﹐ 點都要我中意啦! 唉~~~~ 幫幫我啦~~~


因為而家比較得閒D﹐ 所以可以返到屋企慢慢煮﹐ 之後又可以休息下! 真係開心~~

1) 合桃蝦 (其實都唔知點解叫呢個名﹐ 不過餐館係咁叫﹐ 哈哈!)

2) 咖哩薯仔+

原來唔係好難﹐ 我都係第一次煮﹐ 哈哈! 屋企無雞﹐ 如果唔係仲正 (可能係我超中意翼卦﹐ 嘩哈哈!)

3) 沙茶牛肉 + 粉絲
粉絲﹐ 不過見個汁應該幾惹味﹐ 又試下﹐ 又唔錯﹐ 我個"少爺" 仲話下次可以齋煮呢個! 唉﹐ 佢又點會明一個餸係唔夠0既道理。 試想下﹐ 我地2個人﹐ 但有時想煮埋當lunch, 即係4個人﹐ 仲有﹐ 佢一個人可以食2個人0既份量﹐ 邊有可能一個餸就OK!!! 到夜晚咪又肚餓!!!

總括黎講﹐ 我地係時候要入貨﹐ 屋企煮得0既都煮得7788﹐ 又唔可以成日repeat, 簡直係難!!!!! 好煩惱呀~


因為而家比較得閒D﹐ 所以可以返到屋企慢慢煮﹐ 之後又可以休息下! 真係開心~~

1) 合桃蝦 (其實都唔知點解叫呢個名﹐ 不過餐館係咁叫﹐ 哈哈!)

2) 咖哩薯仔+

原來唔係好難﹐ 我都係第一次煮﹐ 哈哈! 屋企無雞﹐ 如果唔係仲正 (可能係我超中意翼卦﹐ 嘩哈哈!)

3) 沙茶牛肉 + 粉絲
粉絲﹐ 不過見個汁應該幾惹味﹐ 又試下﹐ 又唔錯﹐ 我個"少爺" 仲話下次可以齋煮呢個! 唉﹐ 佢又點會明一個餸係唔夠0既道理。 試想下﹐ 我地2個人﹐ 但有時想煮埋當lunch, 即係4個人﹐ 仲有﹐ 佢一個人可以食2個人0既份量﹐ 邊有可能一個餸就OK!!! 到夜晚咪又肚餓!!!

總括黎講﹐ 我地係時候要入貨﹐ 屋企煮得0既都煮得7788﹐ 又唔可以成日repeat, 簡直係難!!!!! 好煩惱呀~